Hello, look at me, not even an avatar yet. This site is a wonderful resource. I thought I would take the plunge and sign up. An interesting topic over-all. This world that interests us. In the late 90's I had more free-time for exploration. I'm considering inhabiting the particular realms once again. Not into or impressed by people with long lists of substances to check off. I am impressed by self-control and knowledge regarding such things. Shamanism in particular is an avenue that merits certain catalysts.
-I do have a couple particular questions, but they wouldn't be appropriate in an opening statement.
What else? i don't know, I guess this would be a good place for a smiley. :thumb_up:
-I do have a couple particular questions, but they wouldn't be appropriate in an opening statement.
What else? i don't know, I guess this would be a good place for a smiley. :thumb_up: