Rising Star
Hi everyone reading this, its nice to have a site like this at my disposal. Anyways I am 22 year old biology student and have had a moderate amount of psychedelic use before I came to ayahuasca mainly for healing. I have a thyroid autoimmune disease that caused severe depression and made it difficult to exercise self control. Anyhow I had read for years about ayahuasca before finally deciding to give it a go. My first experience was nothing short of miraculous.
My first experience I drank the brew in the comfort of my home. About one hour after consumption my reality was morphing I broke through some sort of puzzle symbol box written in what to me at the time was obviously some universal language. I was then in the presence of angels and bodhisattvas ring bells and singing, next thing i know GOD shows up. This was unmistakable. First all the symbols for god and faces of hindu gods and avatars were presented to me as masks of light that radiated pink and gold healing love. Following this I dissolved into this clear light of bliss behind the masks. Next thing i know I am in some sort of dark chamber like a decompression chamber where i am interacting with some sort of universal synthesizer that was reorienting me into my body.
My second experience I was in Sedona Arizona on 12/21/2012 and dosed in the desert. This journey including the addition of mushrooms. This trip was quite different but equally intense and frankly more confusing. Within the hour I was in some sort of alien dimension that was superimposed within our normal dimensions, I should say the entities were here rather than I there. They showed me how to navigate the through the stars astrally. This was an amazing experience.
Basically I wanted to introduce myself and these experiences. I should add I am currently planning on going to naturopathic medical school, I am interested in using dmt to facilitate healing and explore the mystery of body, the way it relates to nature, and technology, and how we can use technology to better synergize with nature, and ultimately commune with God.
Thank you for reading
My first experience I drank the brew in the comfort of my home. About one hour after consumption my reality was morphing I broke through some sort of puzzle symbol box written in what to me at the time was obviously some universal language. I was then in the presence of angels and bodhisattvas ring bells and singing, next thing i know GOD shows up. This was unmistakable. First all the symbols for god and faces of hindu gods and avatars were presented to me as masks of light that radiated pink and gold healing love. Following this I dissolved into this clear light of bliss behind the masks. Next thing i know I am in some sort of dark chamber like a decompression chamber where i am interacting with some sort of universal synthesizer that was reorienting me into my body.
My second experience I was in Sedona Arizona on 12/21/2012 and dosed in the desert. This journey including the addition of mushrooms. This trip was quite different but equally intense and frankly more confusing. Within the hour I was in some sort of alien dimension that was superimposed within our normal dimensions, I should say the entities were here rather than I there. They showed me how to navigate the through the stars astrally. This was an amazing experience.
Basically I wanted to introduce myself and these experiences. I should add I am currently planning on going to naturopathic medical school, I am interested in using dmt to facilitate healing and explore the mystery of body, the way it relates to nature, and technology, and how we can use technology to better synergize with nature, and ultimately commune with God.
Thank you for reading