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Long time lurker joins the Nexus!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello my fellow Nexians!

I'd just like to say I have been reading input from all of the contributors to this site for a while now and it has helped tremendously with my spiritual development. Also, the concern from the collective community has made SWIM feel safe enough to embark on many journeys that have taught me countless blessings and
have really helped shape my thoughts from averse to compassionate on a daily basis. I look forward to the future discussions!
Hi stacksofrealms,

Welcome out of the shadows and to the Nexus as a member. :D

Please don't hesitate to post any questions you might have.

Also, if you might be willing to tell us a little bit about yourself, your philosophy, your psychedelic history, anything, I'm sure folks would love to learn more about you.

Again, welcome.
Also, if you might be willing to tell us a little bit about yourself, your philosophy, your psychedelic history, anything, I'm sure folks would love to learn more about you.

I was considering letting this be learned as my time in the Nexus progressed but I might as well give a general outline.

My philosophy is shaped around concepts such as Siddhartha Guatama's Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path. Recently having started following these Buddhist ideas, I have applied them to my life to poke for validity and because I am life that suffers, it's been pretty valid! As far as The Eightfold Path goes, I still need lots of work in Right Speech, Right Action, Right Effort, and Right Concentration, but I do feel I am coming along just fine as a human being at age 18.

SWIM has tried various entheogens ranging from Salvia Divinorum, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, and Mimosa/Rue as an ayahuasca analogue.
Salvia Divinorum has saved SWIM's life and really helped extinguish his egotistic actions and thoughts. I hold this herb very dearly to my heart and though I have heard from several people that Ska Pastora doesn't enjoy being extracted and/or smoked, I feel my intentions surpass that every time I embark on a journey and though intense, rapid, and hardly graspable, I still feel the visionary power of this plant showing me what I really need to know, not what I desire to know.

I am really into art, oh boy, I LOVE ART.:oops: I view art as how life lives, what it does to create within its environment.

I'm a huge music fan and have tried to find artists from every genre I can relate to or understand ranging from shoegaze, post-punk, hip-hop, to ambient.
I'm a novice visual artist who is aspiring to eventually represent what happened and what I perceived on a range of mind-blowing psychedelic experiences!
Hopefully during my time on the Nexus, I'll get to share a few!
..welcome stacksofrealms, looking forward to your input too,
you wrote
Salvia Divinorum has saved SWIM's life and really helped extinguish his egotistic actions and thoughts. I hold this herb very dearly to my heart
..i find the leaves of the sheperdess to be profound and almost oracle-like, yet i very rarely go there..for some reason the tryptamine plants seem more suited to me..but i wonder what your thoughts on salvia/dmt compatibility, interaction or contrasts..?
I too feel Salvia to be a lot like an Oracle, though it can be very difficult to understand.

I believe strong Salvia doses can trigger and indogenous burst of DMT in the pineal gland, personally because I have had two experiences where I could feel that pinky-nail sized gland in the center of my head as if it were suddenly working.

I do want to plan on using Salvia more respectfully, and by that I mean trying an oral dose such as a quid or eating fresh leaves.
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