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Liquid instead of Xtal?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am currently running 2 batches for a get together between some friends and I (All very well versed in the ways of psychedelics), but I seem to have hit a snag. Out of the one batch, everything seems to be fine. Now the other batch, well, this batch is not xtalizing like I had thought it would. When freeze precipitated, it forms a white chunk almost like an ice cube at the bottom, and 2-4 minutes after pulling out of the freezer, it has already turned back into liquid. I can see the spice pooling in the bottom, but there seems to be a water layer around it. I'm not sure how I would get a layer of water without getting mhrb "purple" too, but the water is 100% clear. Any suggestions would be absolutely wonderful. Thanks in advance! I have been using cyb's tek as a guideline, but have mainly been using a video from youtube to visually walk me through the process. I do not think I have an emulsion, but I am very new to this. Below are the video I am using, followed by the problem jar, then the jar that is going as planned.


It may be water that got into the non-polar solvent during extraction. It freezes into ice in the freezer and melts after you take it out.

You could just let the water evaporate (best under vacuum or in a container with some desiccant - to minimize the formation of DMT N-oxide) over a day or two.

Alternatively you can mix everything with a small amount of your non-polar solvent, dehydrate the emulsion by rinsing it with potassium carbonate (the mixture will turn from cloudy to clear), then decant the solvent (wash the residual carbonate with a bit of fresh non-polar solvent to pick up whatever DMT still covers the wet carbonate; combine the extracts), pre-evaporate and freeze-precipitate as usual.

If nothing works, you can also try a mini acid-base extraction to purify it: dissolve the DMT in a small amount of vinegar, basify to pH > 12, and then either a) let it sit in a refrigerator for a day for DMT to sediment at the bottom, filter the precipitate, rinse NaOH off with cold ammonia, or b) pull, dehydrate with K2CO3 (see above), pre-evaporate, freeze-precipitate.
If you did both times the exact same procedure, it may be that you got everything out at your first one and the second one is just not saturated enaugh. The white freeze may be water.

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