Rising Star
During a recent experience a Golden Door was presented. It was revealed by two very kind, beautiful and loving beings to be the eternal door of truth, freedom, love, all things one searches for. Once the request was initiated for me to enter - a deep seed of fear and confusion set in. I witnessed both worlds with eyes open or closed, a melting of both, conflicting ideas.
The choice to stay "here" and not go through the golden door has set in motion a sadness that I missed out. The question (to the two guardians of the door) of my chances of returning were answered with a positive tone, however, the journey to get there may be too much.
This experience was overwhelming and at a consistently low dosage (>15mg) I each time (about 10x) have reached what I understand to be a breakthrough level, described on this site as Level III.
To preface previous experiences, each time I meet beings, creatures, gods, and friends. Many times these folks show up in golden color such as Kali or in contrast as forest creatures like a root stump (more silly/fun ones) All these folks converse with me about many topics and I feel confident during my exchanges. I have asked for the depths and now, with this last experience, I have a sense I got as far as I could go - was given the door to walk through, and didn't go through.
Wasn't the right time...I've considered this - when is? It feels very daunting to go through the intensity again. The rocket ship feeling is what overwhelms me the most.
I inhale, a kaleidoscope effect occurs while my physical body tingles, I have to breath deeply, all around a ringing sound occurs as the colors become lighter and brighter. Different encounters with a variety of being will occur each time. Some silly, some profound. As the experience fades so will the vivid colors and physical sensation. I open my eyes, share the experience by talking - at times it will continue in a "high" of deep love, gratitude, reverence. Other times neutral and always days, weeks etc. later an integration occurs. The exception to this is what is described above. The Golden Door seems quite significant and perplexing. I am unsure what to integrate!
The choice to stay "here" and not go through the golden door has set in motion a sadness that I missed out. The question (to the two guardians of the door) of my chances of returning were answered with a positive tone, however, the journey to get there may be too much.
This experience was overwhelming and at a consistently low dosage (>15mg) I each time (about 10x) have reached what I understand to be a breakthrough level, described on this site as Level III.
To preface previous experiences, each time I meet beings, creatures, gods, and friends. Many times these folks show up in golden color such as Kali or in contrast as forest creatures like a root stump (more silly/fun ones) All these folks converse with me about many topics and I feel confident during my exchanges. I have asked for the depths and now, with this last experience, I have a sense I got as far as I could go - was given the door to walk through, and didn't go through.
Wasn't the right time...I've considered this - when is? It feels very daunting to go through the intensity again. The rocket ship feeling is what overwhelms me the most.
I inhale, a kaleidoscope effect occurs while my physical body tingles, I have to breath deeply, all around a ringing sound occurs as the colors become lighter and brighter. Different encounters with a variety of being will occur each time. Some silly, some profound. As the experience fades so will the vivid colors and physical sensation. I open my eyes, share the experience by talking - at times it will continue in a "high" of deep love, gratitude, reverence. Other times neutral and always days, weeks etc. later an integration occurs. The exception to this is what is described above. The Golden Door seems quite significant and perplexing. I am unsure what to integrate!