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LSD on My Daily Senses

Hello All !!! 💕☀️🌊

So recently I have been trying some LSD in natural locations and would like to share with you how this has affected me in my daily life!
I've been sitting with the sights and sounds and feelings and smells of nature and my own body and mind.
It's a lot! Thank you and,
Enjoy ~

The Recent Experiences I am writing about:
I recently was able to take some LSD in the forest near a lake from 5am to 1pm. 130ug +80mg MDMA (1month ago)
I was also recently able to take some LSD at the beach overnight with the stars, full moon, waves, and into the morning. 260ug +40mg MDMA (almost 2 weeks ago)
(Note for both trips I was perfectly prepared comfort wise when it comes to bugs, temperatures, sun exposure, no people to disturb me, and any restroom or otherwise privacy requirements.)
(My first LSD experiences btw)
(I have tried a litte of ayahuasca and mushrooms and I personally experience both of them VERY differently from each other and LSD so far)

A Note On How I Tripped:
I won't try to describe the experiences themselves here so I will just say that, they are vigorous and beautiful for me. Like a going to the gym is enjoyable and demanding.
I also approach the trips with great care since for reasons of personal history, just where i am emotinally and cognitively as a person, and lack of any trip sitters/culture or anything under which to explore with the assurance of safety. I trip alone.
I spend most of my time tripping out of a seated positions, just standing, balance, yoga, or occasionally walking for whatever reason. You could say my approach is kindof "Yogi-ZenBuddhist" however I am quite flexbile with what I do on trips and I do not hold myself to any dogma. I simply find that for going through certain emotions, I tend to prefer the stability and awakeness of the lotus posture.

What I notice changed in my daily life, outside of the experiences:

Spatial Elaboration
Like going from a 1080p 24" screen to a 4k 24" screen perhaps. A foot is a foot, A mile is a mile. But there is more information within and between everything. Objects are more relative to each other in space. I am a little better judge of distance perhaps. It's basically as if 1/50th of the LSD experience is still altering my sensory perception, more or less permanently?, outside of the experience, if not fading a little with time as I go on with my busy busy life and don't trip or meditate much. (I do generally live sober however). I notice that space is actually a very enjoyable quality for me as well. I love the shapiness of things. Maybe it's a simlar feeling to looking up at a great massive mountain going through the clouds. You are like "wow, that' so big!" and I kindof feel a little bit more of that "wow" effect overall for small far big small things alike. I feel like sense of spatial orientation is a very profound thing. I feel like it is a very core part of sobreity somehow. I really like it. also forest pathways feel wider, longer, and more articulate, as do streets that I drive my car on, and spaces I am in within building. I only point out these specific things since they are common in my spatial life lol. But I do not feel like my capability to navigate them is diminished in any way. If anything for boxing and martial arts / dance I feel more coordinated. This brings me to my next point of sensitvity elaboration.

Continuity/Fluidity of movement.
I sometimes do taps with my border collie. He loves it, I love it. He loves it as much as chasing deer! We both really get into it. The reason I say this is that I feel like the LSD makes me percieve the motion of things with less 'stuttering' of consciousness. When I play taps with my border collie, he is sharp and fast as a whip (I wear padded gloves for when he catches me :) ~ and it's eay to not be able to fluidly track him. He's really fast! My tracking is can lock on and smoothly follow even very intense and fast motions a bit better. I notice this in other places like seeing a little bird fly through the trees, with branches continuously blocking our line of sight. I am able to quickly identify, track, and smoothly follow this incredibly fast fleeting moment. I would like to say that, It's not like some next level thing. It's just a little bit better but like many things in life, little differences can really mean a lot to you!

Color articulation
GRADATION AND LUMINANCE. I more frequently find myself stopping and just enjoying colors. ESPECIALLY when the summer sun is out and i have my gold polarized shades lol. But even without. The green is "so green!" and the blue is "so blue!" and the white clouds are "so white!" of course this could be a little placebo since i just enjoy colors and am very artistic by nature but, the LSD definitely has elaborated color spectrums of nature and radiance for me. By spectrums I mean that within the sunsets in particular, or flowers, kindof like the spatial elaboration, i feel like i can notice more colors between the colors. This I guess also ties into shape since colors and shapes are very very very closely related. The colors of the evening sky are absolutely miraculous, the poofy white clouds against the crystal blue sky are incredible. I find myself stopped more often than previous, by the sheer beauty and magic of these sights. It's like the LSD-Nature-Meditation took a toothbrush or lenscleaner to my soul and now what I see really touches me the slightest more deeply. As does the sound.

