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"Legal Highs" Ban Germany

Migrated topic.


OG Pioneer

Only Cannabinoids and Phenethylamines so far. Hands off my Ergolines!

Oh nice and even unconstitutional:

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Haven't seen a date, maybe ~ 3-6 months. They only want to target Cannabinoids and Phenethylamines, so folks can happily consume their Benzo-, Fentanyl-, Tryptamine-, Acid- etc. derivatives. m(

Edit: Probably Spring 2017 with the new Cannabis law: http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/kabinett-cannabis-101.html
obliguhl said:
I guess we are still very far away from understanding reaching the dumbest of people.
Massive amounts of alcohol, over and over again. Lot's of pig meat sausages. This and a pinch of coke every now and then. That's my theory.

He really looks like the negative German poster boy:

Even though we might be angry and disagree with the guy, there is no reason for personal attacks imho. He probably believes in what he does. Everyone is a product of the culture they were raised in even if that is painful to admit.

Everthing we can do is try changing the culture and hope that this insanity will end some happy day.
German politics is a mess right now. They try to run the country the same way they "always" did without noticing that the solid foundation that was set after the war is crumbling.
We have way to many conservatives that dont try anything new. They just sit there and wait. Just like most politicans do before another revolution.

Politics in germany has boiled down to a mayor "us" and "them". Left vs right.
I cant stand it anymore. You have almost no way to vote liberal or center. We even have 2 fucking parties putting religion next to politics. :!:

Even the "old but gold" left worker party SPD is right nowadays because they dont stand up and do shit even though they are the biggest party. The country is slowly dying with child births being lower each year. This might not be apparent at first. But its easily seen for people that live there. Merkel being the bitch of every other leader. Just look at the story of Böhmermann and Erdogan.
I might sound like extreme left or right here but I despise of both parties just as much.
Im unhappy with every party there is in this country. If i could vote blank I would but they count as ivalid not blank. "Because only dumb(different thinkers) vote blank thats why it has to be a mistake)

The general fear that shit newspapers like BILD strike into the population is insane.
Germany is really a country of "workers". Stand up go to work go home dont question anything. Vote the biggest party or the party thats most often seen in the newspaper no matter how she bad it is. Just look Pirate Party --> Afd. I rather live alone in the jungle or as a hobo somewhere else than participe further in this country.
Sadly I have currently no means of escaping. Im trying to make use of the benefits I have then I will fuck right off. :x This is turning me way to mad right now. No wonder germany has a huge brain drain that cant even be met by the huge influx of workers.

Im unhappy about this ban. Im gonna make myself a stash now.
Im glad that most Phenethylamines have an insane shelf life.

I hate this country and I need to get out. Its made up of big rusty gears that dont stop turning and that will crush anyone trying to go another way. People are dull and forced into our society. Beer, work and football is anything a man can do here.
No wonder suicides and drug abuse are so high under young people that grow up just to notice that all is falling apart when they arent blinded by football and beer. :x :x :x
He probably believes in what he does.
So did Hitler. But believing something doesn't protect you from thinking or punishment. How does he justify the rampant drug use with strict drug laws in comparison to states like Portugal where personal drug use is accepted and drug use is decreasing? These drug laws always produce more and more unsafe drug use, not less.

Ulim said:
German politics is a mess right now. They try to run the country the same way they "always" did without noticing that the solid foundation that was set after the war is crumbling.

Politics in germany has boiled down to a mayor "us" and "them". Left vs right.
I cant stand it anymore. You have almost no way to vote liberal or center. We even have 2 fucking parties putting religion next to politics. :!:
You can alway vote PARTEI or the greens. No need to vote blank. Green voters are the least afraid of immigrants.

Too lazy to look up the source (Heinrich-böll-stiftungs-studie) but it goes like this Afd>FDP>CDU>SPD>Linke>Grüne>=Partei.
With far right parties on the loose, you have to vote far left to archive a middle common ground. I'd advise against DIE Linke, a little bit afraid of immigrants, yet drug liberal like the greens.

