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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ok, this is gonna be quite hard for me to explain so do bear with me.

So when SWIM is in hyperspace, it seems like the english language dissolves and is replaced by an alien sounding one, with funny words. SWIM thinks he can still think in English, but one of the most characteritc features of his trip is these funny words/sounds he hears.
Does anyone have any idea what im talkin about?
SWIM has been wanting to mention this for a while but didnt really know how to go about it, until he saw the name of that band that is sometimes mentioned on these forums called Schpongle. Its words very similar to that that he hears. Things like schpongle, schmurkle and plah. Haha i know it sounds crazy but does anyone know what i mean?
From what he can remeber, they are never strung together like a sentence as such, but more like one off words.
SWIM is fully aware that he is under the influence of a potent hallucinogen and it could just be nonsense noises, but they are always the same every time and was just wondering if anyone else has experiences this weird word morph language type thinggy phenomena?
Dear soulman,

I haven´t read your whole post, but it seems like You are talking about the famous ,synesthetic visible language´ the more perfected way of using language, the one the tykes are teaching us. TKM (which stands for Terrence K. McKenna) wrote an article about this peculiar phenomena called ,Ordinary and visible language´. It´s on deoxy, go and check it out.
definitely the whole subject of language comes up during psychedelic trips and dmt.. In many different levels..

for example sometimes SWIM sees the 'angelic alphabet/matrix code of reality' kind of thing. Its as if everything, even further beyond quantum physics, everything is made of some kind of universal language. At least thats what it seems like sometimes.

Also he many times has auditory hallucinations (specially with dmt but also high doses of mushrooms) where he hears the sound of the 'beings from the other side'.. Its like a buzzing, electric, short-circuit, insectoid, alien kind of sound.

during some trips he also got totally lost in language. SWIM speaks both english and secret language as main language so sometimes its very funny to 'observe' how there are these two different 'modes' in the mind, and when tripping sometimes he mixes them up.

another thing is that if we imagine everything to be made of vibrations, and we use that old analogy that the brain is like a tv/radio receiver, which is normally tuned to one frequency, then we start looking at dmt as 'retunning' ourselves or maybe as a lens/mirror, focusing or reflecting the 'vibrations' of the different stimulus that we receive through our senses. So something that used to be 'normal' may have quite different peculiar characteristics. A friend of SWIM once smoked dmt and people passed next to the house talking loudly, he said that it seemed like two aliens talking. Granted this was on a small town in Dreamland so people do have a funny accent anyways but he said it was like, reaaaaaally alien.

So anyways yeah theres a lot to speak about it.. :D
Shall we talk about language? :)

4 - Speaking in Tongues
And what they meant was use your voice to make an object. And as I understood, I felt a bubble kind of grow inside of me. And I watched these little elf tykes jumping in and out of my chest; they like to do that to reassure you. And they said, 'Do it.' And I felt language rise up in me that was unhooked from english, and I began to speak.. like this, 'Ehh yo ca dem wa, etc.. .. or words to that effect. And I wondered then what it all meant and why it felt so good if it didn't mean anything. And I thought about it, a few years actually, and I decided that meaning and language are two different things. And that what the alien voice in the psychedelic experience wants to reveal is the syntactical nature of reality. That the real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish. (More unintelligible tongue here..) And one of the things that I learned about DMT was that if you've ever had it, even just once, then you can have a dream, and in this dream somebody will pull out a little glass pipe, and then it will happen! It will happen just like the real thing. Because there's a button somewhere inside each and every one of us that gives you a look into the other side. And that's the button that resets the compass that tells you where you want to sail. Good luck...

endlessness said:
definitely the whole subject of language comes up during psychedelic trips and dmt.. In many different levels..

for example sometimes SWIM sees the 'angelic alphabet/matrix code of reality' kind of thing. Its as if everything, even further beyond quantum physics, everything is made of some kind of universal language. At least thats what it seems like sometimes.

Also he many times has auditory hallucinations (specially with dmt but also high doses of mushrooms) where he hears the sound of the 'beings from the other side'.. Its like a buzzing, electric, short-circuit, insectoid, alien kind of sound.

i can DEEPLY relate to both of these statements!!! the "angelic alphabet/matrix code of reality" has been shown to me almost every journey. it is a major integral part of every hyperspace sojourn SWIM has taken. sometimes it's moving too fast to focus in on...but other times (especially when THH is taken before smoking) it is shown to SWIM very slowly with the intention of letting me slowly try to learn it. like a baby being taught a new language...

in his heart, SWIM KNOWS they're trying to teach him. it's just not as second-nature yet as "A is for Apple...B is for Barn..."

....so far it's been more like "this glyph is for shnorglefloppin....this glyph is for fweep..."

i can't wait til we are all fluent in this "universal mother tongue".

love and fweep!
antrocles said:
....so far it's been more like "this glyph is for shnorglefloppin....this glyph is for fweep..."


Thats it. Those are exactly the sorts of words/sounds hes talkin about. So you do hear them too!!!
SWIM cant say that he has ever been shown this alphabet that you speak of, so isnt exactly able to relate the words to anything. But he certainly hears them, as is happy he was able to communicate what he meant and see that other people hear them too.

Hahaha shnorglefloppin
I get it too, thoughts that come feeling like realizations that are like

"oh, my szhpeundt is my wipshienr"

it is nothing like that virbatim... it is word-thought-symbols that feel like sounds and syllables falling over eachother. they have a flow like bubbling water, or like mumbling and giggling at the same time.

what is interesting to me is that I am instantly comfortable with them. the ideas make sense to me at the time. I do not feel as if I am thinking gibberish at the time.
once again I have to mention a cd.. psykovsky - da budet

there are several sounds in there which to me are the perfect demonstration of dmt/psychedelic sounds. There is definitely this kind of weird language making its appearance at some points
soulman said:
Ok, this is gonna be quite hard for me to explain so do bear with me.

So when SWIM is in hyperspace, it seems like the english language dissolves and is replaced by an alien sounding one, with funny words. SWIM thinks he can still think in English, but one of the most characteritc features of his trip is these funny words/sounds he hears.
Does anyone have any idea what im talkin about?
SWIM has been wanting to mention this for a while but didnt really know how to go about it, until he saw the name of that band that is sometimes mentioned on these forums called Schpongle. Its words very similar to that that he hears. Things like schpongle, schmurkle and plah. Haha i know it sounds crazy but does anyone know what i mean?
From what he can remeber, they are never strung together like a sentence as such, but more like one off words.
SWIM is fully aware that he is under the influence of a potent hallucinogen and it could just be nonsense noises, but they are always the same every time and was just wondering if anyone else has experiences this weird word morph language type thinggy phenomena?

yes yes ! but no.

I think.. its all got to do with dreaming. When your in a dream you usually communicate with people and people communicate with you, you converse. But the thing is your dreaming, your not actually listening to anyone and your not actually talking.. its all in your head. So when this 'talking' happens in your DMT trance you may hear disjointed words or nothing at all.. but somehow you can still understand what is been said. your talking to yourself!! but not actually talking.. but still talking :D;)
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