German politics is a mess right now. They try to run the country the same way they "always" did without noticing that the solid foundation that was set after the war is crumbling.
We have way to many conservatives that dont try anything new. They just sit there and wait. Just like most politicans do before another revolution.
Politics in germany has boiled down to a mayor "us" and "them". Left vs right.
I cant stand it anymore. You have almost no way to vote liberal or center. We even have 2 fucking parties putting religion next to politics. :!:
The Political Compass: a 2-dimensional typology of political opinions
Even the "old but gold" left worker party SPD is right nowadays because they dont stand up and do shit even though they are the biggest party. The country is slowly dying with child births being lower each year. This might not be apparent at first. But its easily seen for people that live there. Merkel being the bitch of every other leader. Just look at the story of Böhmermann and Erdogan.
I might sound like extreme left or right here but I despise of both parties just as much.
Im unhappy with every party there is in this country. If i could vote blank I would but they count as ivalid not blank. "Because only dumb(different thinkers) vote blank thats why it has to be a mistake)
The general fear that shit newspapers like BILD strike into the population is insane.
Germany is really a country of "workers". Stand up go to work go home dont question anything. Vote the biggest party or the party thats most often seen in the newspaper no matter how she bad it is. Just look Pirate Party --> Afd. I rather live alone in the jungle or as a hobo somewhere else than participe further in this country.
Sadly I have currently no means of escaping. Im trying to make use of the benefits I have then I will fuck right off. :x This is turning me way to mad right now. No wonder germany has a huge brain drain that cant even be met by the huge influx of workers.
Im unhappy about this ban. Im gonna make myself a stash now.
Im glad that most Phenethylamines have an insane shelf life.
I hate this country and I need to get out. Its made up of big rusty gears that dont stop turning and that will crush anyone trying to go another way. People are dull and forced into our society. Beer, work and football is anything a man can do here.
No wonder suicides and drug abuse are so high under young people that grow up just to notice that all is falling apart when they arent blinded by football and beer. :x :x :x