Rising Star
Hello Nexus!
This is a fantastic website.. I've had such an interesting time reading over all the information here! I have limited experience with DMT but am always curious to come back and try harder!
I have read a bunch of books on the matter and am absolutely fascinated in the concept that is DMT, everything to do with it is just so remarkable to me. I have plenty of nice experience with LSD, mushrooms etc. I love psychedelics... and also adore ketamine.
I've had a hard time vaping and have a vapor genie, but even after vaping I still find a lot of material melted and leaking into the bottom... I must be doing something wrong! I just got the torch, too... whereas before I was using a bic (haven't tried with the torch yet..)
Anyway I don't really know what to say here and feel a bit foolish haha... anyway thanks to all that have provided to much reading entertainment...
thanks again, Nexus.. looking forward to being a part of the forums
This is a fantastic website.. I've had such an interesting time reading over all the information here! I have limited experience with DMT but am always curious to come back and try harder!
I have read a bunch of books on the matter and am absolutely fascinated in the concept that is DMT, everything to do with it is just so remarkable to me. I have plenty of nice experience with LSD, mushrooms etc. I love psychedelics... and also adore ketamine.
I've had a hard time vaping and have a vapor genie, but even after vaping I still find a lot of material melted and leaking into the bottom... I must be doing something wrong! I just got the torch, too... whereas before I was using a bic (haven't tried with the torch yet..)
Anyway I don't really know what to say here and feel a bit foolish haha... anyway thanks to all that have provided to much reading entertainment...
thanks again, Nexus.. looking forward to being a part of the forums