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Lets fix the front page, Calling The Css/Javascript Guys.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Im sure everyone agrees the frontpage is beautiful.
Its a tradgedy, then, that the rollover effects don't work in safari. As you can see, they just don't 'roll'.
TheTraveler doesn't have the time to fix it at the moment, so I thought i'd get started myself, then I hit
a brick wall.

i've had a look using the safari javascript debugger (edit->preferences->advanced->show develop menu)
then, develop->show error console. The catch is that safari doesn't seem to be locating certain objects.

Examine the html:
div id="NavigateForum" onmouseover="ImageNavigateForum.style.visibility='visible'

img id="ImageNavigateForum" src="http://www.dmt-nexus.me/images/NavigateForum.jpg" class="hidden" alt=""

Thus we get this error message:
TypeError: Result of expression 'ImageNavigateForum' [undefined] is not an object.

... but clearly this is not the case in any other browser (ie/ firefox).

So whats going on here guys? Its actually got me beat, for now!
Why on earth is Javascipt used for the rollover effect? CSS has the capability, therefore a client side technology with poor support, such as Javascript, is not needed.

An example:
<a id="forum" href="forum.php"><img src="blank.gif" alt="forum"></a>
a#forum img {background: url(forum.gif) top left no-repeat;}
a#forum:hover img {background: url(forum_hover.gif) top left no-repeat;}

And tada, it works in all major browsers! Google will help you if you don't get the idea.
Evening Glory said:
Why on earth is Javascipt used for the rollover effect? CSS has the capability, therefore a client side technology with poor support, such as Javascript, is not needed.

An example:
<a id="forum" href="forum.php"><img src="blank.gif" alt="forum"></a>
a#forum img {background: url(forum.gif) top left no-repeat;}
a#forum:hover img {background: url(forum_hover.gif) top left no-repeat;}

And tada, it works in all major browsers! Google will help you if you don't get the idea.

Thanx Evening Glory,

When I have some time I'll try this out.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
awesome! I just noticed when I logged on to the nexus just now :)
Fantastic :D

Good Job Guys
I heart the nexus :)
Excellent work!! :D
I've been on my way mentioning this for months but I don't have any knowledge in this area so I kept my mouth shut :)

But now I'm just happy I don't need to launch Firefox just to be able to use the front page :)

Cheers guys's :)
Didn't realise there was more than one link on the home page! I thought there was only one link in the bottom-right corner.

I always thought the forum link was deliberately hidden :/ Never viewed the site in anything other than Safari as it's my general surfing browser. May start to use the home page now!

Thats what im saying. So glad I got this fixed. I wish everywhere was as awesome as the nexus;
I just posted a feature request for utorrent, and got some snooty mod (not even a dev)
who deleted my posts immediately, locked the thread, and can't be pm'd. haha, so I created a new thread + am talking him down.
This feature *will* be included! I've allready PM'd all 7 Developers with the thread, even before the mod got hold of it :D LOL
The Traveler said:
PerPLexED said:
The Traveler said:
PerPLexED said:
would it be possible to better outline where the links are? I stumbled upon the FAQ one by accident

Hey, people who come here actually need some IQ you know... Maybe there are even more hidden links. ;)

whered you hide the pr0n?

You REALLY didn't find it yet? :p

Extra, Extra: Read all about it Head hauncho of the nexus "advocates finding the pr0n!"
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