Rising Star
Best one in a wile for me
keep laughing
do no harm
help when you can
Best one in a wile for me
keep laughing
do no harm
help when you can
So I read all the reviews on here about this awesome shirt. I knew I had to have it when i read trailer park trashes review. I already have the reverse shirt of this one.. Its a bunch of hairy balls howling at a group of shaved wolves. Anyway that one seems to attract the wrong crowd. For instance when i went to the pharmacy for my ointment and the doctor asked me if ive ever tried to colin cleanse by using a gerbal covered in vasaline. Although ive already tried it, i didnt want my pharmacist to know.So the shirt arrives size petit (like me ) and I wear it outside to help my brother inlaw work on his Mustang.. No not the car but a real horse. Anyway as he was about to wash the horse, he looks over at me and see's my new shirt. he says " Man thats an awesome shirt " The wolves are like talking to me .. I'm alittle surprised but ask " What are they saying" My brother in law says " They want to know if youd shove a vasalined gerbal in my rear, I could use a colin cleanse. See the difference?