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Life, Death, and the Gospel of Thomas

Migrated topic.
The gospel of Thomas is a series of sayings that were apparently uttered by Jesus Christ himself And written down by Thomas.
It starts out saying something to the likes of "whoever finds the interpretation of these texts will not know death."

the second states

"Jesus said. "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over all.

There are a hundred and fourteen all together.

The Gospel of Thomas is a metaphor for the duality in our nature. The words are a clear description of Living, Reaching the state of the transcendent(Dying), and the resurrection(Coming back down to earth). Once upon resurrection you have a message or have something to teach. It truly is a series of parables describing how man finds God. All throughout history these stories are masked as myths and tales but in reality they are all metaphors for the same thing, and that is moment of rapture in which you find your true nature from a place beyond all human concepts. I would have never made the connection or even looked at the Gospel of Thomas had it not been for

1. DMT and
2.Joseph Campbell.

I have shamelessly been pushing Joseph Campbell all over these forums. If you see the similarities in that story and that which we experience, I urge you to soak up as much Joseph Campbell as you can.

If you would like to hear what we have to say about this subject, you would very much love to hear what he has to say. Just full of amazing insights man.
I had no idea who Joseph Campbell was until now. I am currently downloading "transformations of myth thru time" and am truly inspired to read and learn from this man. Thank you so much for the introduction.

Having spent much of my adult life in the far east, I have looked deeper and deeper into various religions, myths, etc, however I have little or no background into people that have come before me to teach. As I find more and more writer, speakers, etc, that discuss all of this, I am constantly blown away by how all of it seems to tie together, and how my own thoughts and ideas from a standpoint as someone who is utterly ignorant on the subject actually match those others. In other words, every time I read a passage by certain authors or teachers, I say to myself, "Holy crap, that's what I've been thinking and trying to figure out ALL along!"

At the prime age I am, just into my 4th decade, I am finally starting to GET it all. What I'm getting of course is telling me that I will never get it ALL. However I can certainly seek the wisdom with every passing moment.

This life is turning out to be a really fun ride after all.
The Transformation of Myth Through Time is a perfect start man. 14 hours of really eye opening lectures. I hope you like it.

Let me know what you think.

SWIM started feeling like that to... like all of my notions about the world and nature and everything started unfolding right before me just the way I suspected it. It is my opinion that when that happens, we are finding our creative nature. That moment in which we notice our thoughts effect the universe. For man I believe that starts happening around the 4th decade. If I am not mistaking no man under 40 is allowed to study the Kabbalah. That might tell ya something right there.

You are not a late bloomer... you are right on time.:)
I'd say something, but that last post of yours pretty much blew my mind just now. I'll sleep on that, and figure out what my thoughts are in the morning. I turned 41 a month ago. I knew I was returning to the US for a reason, I just couldn't figure out why. A month after my arrival here over the summer, I heard about this guy that tried DMT for the first time, and was fortunate enough to get a good supply. Anyway, enough about him. This past 7 months up in the Pacific NW have been very interesting to say the least. I am not the same person I was before. Every day there is some new exciting idea or thought that just seems to make sense. Everything is not as chaotic as I thought. There certainly is order. Cheers.
I think The Gospel of Thomas is the most interesting Christian text. At least of the ones I've read, and it's the only 'heretical' one I've read. It says that the kingdom of heaven is within you, and I took that as meaning that we can find heaven within ourselves on earth, which is nice because it leads people to enjoy life, rather than revel in masochistic suffering and guilt in the hope of getting some reward after they die.

I never understand why Christians believe that they go to heaven as soon as they die. I'm pretty sure the Bible says that everyone just dies and then at some point god will resurrect all the dead and pass judgement on them. I think this was meant to happen at the apocalypse, but I could be mistaken on that, it's been over a decade since I read that book.
Funny how they left the only gospel that talks of the transcendent out of the new testament isn't it?.
lets leave all the spooky and scary shit in there so that we can control all the fear mongers, but lets leave out the info that might give man a clue.
The Gospel of Thomas also pretty much states, in Jesus' own words, that the Church and all of it's leadership are not needed because each man/woman is God just as He is (Jesus), once they find that God within themselves. That sure would put a lot of church leaders out of business, and give the power back to the people. Imagine that, a world without the need for church's or church leadership, or religion for that matter. Our friend Mr. Lennon had it right after all.
Exactly, the story of Jesus is the story of every single being. Really try to look at it that way. See the similarities in that story and the story of Osiris. Myths from all over the world tell the same thing only it has been interpreted differently. The story of Jesus is the only one that is approached as factual even though there are countless stories that came before it that tell the same story.

We are all pieces of God who were left here with amnesia and our goal is experience life to the point we remember.
Once a man or Woman remembers that their true nature is this weird duality, then everything starts changing for them.

I would like to add that I don't believe religions to be all bad. When one remembers their duality, one realizes that their own religion or belief system is true and at the same time are humbled and realize that all religions and belief systems have their truths.

Also check out Carl Jung.
I recently turned on to him and again am having amazing realizations.
That man was waaaaay ahead of his time. Even way ahead of this time.
you will hear Campbell speak of him.
The messiah phenomenon has some interesting background as well this is just one article. But basically what it states is that in stressful times in Human Culture a natural process occurs in dire times a culture repairs its self by generating a Messiah. This is another possible transpersonel aspect of human concisenesses, is this ingrained in our genetic make up or HARDWARE? or is this a conciseness issue or SOFTWARE? Some say there is no external software just hardware and environment.

These Messiahs often greatly benefit there individual cultures and often historically HAVE indeed lead there people out of crisis. The trouble with humanity seems to occur many years later after the crisis has been averted and these Messias have long since died people continue to worship them and sooner or later they run into someone from another culture who embraces a different Messiah.

We all know what happens then the old "My Messia is better than you Messia Complex arises and the next thing we know we got humans killing one another in the name of Messias who did great things in the past but may or may not be revelent today.

I tell this story now because it was Joseph Campbell that convinced me that many human Myths have psychological origins and have indeed shaped human culture in the past and will continue to do so. Joseph Campbell is a Genius and THE MASTER of Human Mythology I highly recommend him.


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