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Levels of Discussion

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
In order for me to communicate I came to the conclusion that many exchanges of information are characterized by people talking on different levels or tiers about a topic.

There is a level of down to earth discussion, a medium range advanced course in human consciousness and a deepest fundamental vision. To understand the difference is to include the aspect of communication.

1. low level discussion; we talk reincarnation, religion, the body, the human form, the world that we see on a daily basis, the physical, scientific way.
2: Medium level discussion; we talk about the paranormal and how these things can exist without evidence and the reasons why they happen.
3: High level discussion; we discuss the basic rules and underlying phenomenon to what it means to be human., Cosmology, consciousness, the basic structure of all that is, TOE.

Often these things start to flow into each other. And that makes it hard to connect. You can talk hardcore cosmology porn but if someone is on the level of discussing reincarnation, then you won't connect.

I don't mean with level, level of understanding or advancement.

On level 1 we discuss if reincarnation exist and how it is explained by those belief systems.
On level 2 we discuss how and why this would work and for what reasons.
On Level 3 we go deep beneath the surface of reincarnation, talk about interconnectedness between all life, consciousness and explain the idea that way, that we can see other lives because of that connection. Which then shows that reincarnation does not exist as it is discussed in the level and 2 tier.

So every exchange of ideas comes with a declaration on what level you want to discuss matters. A good DMT trip lands you in a level 3 discussion if you wanna talk content. If you want to talk about it in a scientific way you are in level 1, if you discuss the method of taking and why it works and that sort of thing, set, setting, thats level 2.

Often we jump from 1 to 3 and then to 2 and back to 1. Especially once you start using examples. Opinions can vary based on level. So on a level 1 my opinion can be different than on a level 3. Because it makes no sense to talk hardcore reincarnation principles when someone else talks about remembering they were Napoleon in a former lifetime. I do not call this being inconsistent. Consistency depends on your attitude within the level. With every tier you go up, reality changes to a new understanding of reality. Within that new tier things are described differently and it seems inconsistent to someone remaining on level 1. But if you are on the same page then it makes sense.

So, as you go to more deeper and fundamental reflections on a topic, the requirements and parameters of understanding differ.
So it is hard to discuss reincarnation when someone insists he truly was Napoleon L1), someone else says that he is just accessing the human global sub-conscience (L2)and a third person is declaring that all is one and one is all and that all life is linked or an expression of their own mind and that therefore they can know everything, including the memories of Napoleon (L3)

So opinions are columns of understanding. And there are different possible columns.
Visty said:
1. low level discussion; we talk reincarnation, religion, the body, the human form, the world that we see on a daily basis, the physical, scientific way.
2: Medium level discussion; we talk about the paranormal and how these things can exist without evidence and the reasons why they happen.
3: High level discussion; we discuss the basic rules and underlying phenomenon to what it means to be human., Cosmology, consciousness, the basic structure of all that is, TOE.
It seems to me that all of these points can belong to low, medium or high level discussion. It's more of a matter of how deep into the discussion. For example, if we take the concept that everyone and everything is one, there is a very simple way of expressing this. You seem separate because your scope is too narrow. If you were to "zoom out" so that you could see the universe in its entire "whole", it would be clear that everything then within that scope everything contributes to that whole. The key is that you can be both separate and one at the same time, it's merely a matter of perspective. This is a rather simple way of addressing this conundrum, but of course, it along with its implications can go much deeper.

I think there are too many over-generalizations in these dichotomies. Religion addresses much of what you talk about in level 3. Knowing the body can be paramount to addressing level 2. The concepts of cosmology and consciousness can be integral in assessing reincarnation.

On level 1 we discuss if reincarnation exist and how it is explained by those belief systems.
On level 2 we discuss how and why this would work and for what reasons.
On Level 3 we go deep beneath the surface of reincarnation, talk about interconnectedness between all life, consciousness and explain the idea that way, that we can see other lives because of that connection. Which then shows that reincarnation does not exist as it is discussed in the level and 2 tier.

It feels like you're projecting your personal development onto everyone else. You seem to have already reached a potentially premature conclusion in regards to reincarnation, and now you're going back and tracing your steps and over-generalizing. Even with talking about interconnectedness on a "higher level of discussion" I don't think that many would arrive at the same conclusion that reincarnation doesn't work as discussed in the second tier.
So every exchange of ideas comes with a declaration on what level you want to discuss matters. A good DMT trip lands you in a level 3 discussion if you wanna talk content. If you want to talk about it in a scientific way you are in level 1, if you discuss the method of taking and why it works and that sort of thing, set, setting, thats level 2.

More projection. A profound DMT experience can bring revelation in regards to scientific concepts (even though the "data" wasn't gathered scientifically). You have a very strong bias against science, but everyone experiences DMT through different lenses and their interpretations will vary depending on background. Scientific matters can be surprisingly deep and relevant. Let's simply look at DMT's biological mechanism of action. When we look at how DMT physiologically exerts its effects, one of the things that we see is that DMT isn't simply causing the serotonin receptors to just do more "firing", but rather it globally polarizes the receptors so they fire in sync. Normally during the day, they are much less coordinated, and behave like separate, individual entities, but when DMT comes along, they begin to lose their sense of identity, working as an individual entity and now behave all as one (which on a side note is what I believe leads to greater neuro-electrical coherence which entails higher levels of consciousness). It shouldn't be too hard to see the implications of this understanding as it relates to feeling at One with the universe.
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