Rising Star
greetings fellow truth seekers, my first experience with dmt was several years ago now, i resign hit a bowl...with enough resign to send the room into a spiral of beautiful digital movement and patterns... a year later i came across a form of large yellow shards of dmt, i packed a large glass pipe with weed and covered with two tenths and passed it back and forth with a friend, witch worked perfectly, allowing each of us to hold our hits as long as we could and still have the pipe back for immediate reinhalition after exhailing... the body high came first like most times, with the second hit i couldnt tell if my eyes were open or closed, after the third i felt like i climed through this window...into this space that was so bright with so many patterns, digital and specific, i could look as closely as i wanted and the detail never dissapointed, this geography seemed to form a blanket, there was a womens presence to my side, she wasnt someone i could describe, a presence, but she communicated without words the answer to the question rolling around in my head...the answer was yes, the question was...are we really allll connected everything and everyone everywhere...that was the idea i had gotten from seeing this blanket, and then she let me know, i cant say how but the thought just came to me, love, love was what was holding it all together and that everything was most certainly connected. Previous exp's have differed in many ways, and i see things in new light, i've smoked many differently synthized types of the spirit now and have many theories similiar to hyperspace, at least something like it. thats how i found this site, i told my girl that i was starting to believe in telepathy, at least when i was on the spice. I said i thought the brain activity must rise from the fact brain activity rises in dreams. I've not fully researched it but my lack of internet is making it difficult to seek the information i want. thats why i was so excited to find a of likeminded people after the same answers i am, exploring the same new frontier!
sincerely rabbit, ie laughinghat
sincerely rabbit, ie laughinghat