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LSD trip report

Migrated topic.

Psychedelic Energy

Rising Star
Hi I thought I would post my trip report in here as I am still a new member, I haven't really got to involved with the site, except for excessive searching and research over the years.

The trip report I thought says a lot about me and I haven't done a introduction essay yet. It's the first trip report I've ever wrote and I just hope you guys enjoy it as much as I had fun writing it.

Shamans Web​


Dose and Time
10:00pm - 250ug LSD blotters placed under tongue
0200am - 30mg DMT vaporized
05:00am - 15mg Pure Harmine was sublingually taken
05:15am - 30mg DMT vaporized

Set and Setting
- Set up was in the games room, there is a camping mattress set up on floor with lots of pillows against the wall and a quilt. I have meditation music playing on the smart TV, some with a kaleidoscope visualizer. I have candles lit around the room and a oil burner going with lavender aromas filling the room, I have a heater on to keep the room warm as it is a cold night.

- My mind set was good, I've been planning on trying this acid for a while. I told my wife the night before what I intended to do and had the whole day off to prepare myself for the night to come. I was just wanting to relax and sink in to myself, to learn and explore.

Me and the wife ate dinner around 07:00pm, which was a home made vegetable curry with brown rice. Then we took the dog for a nice walk in the crisp winters night and after that we just relaxed together in the lounge until it was the wife's bedtime (work in the morning).
I prepared the 2 DMT doses, both weighing 30mg. I put the doses on to little pieces of card to easily be loaded in to the Glass Vapour Genie, these were put in the room for later use.

Trip Report
So at 10pm I place the tabs of LSD under my tongue, completely tasteless. I see my wife and dog of to bed, I kiss and cuddle her goodnight and she tells me she is here if I need her. She made me feel so loved and happy at that moment, and just knowing I could call out to her if I needed help. I then cuddled with the dog, got him all cosy and said goodnight.

I make a tea to relax with in the games room, already after half an hour from taking the tabs I start to get visual distortions. I relax back and the dog decides to join me, I feel his cool for now and he lays with me as I come up. I take in the rapid visuals as the LSD really starts to kick in. After half an hour or so I decide the dog is taking up to much room and needs to go to bed so I can delve deep in to my mind. I feel bad because I have the room all really nice and warm and he has to go back to the bedroom. I make him as cosy and warm as, then I go outside to peek at the stars.

The stars weren't so prominent as the moon seemed very bright, but also my visuals were becoming blotchy and hazy. I stop for a moment and try to hear the waves crashing at the beach just at the end of our road, they are usually very loud, but I am having trouble hearing them properly. I just thought it was a still night at first, but it is never usually silent and I just listened. I just listened and didn't hear the waves crashing in the distance, but heard them echoing from inside and pulsating outwards. Then these echoes started synergising with the visuals and started blotching in individual pulsating echoes all around my vision, still originally pulsating from the centre echo - all a kaleidoscope of oceanic sound.

I head back inside. The house is cold and dark aside from the bright outline from the games room door, I head towards it. When I go through the door I am greeted with floral smells of lavender and warm ambient air, the peaceful meditation music still playing and candle light dancing around the room. My vision is filled with psychedelic waves of energy flowing through the air, it was like being under water and seeing light float around you. I am feeling really good and happy, this is some beautiful LSD.

I sit down on the mattress and stretch a little, get myself in a mediative state and ponder on what I want from this trip. I originally wanted to do a 500-600ug LSD trip, but wanted to get to know this batch of acid first (it was tested, but I would just prefer to know the acid first). So I do try to go deeper in to my mind, but I'm just not pushing far enough - this LSD is strong, but I'm looking to push further. I am ok with this though, like I said I am just getting to know this batch and can just push myself next time.

I take a look at the time and see it is around 01:00-01:30am, the acid is strong and I'm just 3 hours in to the trip. I then start to think on the idea of vaping the DMT soon, as I am at the peak. So I think on this for a moment and gather myself for this epic journey I'm about to embark on. I pull out my card with the DMT on and load the GVG, I put on this Indian flute music which has this orange kaleidoscope visualizer.

Now I sit back, get comfy and with my pipe in hand I ready myself. I bring the pipe to my mouth pull on it for 5 seconds to heat up the pipe and melt the DMT, I take a few breaths and start to inhale. I inhale as deep as I can and then put the lighter down, as I hold my breath the room has quickly changed in a matter of moments. The room had itself become another world, it was like a massive tunnel and the orange from the TV screen was spilling out in front of me like dragon fire and orange smoke rolling from the main structure in the distance. I quickly think I should clear the vapour in the pipe and bring it to my mouth to inhale, but then notice I haven't even let the other breath out yet and quickly expel that and inhale the last remnants of vapour. I place the pipe down, lay back and close my eyes. Soon I feel nothing except a slight pressure in my mouth from holding my breath and take this as me holding on, I let my breath out and tell myself to just let go. I am blasted through the void and all I can really remember is patterns, geometric shapes flowing through my vision, all different ways and forming different shapes - square geometric shapes all forming together becoming a pyramid, while spiralling around like a cyclone all continuously going up and coming towards you until it engulfed your vision, thus then going in to the next dimension/space and so on and so on. I could feel a higher power, but I could not grasp anything that was happening.