But then you get the socialist ideas as well, ask Venezuelans (the country with Maduro, that's currently falling apart because they don't even have enough to eat!?) if they like socialism.

If you like Stalin: Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands – Wikipedia
If you like drug friendly establishment with socialism : linke
If you like drug friendly establishment without socialism : grüne
If you like drug friendly anarchists: PARTEI

But I'm not sure what to vote 2017, either PARTEI to flip off everyone or Greens to flip off the AfD in particular... normally I vote PARTEI.
Ufostrahlen said:
He probably believes in what he does.
So did Hitler. But believing something doesn't protect you from thinking or punishment. How does he justify the rampant drug use with strict drug laws in comparison to states like Portugal where personal drug use is accepted and drug use is decreasing? These drug laws always produce more and more unsafe drug use, not less.


But I'm not sure what to vote 2017, either PARTEI to flip off everyone or Greens to flip off the AfD in particular... normally I vote PARTEI.

I guess I have to vote die Partei.

I wonder why those pigs still dont get that drug laws just create mafia like structures and thus more crime. Less control and more use.

And even if the law passes it will just create even bigger worse RC.
And also this law should even hit depression medication like Paroxetin and Escitalopram.

I also like how they dont even mention how many "normal" compounds found in plants would turn illegal in plants. This law is pure shit.


  • Parteien-Vergleich.jpg
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Good pic, I mean you want to vote for the leader with the largest cock. And that's Martin Sonneborn, he's my Führer.

I wonder why those pigs still dont get that drug laws just create mafia like structures and thus more crime. Less control and more use.
Unterstelle niemals Bosheit, wo Dummheit am Werk ist. But you can say that vice versa.

Edit: also vote with your EUR, that's the strongest vote imo. Everything you buy, gets produced again. So if you buy cool vegetarian products, you give the producer money to produce the product once again. Shit you don't buy, won't get produced in your name.
So maximizing your purchase power maximizes your voting power as well. And you maximize your purchase power by offering cool services people like.

I mean Martin Sonneborn gets 30.000€ per month because ~ 200.000 ppl like his service and voted him into the EU parlament. So it's not always right wing nuts who make the money, left wing nuts can make alot of money, too. I'm sure you can make a lot of money with vegetarian products as well. Think about it: the larger the company, the better and cheaper the products can get, offering more value for more ppl. So people will say: hey cool, cheap, easy & tasty protein source, why should I buy meat from ugly & violent companies? And by doing so you force your meat competitors or other veggie competitors out of business, which you then can buy cheap. Way more effective than voting green at the voting booth.

I remember switching our household to renewables even before Fukushima, because it was cheeper and greener. Now RWE is basically bankrupt, because alot of ppl thought like me.

In order to derail the thread further, yet staying full on track: good talk on how to conduct ethical business without resorting to socialist ideas in order to maximize your voting power:

And with your newfound purchase power you can finance larger LSD and drug use studies, thus preventing stupid drug laws.
Ufostrahlen said:
Good pic, I mean you want to vote for the leader with the largest cock. And that's Martin Sonneborn, he's my Führer.


Whats actually sad is that the Wahl-o-mat gave me the Partei/Grüne as match over 60% most of the time.

Sonneborn is a god in satire. Its actually pretty impressive how smart he is when you look at his interviews.

But it really really feels wrong to vote for them for some reason.
Ulim said:
Thats actually sad is that the Wahl-o-mat gave me the Partei/Grüne as match over 60% most of the time.
But it really really feels wrong to vote for them for some reason.
Then vote green if that feels better. You then flip off the AfD with maximum impact.

But I like funny propaganda as well:

I thought I'd just check in here as I'm imminently relocating to your wonderful(?) land of beer and sausages. (Be thankful you haven't yet got an even more stupid drug law like the British Psychoactive Substances Act.)

