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lizard tessalation?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
in my recent dmt and mushroom trips the carpet has taken on this texture

and was wondering if anyone else gets these?

i love Escher, so i'm pretty happy that i'm getting these.
but am wondering how many people gets these, or if you get any other escher-esque hallucinations?

p.s. i've been a lurker for quite awhile and finnaly decided to make an account. its great to be on these forums.:)
SWIM has seen something similar to this...are they all wiggling around when you see them?

SWIM has also seen Escher type visuals before..its pretty sweet...

and WELCOME! glad to have another explorer on board:p
well on mushrooms they were wiggling, on dmt they were crawling over each other just to end up in the same positions.
Ive seen similar patterns while using salvia, but nothing quite clear. I think it really depends on the carpet.

p.s. 70s carpet patterns are the shit
SWIM has recently started seeing patterns like that. On small doses of an ayahuasca analog, SWIM can see patterns on the walls, and writing, lettering that he can't quite make out. Also, snowflake type patterns.
SWIM tried acid for the first time this wknd, and his carpet was doin some kind of tesilation. Couldnt realy tell if they were lizrds or not though.

He was suprized at how much the trip was like a slow prolonged non-breakthough DMT experieiece though. A lot of his hallucinations were very similar to his spice ones, and seemed to have an alien underlying theme. One thing he did notice, whenever he looked at anything with wood grain i.e his wardbroad or drawers, the hallucinations seemed much more holographic, more 3D if that makes sense. Hard to explain, but they looked different to the some of the spice halluciantions.
Bt other than that difference SWIM felt like he was just on a slower, longer non breakthrough of DMT. He was able to see things n new light and all of that. Another similarity is the sound. That hyperspace ancient whirling thrumming wind sound, kinda like the sound of streaming digital data with an alien/insectoid twist. Its kinda eriee, but at the same time comforting. SWIM has heard that on Aya, LSD and DMT now. It can be a little more high pitch on DMT, but i think the pitch depends on the intesity of the trip, but its still the same sound. They all seem to take you to the same place.
you know what SWIM found...he did lsd before dmt..and after he started doing dmt..the lsd changed...it was much more dmt like...SWIM thinks that once you open the dmt door..it leaks through into other drugs..mushrooms and lsd mostly...it was very interesting..because it was like doing a new drug..

SWIM thinks that dmt changes the way you experience drugs..in a better way! but it does change them..he had taken acid hundreds of times and mushy hundreds of times before dmt..but as soon as he started doing dmt...the trips all started to reflect dmt..it was very interesting process to watch..

it was like hey! this isnt the same anymore!!
Jorkest said:
you know what SWIM found...he did lsd before dmt..and after he started doing dmt..the lsd changed...it was much more dmt like...SWIM thinks that once you open the dmt door..it leaks through into other drugs..mushrooms and lsd mostly...it was very interesting..because it was like doing a new drug..

SWIM thinks that dmt changes the way you experience drugs..in a better way! but it does change them..he had taken acid hundreds of times and mushy hundreds of times before dmt..but as soon as he started doing dmt...the trips all started to reflect dmt..it was very interesting process to watch..

it was like hey! this isnt the same anymore!!

I know EXACTLY what you mean.
i've always been the one to mock people when they say they hallucinate off weed. but i found that when smoking large amounts of weed, every now and then a wall or the floor will breathe. however this only happens at night. and this only started to happen after my first dmt experience. whenever it happens even i am skeptical on what is causing it. and why it only happens late at night. but it happens none the less. i did dmt before i did acid, and have very limited experience with acid anyway. but i can defiantly tell a difference in my mushroom trips as well.
i get tryptamine style visuals and feelign with weed now, started when I stopped smoking so often. I cant even take more than one hit now or i just lay there and trip, and dont like it in social situations that mush anymore, which is strange for me cus i used to smoke at least 2 ounces a month..
Jorkest said:
you know what SWIM found...he did lsd before dmt..and after he started doing dmt..the lsd changed...it was much more dmt like...SWIM thinks that once you open the dmt door..it leaks through into other drugs..mushrooms and lsd mostly...it was very interesting..because it was like doing a new drug..!!

Wow, thats interesting. Maybe thats why SWIM felt that his acid trip was very similar to spice as he tried LSD after DMT. He wouldve liked to have tried acid before he did DMT to see the differences. CAn you explain how it changes Jorkest?
SWIM did have a his first proper psychedlic experience on shrooms and this was before DMT, and wouldnt say it was like DMT at all really. With the shroom there was loads of laughter and i got a great feeling of loveIt would be interesting if he tried them again now to see if it really does change the way you experience other substances..
fractal enchantment said:
i get tryptamine style visuals and feelign with weed now..

I think i know what you mean, but can you explain what you mean by tryptamine visuals. What do they look like to you?
Swim totally noticed that mushrooms have taken on a more dmt like quality since doing dmt. Specifically they have taken on an anahuasca like quality since doing anahuasca, that's how he noticed it. Others have remarked on this as well. On the other hand, Swim's brain now hates acid. The last few times he tried it, it felt like it hurt his brain to have that molecule in there... his brain kept screaming "what is this fake-ass bullshite? Get me some dmt in these 5ht receptors NOW!" At which point he did, which made everything feel better. It felt like the acid was tearing his energy field to shreds, and the dmt realigned it. Plus smoking dmt on acid is an AMAZING experience, almost worth enduring the torturous feeling of lsd just to get to the peak so you can smoke the d, though Swim is also wary of this combo cuz it makes weird stuff happen. Last time he did it a mantis bit his head off.
BTW Swim used to love lsd, has dropped hundreds if not thousands of doses. But has now sworn it off in favor of dmt, it's like his brain is spoiled by the feeling of that natural, familiar molecule in his receptors and lsd now seems like some sort of cheap ass imitation. No disrespect for Dr. Hofmann and his sacred elixir of immor(t)ality, but Swim's brain just prefers dmt now. It's like something to do with the rate at which the molecule vibrates or something, is how it feels. Dmt = harmonic, lsd = dysharmonick, if that maketh any sense...
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