So I was watching this movie about how to adjust a laserpen so the beam becomes hot enough to burn.
It's amazingly simple. It will require only buying a laserpen (This Laserpen,
wedging out the button and turning the screw underneath to adjust the intensity of the beam.
On the video you see it easily and quickly lights a match and pops a balloon.
I imagine this beam is probably hot enough to quickly evaporise freebase DMT and similair alkaloids.
And if it's not hot enough I guess the beam could be further intensified by hooking the laser up to more batteries untill it is hot enough.
I don't know if the intense light will destroy the DMT rather than evaporise it, but the laser doesn't have to directly hit the DMT/alkaloids.
Here's an idea how to build a simple Vaporiser, heated by a Laserbeam:
The Bowl:
If you were to cut out a circle of tin from empty beer/soda-cans, burn/scrape the paint off, make a cut in the circle and fold it into a cone-shape,
then you'd have a nice, heat-conductive bowl. Make the point of the cone flat.
The Chamber:
You could saw off the bottom of a lightbulb fitting, get a screwdriver in there and wiggle the inside glass structure and wires loose. Take it out.
You will have an empty bulb with a hollow fitting, open at the bottom. If you made the bowl just small enough it can fit snugly into the fitting.
Really jam the bowl stuck into the fitting.
The Mouthpiece
Drill 2 holes in the fitting, opposite of eachother, slightly above where the cone touches the inside of the fitting.
In 1 hole you stick a thin pyrex tube(I will use one from a simple vaporiser I have laying around).
The other hole will allow outside air in. It also serves as an acces hole for DMT or other crystals to be dropped into the Tin bowl.
The Heating Device; Upgraded laserlight.
You should attatch the laserpen below the bulb's fitting so that the laser shines from a distance of about 5 centimeters directly on the flat point of the upside down cone; the Tin bowl.
How to operate:
-You put DMT or another such alkaloid in the flat bottom of the Tin bowl, through the hole in the side of the fitting.
-You Switch On the LaserLight and it shines directly on the flat bottom of the bowl from below. Wait till it evaporises.
-Inhale through pyrex tube.
You now have a really hot laser beam heating up a thin piece of Tin with some DMT on top right above it.
This should vaporise pretty fast. If not then you could increase the Laserbeam strength, if nececairy by hooking it up
to a couple of extra batteries.
It could also be that it is too hot and destroys alkaloids before they evaporise,
in which case you can just decrease the Laserlight's Strength as shown in the Video posted way at the top of this Post.
I will make an explanatory diagram-illustration of this vaporiser to help make it more clear.
This seems like it could be a nice, portable laser-heated vaporiser with easily adjustable vaporisation-temperature.
Will work in rain and wind and only requires a couple of batteries every now and then.
The Laserpen also serves as a handle, holding the vaporiser like a popsicle.
Popping a balloon and lighting a match with the enhanced laser pen only took 2 of these batteries;
Perhaps 4 of these batteries could make the laserbeam hot enough to efficiently evaporise alkaloids in the tin bowl with.
I need to get the laser pen. I have all the other parts. Then I can start building and experimenting with the desired heat-intensity of the laser.
If anyone here buys or has this laser pen, the other nececities are all easy to come by; feel free to start building as well.
It's amazingly simple. It will require only buying a laserpen (This Laserpen,
wedging out the button and turning the screw underneath to adjust the intensity of the beam.
On the video you see it easily and quickly lights a match and pops a balloon.
I imagine this beam is probably hot enough to quickly evaporise freebase DMT and similair alkaloids.
And if it's not hot enough I guess the beam could be further intensified by hooking the laser up to more batteries untill it is hot enough.
I don't know if the intense light will destroy the DMT rather than evaporise it, but the laser doesn't have to directly hit the DMT/alkaloids.
Here's an idea how to build a simple Vaporiser, heated by a Laserbeam:
The Bowl:
If you were to cut out a circle of tin from empty beer/soda-cans, burn/scrape the paint off, make a cut in the circle and fold it into a cone-shape,
then you'd have a nice, heat-conductive bowl. Make the point of the cone flat.
The Chamber:
You could saw off the bottom of a lightbulb fitting, get a screwdriver in there and wiggle the inside glass structure and wires loose. Take it out.
You will have an empty bulb with a hollow fitting, open at the bottom. If you made the bowl just small enough it can fit snugly into the fitting.
Really jam the bowl stuck into the fitting.
The Mouthpiece
Drill 2 holes in the fitting, opposite of eachother, slightly above where the cone touches the inside of the fitting.
In 1 hole you stick a thin pyrex tube(I will use one from a simple vaporiser I have laying around).
The other hole will allow outside air in. It also serves as an acces hole for DMT or other crystals to be dropped into the Tin bowl.
The Heating Device; Upgraded laserlight.
You should attatch the laserpen below the bulb's fitting so that the laser shines from a distance of about 5 centimeters directly on the flat point of the upside down cone; the Tin bowl.
How to operate:
-You put DMT or another such alkaloid in the flat bottom of the Tin bowl, through the hole in the side of the fitting.
-You Switch On the LaserLight and it shines directly on the flat bottom of the bowl from below. Wait till it evaporises.
-Inhale through pyrex tube.
You now have a really hot laser beam heating up a thin piece of Tin with some DMT on top right above it.
This should vaporise pretty fast. If not then you could increase the Laserbeam strength, if nececairy by hooking it up
to a couple of extra batteries.
It could also be that it is too hot and destroys alkaloids before they evaporise,
in which case you can just decrease the Laserlight's Strength as shown in the Video posted way at the top of this Post.
I will make an explanatory diagram-illustration of this vaporiser to help make it more clear.
This seems like it could be a nice, portable laser-heated vaporiser with easily adjustable vaporisation-temperature.
Will work in rain and wind and only requires a couple of batteries every now and then.
The Laserpen also serves as a handle, holding the vaporiser like a popsicle.
Popping a balloon and lighting a match with the enhanced laser pen only took 2 of these batteries;
Perhaps 4 of these batteries could make the laserbeam hot enough to efficiently evaporise alkaloids in the tin bowl with.
I need to get the laser pen. I have all the other parts. Then I can start building and experimenting with the desired heat-intensity of the laser.
If anyone here buys or has this laser pen, the other nececities are all easy to come by; feel free to start building as well.