Einschränkung von Grundrechten
That's Hermann Gröhe? I see that he is
German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR), Member of the Board of Trustees (2001-)
How ironic.
downwardsfromzero said:
I thought I'd just check in here as I'm imminently relocating to your wonderful(?) land of beer and sausages. (Be thankful you haven't yet got an even more stupid drug law like the British Psychoactive Substances Act.)
Hey welcome! If you need nontoxic sausage & beer advice:

* Valess Bratwurst & Aldi Veggie Grillbratwurst.
* Aldi/Lidl Karlskrone Hefeweizen Alkoholfrei (I think it's one of the cheapest beers as well, rebranded Oettinger beer which comes in a handy PET bottle). I mix it with cheap isotonic lemonade for a good radler taste.

In case you don't want to grow a face like Hermann Gröhe. Wonderful country? IDK. It has its ups and downsides. If you look for tropical beaches, better stay away. Always a matter of perspective.

Einschränkung von Grundrechten
That's Hermann Gröhe? I see that he is
German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR), Member of the Board of Trustees (2001-)
How ironic.
Haha. I mean look at his face. Is he trying to smile or bite me?
downwardsfromzero said:
I thought I'd just check in here as I'm imminently relocating to your wonderful(?) land of beer and sausages. (Be thankful you haven't yet got an even more stupid drug law like the British Psychoactive Substances Act.)

Einschränkung von Grundrechten
That's Hermann Gröhe? I see that he is
German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR), Member of the Board of Trustees (2001-)
How ironic.

Thats the face of someone who abuses drugs but doesnt want to admit it. Fokken alcoholics everyhwere.

Can you speak german? You will have problems when you try to speak to anyone over 60 years because there wasnt much education after WWII.
Also most old people are racist here but not nazis. They got born right during/after the war so they had a tough early life.

Also try to be modest. Germans are antisocial during WÖRK TIME. But when its beer time most rules drop. Also dont try to get involved with football/soccer. Way to emotional.

Where do you move to? North, West, East or South?

Ja, ich spreche 'ne klein bisschen Deutsch, aber ohne der Grammatik 😁

Fortunately I've known the place for quite a while; I'm moving to a sickeningly rich town in the vicinity of a large Hanseatic city, which has its pros and cons. There is an abundance of affordable high quality organic produce available. However, according to some of my friends there are still actual Nazis living in the area although this is made up for by a sizeable contingent of (middle class) anarchists.

I don't know what voting rights I'll have when I'm there but I did notice a lot of posters for the "Piraten" last election time.

Back to that ill-thought-out and overzealous drug law, I've already noticed some omissions from their ban - but I'd rather not say what they are (could PM now you're a full member).

Thats the face of someone who abuses drugs but doesnt want to admit it. Fokken alcoholics everyhwere.
I thought he looks like he's been hit over the head with a large sausage.

(Some might think I'm just wheeling out a tired stereotype with these sausage references but IT'S ABSOLUTELY TRUE!)
Thanks for the advice, Ufostrahlen. As mentioned above, I'm quite well versed with the locality. Also my wondrous other half is a native so that makes things all the easier. I just hope I'll carry on finding the Germans unintentionally hilarious for as long as possible.

Tropical beaches? Sylt is rather nice and so is Usedom. Not tropical of course, but there's been a good hot spell lately. Denmark is not so far away either and has a plethora of lovely beaches, although it's pretty embarrassing to go there with Germans 😊

Now where can I get some of those lamp post signs ^^ ? :lol:

Dare I ask, what region (N, S, E, W, C) are you guys each based in?
downwardsfromzero said:

Ja, ich spreche 'ne klein bisschen Deutsch, aber ohne der Grammatik 😁

Fortunately I've known the place for quite a while; I'm moving to a sickeningly rich town in the vicinity of a large Hanseatic city, which has its pros and cons. There is an abundance of affordable high quality organic produce available. However, according to some of my friends there are still actual Nazis living in the area although this is made up for by a sizeable contingent of (middle class) anarchists.

I don't know what voting rights I'll have when I'm there but I did notice a lot of posters for the "Piraten" last election time.

