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LSD + Nitrous Oxide: Synergy Information/Guide

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The Cat
LSD + N2O (Nitrous Oxide) or "Laughing Gas"

~ LSD and Laughing Gas. This is a beautiful, and, as far as SWIM can tell, safe combination if used responsibly. I don't see much about it around here or anywhere, so I'll put some notes here.
In this combination, the usual effects of the gas are almost non-existent, and, instead, seem to serve as a short-acting potentiator for the entheogenic experience. This may be a useful tool for psychonauts, philosophers, and spiritual travelers alike, so long as the aforementioned do not allow themselves to abuse the Gas. All comments and criticisms are welcome. I will post some important safety information at the bottom. I may Link to an Experience Report once I'm a full Member.

The Gas seems to potentiate the LSD, causing a short term burst of intensity in the psychedelic experience. This can lead to greater insights and more pleasurable experiences.
A friend of mine advised that common whip cream bulbs (N2O), while already under the influence of various psychedelics, may briefly and instantly:
* Ease the "Edge" or "Body Load" of a difficult come-on or Peak.
* Create a strong wave of euphoria throughout the body.
* Increase intensity for both CEV's and OEV's.
* Allow for the formation of deep insights which, with practice, can be retained by the individual after the effects wear off. (Keep a notebook or recorder handy.)
~ ~ I am advised by SWIM that N2O has the potential to bring forth an experience that may be coming on too slowly for the practitioner's liking.

This synergy is a stark contrast to people's usual reports while experiencing N2O in a waking state of mind. An experience which, many can tell you, will often simply feel like any other inhalant. I'm not sure what people get from auditory stuttering, but the "Womp-Womps" are pretty fun when you first start exploring, I suppose. Auditory stuttering is usually not a factor under these synergistic effects. The effects are generally reported to be quite pleasant and relaxing.

Despite the relative dangers and stigma of inhalants, this combination is commonly reported to be a safe, useful, and pleasant augment for the psychedelic experience. SWIM would recommend this for anyone who has trouble with the "Come-Up" body load or for people who wish to temporarily dive deeper.

* The effects are best during the peak experience of LSD and work perfectly in combination with meditation (LSD Peak + N2O + Meditation = <3!!!)
* A dose is usually considered to be 1-3 bulbs; however, 2 full bulbs can often lead to unconsciousness. 1&1/2 seems perfect.
* Manual Crackers and Balloons are good, but dispenser cans are much better.
* Its always nice to have water nearby, as the gas can lead to dry mouth.
* 3-5 doses per LSD experience should be more than enough to enjoy without going anywhere near overboard. Many people suck down a box of 20 bulbs by themselves in a night and seem to be fine. Best to take at least a week off the Gas after that, I'm sure.
* The effects of N2O without combination tend to be used as a sexual enhancer or a cheap high, but do not produce nearly the profound or pleasant effects as it will tend to in combination with LSD, DMT, Mushrooms, etc...
* Dose Calmly; Strangely, caring too much about what's happening to you will prevent you from relaxing and actually experiencing what is happening to you (You'll See).

This combination shows, more clearly than anything SWIM has tried, the importance of intention in an experience. This is like a rocket ship, whatever you are thinking about when you dose is where your brain will likely go, and fast.

Potential Dangers:

~ Small and infrequent doses of No2 pose minimal to no risk; however, this combination is commonly referred to as "Hippie Crack" for its euphoric addiction potential. This should be kept in mind to avoid excessive use of a "button" that produces "Feel-Good". Stay safe and use all these things with respect.
~ Regular, or very heavy, use can lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 is essential for good brain functioning and if left untreated can lead to irreversible damage. SWIM is sure there is a reliable method to counteract that effect but is unsure of what that would be. Vitamin supplements to combine excessive use? but this is speculation, and excessive use is irresponsible anyway. It should go without saying that you should NOT experiment with this if you have a B12 deficiency disease.
~ In very large doses, without the addition of oxygen, it can cause loss of blood pressure, fainting and even death by hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).
~ Loss of consciousness or coordination is a potential factor with inhalant use and can lead to choking and accidental injuries. As with any intense psychedelic experience, sit in a safe and comfortable area to avoid falling over, just like one would with DMT. Ensure a sitter is nearby to assist with recovery in case consciousness is lost due to a temporary overdose, AND that loss of consciousness compromised the safety of the traveler.

~ Worth mentioning: epiphanies may come to you while under the experience of this combination, and leave your memory as quickly as they came to you. This can be frustrating, so keep a notebook by you and don't use excessively just to remember your idea (which probably wasn't that good anyway <3).

Has anyone else tried this combination? And does anyone understand why the effects differ so dramatically from normal consciousness while under the effects of an entheogen?

I think everyone knows how to administer, but if that's not around I'm happy to write up a step by step at request.
Thanks so much for the additional info, m4estr0! This is a perfect example of my reasoning for putting so much warning information at the bottom. These examples are people using multiple boxes a day for months. I saw on there a quote of 50 bulbs a day for 6 months before seeking medical attention. Erowid Nitrous Oxide Vaults : Health : Nitrous and B-Vitamin Dangers (Laughing Gas, Nitrous, NO2)

I would say the word "excessive" is an understatement at that point.

But erowid does mention that people with predispositions to b12 def shouldn't mess with it.

For SWIM, a box of 20 bulbs will last weeks.
He finds 1 to 1&1/2 bulbs per dose, and 3-5 doses per LSD experience should be more than enough to enjoy without going anywhere near overboard. This combination has worked for years without any noticeable unwanted effects and has lead to many insights that have lead to the improvement of his life and the lives of people around him.

SWIM will, at the highest frequency, experience LSD in a ritualistic context 4x a month. Very often much less or not at all, and he does not enjoy the effects of N2O without combination, so he remains unaffected by any addiction potential it carries. SWIM has friends who use MANY more bulbs per trip with no ill-effects so far.
I've done this combo a couple of times and i agree that it is very nice. There is a short phase where it feels like you're passing out and your field of vision turns grey or black, but then you sort of "bounce back", and that moment is amazing. It is a bit like waking up into hyperspace. Everything is moving and vibrating. It is a very short but extremely pleasant sensation.
Hm, that's interesting, I have never experienced a turning grey or black on N2O. Was this in combination or by itself?

Thank you Synister, I may have overemphasized the moderation- but I don't want to be seen as advocating for something dangerous- Just that this IS an incredibly interesting and very useful tool for the introspective psychonaut. The idea of inhalants turns a lot of people off immediately, but there really is something amazing to this, at least in combination with Psychedelics.
Salem said:
Hm, that's interesting, I have never experienced a turning grey or black on N2O. Was this in combination or by itself?

Thank you Synister, I may have overemphasized the moderation- but I don't want to be seen as advocating for something dangerous- Just that this IS an incredibly interesting and very useful tool for the introspective psychonaut. The idea of inhalants turns a lot of people off immediately, but there really is something amazing to this, at least in combination with Psychedelics.
Well, i inhaled until i was almost passing out. Then you get the same sort of effect as when you stand up very quickly after having sat on the ground for a very long time.

I must say that i was being a bit irresponsible when i did this combo, wich was very long ago, by inhaling the gas directly from a whipped creamcan. Wich i now realise is dangerous for several reasons, like you can freeze your lungs, and you inhale large quantities of pure gas, etc.

But luckily all went well.

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