Rising Star
Swim was introduced to divine moments of truth about 6 months ago...a bit of a back story is in order here. I am now 26, and had spent 12 years of my life as a hardcore drug addict...
I compiled a list a drugs I've consumed in my life (some drugs way more than others), and I was left with a list of 32 substances. It is obvious I have always been searching for a connection to the divine, just never knew how real that connection was going to turn out to be. I fnially found my "connection" in heroin, or so I thought. Heroin is a slick motherf*****. If meth was a psychotic killer, heroin would be "the hired gun". It convinced me that THIS WAS IT, this feeling, I was destined to be chasing forever. Well, after roughly 10 years of horror, and a 4 month stint of sleeping on the sidewalk and selling heroin + crack, as well as 1 year of sober living, I had finally recovered.
I started a metal band, based around the ideals of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and the future of mankind. This band was my saving grace, my redemption, my salvation. It was the reason I spent half my life in hell. And after a year of successful shows, awards, parties, etc, my little bro (rhythm guitar) decided that he and the drummer were leaving the band, and told me he did not want to continue with a life of music making. This destroyed me. This band was everything my life had led to, it was my LIFEFORCE in musical form, and I was dropped like a sack of potatoes. Roughly four days later, not to mention many tears and questions later, a friend I had not spoken to in 5 years, called me out of the blue. We began catching up, talking about spirituality, and the pineal gland, when he asked me if I had ever tried dmt. I told him no, and that I was definitely interested. I did two days of research (this proved to be laughable), and set a day to meet with him, and try dmt. What led up to this is not important.
My 'friend' convinced me that the 3-hit breakthrough was the only way to go, and because I had no idea of the true intensity of this experience, I accepted this. I hit the pipe as hard as I could, once, then twice, both times blowing out incredible clouds of smoke. (friend later told me that it seemed to him that my whole life had been leading up to this moment). Well, after I exhaled, WOW. I got the strange hum I used to experience when gas huffing (i was 13, and in the middle of a swamp in louisiana, so give me a break). Immediately I was blasted out of my body, high into the etheral dimensions. I was held down by aliens, they held my right eye open, and my body was strapped to a table. I could hear scissors snipping in the background, and felt pinpoints on certain parts of my body. Once the molecule could tell I was beginning to freak out (I thought my friend had set this up with the aliens), it lowered me to a place where I literally had a conversation with my higher self...It led me to the answer of my questions by questioning asked why I was so sad, and i told it t was because I had lost the band with my brother. It asked me what I would do if I *Had* made it big in music, to which I answered "help my family and friends"...My soul smiled at me, winked, and disappeared, and I was back in my room, with my friend staring at me smiling. The answer to my questions in life at this time were so much clearer than I thought, and the molecule brought me to this realization. Thank you, is all I can say.
Since this experience, I found a means to obtain my own, and have been blessed with my very own doorway into the divine. I have gotten quite aquainted with the spirit molecule, and have even spoken to it face-to-face during my journeys/trances...I have begun recording dmt discussions and writing a book about my life, and the ascent into higher realms, which dmt has provided. Only twist is, the name of my band, is now the name of the book. Funny how things work out, eh? Thank you to everyone in these forums, just reading what you write takes away that feeling of being alone, and THAT is priceless.
I compiled a list a drugs I've consumed in my life (some drugs way more than others), and I was left with a list of 32 substances. It is obvious I have always been searching for a connection to the divine, just never knew how real that connection was going to turn out to be. I fnially found my "connection" in heroin, or so I thought. Heroin is a slick motherf*****. If meth was a psychotic killer, heroin would be "the hired gun". It convinced me that THIS WAS IT, this feeling, I was destined to be chasing forever. Well, after roughly 10 years of horror, and a 4 month stint of sleeping on the sidewalk and selling heroin + crack, as well as 1 year of sober living, I had finally recovered.
I started a metal band, based around the ideals of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and the future of mankind. This band was my saving grace, my redemption, my salvation. It was the reason I spent half my life in hell. And after a year of successful shows, awards, parties, etc, my little bro (rhythm guitar) decided that he and the drummer were leaving the band, and told me he did not want to continue with a life of music making. This destroyed me. This band was everything my life had led to, it was my LIFEFORCE in musical form, and I was dropped like a sack of potatoes. Roughly four days later, not to mention many tears and questions later, a friend I had not spoken to in 5 years, called me out of the blue. We began catching up, talking about spirituality, and the pineal gland, when he asked me if I had ever tried dmt. I told him no, and that I was definitely interested. I did two days of research (this proved to be laughable), and set a day to meet with him, and try dmt. What led up to this is not important.
My 'friend' convinced me that the 3-hit breakthrough was the only way to go, and because I had no idea of the true intensity of this experience, I accepted this. I hit the pipe as hard as I could, once, then twice, both times blowing out incredible clouds of smoke. (friend later told me that it seemed to him that my whole life had been leading up to this moment). Well, after I exhaled, WOW. I got the strange hum I used to experience when gas huffing (i was 13, and in the middle of a swamp in louisiana, so give me a break). Immediately I was blasted out of my body, high into the etheral dimensions. I was held down by aliens, they held my right eye open, and my body was strapped to a table. I could hear scissors snipping in the background, and felt pinpoints on certain parts of my body. Once the molecule could tell I was beginning to freak out (I thought my friend had set this up with the aliens), it lowered me to a place where I literally had a conversation with my higher self...It led me to the answer of my questions by questioning asked why I was so sad, and i told it t was because I had lost the band with my brother. It asked me what I would do if I *Had* made it big in music, to which I answered "help my family and friends"...My soul smiled at me, winked, and disappeared, and I was back in my room, with my friend staring at me smiling. The answer to my questions in life at this time were so much clearer than I thought, and the molecule brought me to this realization. Thank you, is all I can say.
Since this experience, I found a means to obtain my own, and have been blessed with my very own doorway into the divine. I have gotten quite aquainted with the spirit molecule, and have even spoken to it face-to-face during my journeys/trances...I have begun recording dmt discussions and writing a book about my life, and the ascent into higher realms, which dmt has provided. Only twist is, the name of my band, is now the name of the book. Funny how things work out, eh? Thank you to everyone in these forums, just reading what you write takes away that feeling of being alone, and THAT is priceless.