Back to that ill-thought-out and overzealous drug law, I've already noticed some omissions from their ban - but I'd rather not say what they are (could PM now you're a full member).

Thats the face of someone who abuses drugs but doesnt want to admit it. Fokken alcoholics everyhwere.
I thought he looks like he's been hit over the head with a large sausage.

(Some might think I'm just wheeling out a tired stereotype with these sausage references but IT'S ABSOLUTELY TRUE!)
Hansiatic city eh? There are only like 500 of them. Even in france, Sweden poland and more.
Also this "richness" is mostly and illusion. We call them Bonzen, which is basically "pseudo noveau riche", they are academics that act rich but arent that much. They just act really rich on the outside. But are actually nothing compared to real richness.

The german population actually works less than most other countries. But we earn more. And things a cheaper compared to other EU nations like france, spain or the northerners.

Depends, if you are from the eu you can vote for your community. Meaning you can elect the mayor of your city and such.
But you are not allowed to vote for the parialment. You can vote for your own country though. There are embassys everywhere and you go to vote for your own country there.

PM those omissions please :want: Its not like that ban will stop me anyways. My cacti are growing and netherlands is only a day away anyways. There I can stash up and then go back. Also many compounds like mescaline LSA or DMT are actually illegal. But the plant containing them not. So these are gonna fly under the radar for a few years. Hopefully till we have a fair law and the drug war has ended.
That's the thing, material wealth doesn't fill the gaping void within. People are OK though. Much more sense of civil responsibility than where I've been living in the UK. One time while in Germany I dropped my shopping - three people came and helped me to pick it up. In the UK people would certainly have ignored me or just stared. Also the amount of rubbish on the streets where I'm leaving is absolutely sickening. That's the poor urban North for you.

You may know of Henning Wehn, the unlikely German comedy ambassador. He noted how there's a real sense of community in northern England. It must take at least three people to throw a large refrigerator over a 2.5m high fence onto the railway embankment below, after all.

So that guy Martin Sonneborn is sort of a bit like the equivalent of Britain's Screaming Lord Sutch of the Monster Raving Loony Party. Except he got elected to the European parliament... I'll look out for die PARTEI candidates in any forthcoming local elections. Frankly, though, it's pretty much CDU all the way where I'll be. Maybe the neocon FDP will get a look in.

That said, here is the highlight of recent 'political' developments in the area:
Die Stadtvertretung hat neue Regeln zur Straßenreinigung beschlossen, die am [datum] in Kraft treten. Kernpunkt der Änderungen ist die Ausweitung der maschinellen Straßenreinigung durch die Stadt [...]. Ab [datum] werden in den meisten Straßen die Rinnsteine ein- oder zweimal im Monat gereinigt. In welchen Straßen dies der Fall ist, können Sie den Listen weiter unten entnehmen. In den Straßen oder Straßenteilen, die nicht aufgelistet sind, sind die Anlieger unverändert zur Rinnsteinreinigung verpflichtet.
Gripping stuff!

The new ban is indeed largely irrelevant as pretty much all the substances of interest are banned already. That's largely why the RC/NPS market came into being anyhow.

I'm looking forward to spending some time with a TLC kit to check out various local plants and get my garden up and running as well.
downwardsfromzero said:
So that guy Martin Sonneborn is sort of a bit like the equivalent of Britain's Screaming Lord Sutch of the Monster Raving Loony Party. Except he got elected to the European parliament... I'll look out for die PARTEI candidates in any forthcoming local elections. Frankly, though, it's pretty much CDU all the way where I'll be. Maybe the neocon FDP will get a look in.

I'm looking forward to spending some time with a TLC kit to check out various local plants and get my garden up and running as well.

Sonneborn was a journalist for a magazine called Titanic which is just like the onion.
Its just satire. Maybe you can go ahead and buy some to read.
He is well know for doing interviews for "Die Heute Show" which is a mock up of a tv news but also just satire.

Plants arent much around here. DMT grass, Morning Glory, Ergot, and shrooms. Most other stuff is imported.

You still want to send a message :d
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