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Let's Name Our Solar System, Sun, and Moon!

Migrated topic.


Our poor solar system doesn't have a name... and neither does our sun or moon! How sad... ...and how will we direct space travellers to our planet if the solar system doesn't even have a name on the map?!

I suggest we name them.

Anyway have ideas for a good name for our solar system, sun, or moon?
Actually, our star has already a name: Sun (Sol in latin). We life in the Solar system (notice the Sol in Solar?)

And of course the Moon is called Luna in latin.

So for me Sol and Luna will do but I can imagine you want better names?
I think maybe the confusion arises because we have taken the names "Sol" and used it as a general name for other suns and "solar systems". So the name "Solar System" is no longer thought of as a specific term, but a general term, only because of common usage.

But yeah, we have a "Milky Way" for our galaxy, but we don't call other galaxies the "Milky Way". I dunno... maybe we could ask some DMT entities what they call our system? ;)
I'm sure extraterrestrials don't speak english, so there won't be anything wrong with Sun, Moon and Solar System (which would probably just end up being Solar).

As for the calling other systems and stars by the names solar and sun, and calling all moons moon, whose to say other species don't do the same thing, say for instance, what if Alpha centaurians call our star/sun an Alpha centauri. Heh.

I suppose actually though the moon thing is the biggest problem, but if you look in sci-fi stuff the whole issue is solved by simply reverting to latin names for things in our region, including "Terra" for earth....(probably because Earthlings sounds stupid but Terrans is nice).
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