Acoustic dynamicism
Somehow this is an interesting one since sound is almost like a different and separate sense to my vision it feels like sometimes. But I will say that my mind feels quieter after being out in nature on LSD. and with this quietness, I am just a tad tiny bit more present with the acoustic properties of where I am, at baseline, at default. I also am a bit more attentive to gentle sounds. I really connect with birdsong and waves as those were my two acoustic companions across my last two trips. I notice that when I play improv piano I am playing more often with more articulation at the lower volumes, and I have much more patience to let power build up slowly, then release storongly. it's more dynamic playing. i am also more aware of harmonic crowding across the keyboard as I play which really makes the playing itself less abrasive more delicate and easy and enchanting on the ear. I am a bit more able to hear and adjust the individual keys of my 10 fingers to make the soundscape uncrowded and balanced with respect to the space I am playing in, and how my ears are feeling about it! If you are a professional musician (I am not professional but I have been playing my whole life, it's like a native language) I would highly reccomend you meditate on lsd with nature. I feel like it sharpens your sense of hearing. I really enjoy the openness of nature and the sounds of nature myself, moreso than any music I can listen to (even my own), and as an artist of just intimately studying nature, I think LSD is great for this as it seems to me a bit more sober than Mushrooms or the DMT/Ayahuasca.

My other senses
of touch, smell, and physical embodiement(the proprioception of my body) have been more difficult to notice any differences. Mostly I have been impressed with various relationships to visual things. So I cannot really say whether I am more or less or anything different with respect to these other senses. I do notice perhaps a bit better balance and coordination of my feet as I step since, my spatial orientation of the ground beneath my feet is a bit better. There are also many other types of senses and things people notice and explore via such means. If I have not spoken to them I guess it's just that they have not come to my mind yet or that these aforementioned observations are what I am currently WITH.

Other Thoughts 1
It has been about 1.5 weeks since my most recent trip, for those of you curious as to that timing. I do feel that, like physical exercise, I am slowly normalizing a little.
I am also very sensitive to drugs in general and my metabolism tends to be (generally) significantly slower then other people's.

Other Thoughts 2
I also notice that many of these things are becoming normalized to me. By normalization I do not mean that their qualities diminsh or disappear, only that, the contrast to my past experience slowly fades. I want to stop and enjoy the sunset for 15 minutes on our evening walk, i am stunned, it's incredible! those with me aren't flabberghasted by the beauty. I guess that's just the way it is. Am I being delusional? idk. At least I'm functioning tip top still in all physical and cognitive departments lol. We were all taking photos of the sunset on this walk and they have all these newer iphone 15's or 14x or pro or such with the 'good' cameras and the all seemed fine with the photos of the sunset they took but when I looked at the phone screen's photo, vs the sunset photo, IT WAS NOT THE SAME. Not even close. In fact, I was shocked. at how bad absolutely everything about the color reproduction was that I am still trying to figure that out. The sunset was this crystal pastel pink at the horizon rising into a light blue with some magical green sparkle and then the clouds were in the 'middle' of the sky (from horizon 'up') with this on-fire orange highlight backdropped by a slightly darker blue as the sky transitioned over you and into the opposing horizon. This kindof is how you might see the sunset ON LSD but this is how I normally see it. I guess the phones have always been that way. Maybe I never noticed? I've taken many sunset photos in my lifetime ~ I usually notice they are not the same but maybe with a little tiny A-B color editing on the spot there where I shot the photo the photographic sunset interpretations are more or less okay and worth communicating or remembering but this photo I took on the iPhoneX (which actually looked very SIMILAR to me, to the photos both of the fancy camera iPhone 14+'s took) was one of the first good photos that I have ever taken with a phone a phone which was so badly beyond saving, beyond any edits ~ it was raw mush ~ that I actually deleted the photos. I completely gave up on even trying to take a picture of the sunset. I could not take a photo of the sunset. Not even ~ not EVEN ~ CLOSE. I won't dissect the mechanics of photography here.

Thank you very much for providing the space @ DMT-Nexus to journal these reflections! 🙏🏼

With great respect, joy, and love

🌺🔥🫧 P.S. Wishing you all of the summer magic @pandoraspice , wellness, and much love :)

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