Rising Star
Hey there. I'm slewb, a recently graduated high school student from Maryland. My interest in psychedelics was piqued by a number of experiences with LSD. As an alcoholic and compulsive weed smoker, I've been forced to wonder what it is I'm looking for with my abuse. And I've remembered that the closest I've come to finding it is with LSD. I am a spiritual seeker, i am not satisfied with the way I have been programmed to experience the world. Psychedelics and a variety of religious/meditative practices have been able to help me with my own "deprogramming." I have smoked DMT a number of times, but i have never "broken through" into the spirit world either because of the quality of the drug on hand or because of my shitty ass lungs. I've always felt the angels and the demons and the benign spirits inside of me. I've met them face to face, but not in the context of what you might call waking consciousness. they do not seem a part of me, more like a far off influence yelling from the waking world to a too-soundly sleeping man to WAKE UP!! and that's why i'm here.