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Left and right

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Well im not entirely sure what i hope to achieve with this post, but im hoping that someone out there will recognise or has witnessed a similar thing and can offer information/advice on the matter.

Recently SWIM has noticed that when he takes something that is a stimulant (and the example which he notices this with the most is mescaline and 2cb also) he tends to find that that "bodily buzz" that one gets when sampling such delights is felt more strongly if not exclusivley on one side of his body i.e his right side.

He did wonder if this had anything to do with one hemisphere of his brain being more dominant than the other or something like that, but cant really see how this would potentially effect how sensations are felt in the body!!!?

Anyway, earlier in the day swim had some 2cb and did that thing where you just stare at your face in the mirror. He noticed a definate difference between the two halves of his face. The right side of his face, paticularly (because this is where this most visible i guess) his eye seems a little down for want of a better discription. The eye itself is a little lower down than that on the otherside, and also, the eyelid seems to droop down a litle further than the eye on the left side.

So he began to wonder if there was a connection between the two, i.e a slightly dropy left face and the sensations of a stimulant being prodominently felt in one side of the body?

I dont even know what topic this pertains to, but if anyone can shed any light on this or has witnessed a similar thing then i would be greatful for your input.

Is one half of my brain not firing on all cylinders? Is there a way to re-align? Do i have some kind of energy blockage?
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