I felt the presence of my self and thought it had been there throughout the trip, but think it must have been as I was coming down a bit, the music playing brought me out of it a bit quicker too. As I am coming to, eyes still closed, I feel a female presence and it tells me to open my eyes. It feels as though it was a giant red toad creature (the red is probably to do with the orangey TV screen) and it licks up and everything falls sideways, I open my eyes to the bright room, TV screen seeming like it is floating in mid air. Full on 3D objects are spitting out of the screen landing around the room, with lava is also pouring out in front of me. Magic energy is flying all around the room and I sit up in awe, but I am not quite me. I feel as though I am one of these magical creatures from the DMT world, this creature is part of me and it is taking this opportunity to look in on this world. It takes a feel of my body (not physically, but mentally) and I can sense another presence saying "don't break the boundaries we have built', as to stay hidden from this world.

My body felt smaller, but at the same it felt and looked larger. My hands and forearms looked massive, they looked kinda purple and were glowing. I took a feel of this new form and started throwing energy around with my hands. All I then thought was that I was one of the creatures Terence Mckenna talks about from his smoking DMT at the LSD peak, I wanted to call my wife in here so I could try to talk to her about what was going on, but thought I would just blab that same gibberish Terance did when he try to speak - 'blah bloo blee boo hah roo blah!'

As the DMT fades I can feel the residual effects of the other psychoactive alkaloids from the yellow mimosa DMT, not as magical but it adds a nice effect. I'm now just thinking 'wow' that was pretty full on, still I felt I could go deeper - I haven't broken through in a year and half or so and wanted to be completely blown away like when I first discovered its power 4 years ago - but I am very content with the experience and happy to be re-introduced back in to hyperspace.

I reflect on the DMT trip and wonder if I vaped it all (its a little hard to see the end of the GVG sometimes while tripping), so I pull on it and get a small amount of vapour. Doesn't have the same magical feeling, just seems like it is the other alkaloids, but gives a little more visual effect to my trip. When all this is gone it seems like the acid's effects have really dulled and thought maybe the rest of the trip wasn't going to be that intense now and it was only 02:30am, 4 and half hours in to the LSD trip.
Boy was I wrong though!
I go to try write stuff down about the trip(s) in a notepad, but every time I bring the pen to the paper I completely forget what I was about to write, sit up think on another thought, don't even get close to the paper before I forget what to write. I then sit there and think what to write, but forget it straight away, then think what was I about to write and then could just feel every thought forgotten as it entered my mind, until I didn't know what I was doing.

I then need to go to the toilet, but dreading the thought of leaving this room because it was really warm and cosy in here and cold outside it. I get up and go, being quiet as to not wake the wife (even though she is a very heavy sleeper) and dog. After I pee I thought to myself I need to do a number 2, even though I didn't feel like. My mind said I needed to, but my body didn't. So I sat down anyway and I went, it is a weird bit of the story to tell but it really baffled me as I seriously didn't feel the need. As I sit on the toilet I get extreme time dilation, wondering when it was I vaped the DMT and thinking super hard as to when it was. As soon as I remember I go to type it in to my phone so I don't forget (It seemed important to remember) , repeating in my head as I keep forgetting what I'm suppose to write and the time. Its about 02:40am and I think I've been on the toilet for around half an hour, when really it was like 10minutes, thinking my wife heard me go in and now must be wondering what the hell I am doing in there. So I get myself out of there quick.

I return to the games room to lay back down and go back to meditating, delve back in to my mind and let my thoughts flow. Everything is going through my mind, every good thought, every bad thought. I don't try to grab on to any thought, or simultaneously I don't try to push any thought away. I just let my mind flow and let be, be. I think on my family and my wife's family, thinking about how I've become so different from them all, about how I don't want to live the life that our society deems "normal" - get married, work a 9 to 5 job, buy a house, have kids. I'm not knocking that life style if that's what people want, but for me right now, it is not the life I want. I think about how my wife's family always go on about when are we going to have kids? I think because both of her younger brothers already have kids and it's just what people do when they have been together a long time (we've been together for 7+ years). My mum never says anything of the sort but I know she would love us to have a kid, seeing that the only grandchild she has is with my older back in the UK (we live in Australia) and this thought does make me feel sad and sorry for her. I think about how I don't really want to bring a child up in the regular western society, thinking how corrupt our governments are and the world seeming like it is on the brink of WW3. How could I bring a child in to this mess and leave them to clean it up afterwards when they are older? I go further with these thoughts and start to think about how even though now everything seems like it is corrupt and fucked, things can change, for there must be negative for there to be positive. We can look forward and try to create a better future for the future generations. Even though this still doesn't make me want to have a child now, it makes want to get more involved in helping this world and help create a better future for the generations to come.

My ego tries to fight with at times, tries to tell me I'm still taking these psychedelic substances for fun, trying to bring me down and keep me from changing more. The ego is afraid of change. I know how much I've changed, I know I can still become better and change is good. I think back to how much I've changed - I was a heavy drinker, ate lots of bad food, I drunk a lot of energy drinks, taken quite a few drugs and just god dam making a sloppy mess of my life! I remembered when I first started to awaken, not long after I first broke through. I changed my life, got rid of lots of bad habits - rarely drink anymore (basically not at all), I eat a much more healthy life style, only drink water and tea, really getting my life together. This is why I like to work with these substances, because they help me grow. They show me the bad things I have done, only so I can learn and grow from them; and also show me how much I have already grown and changed. I am grateful of this LSD and look forward to working with it more.

I have a shower now that the main of the peak has calmed down, it always feels so refreshing. I go back to the games room feeling happy and euphoric. I wonder when I should vape more DMT and take a look at the time, it is around 04:00-04:30am at this point. Still amazed at how much has happened in such a small amount of time. I play with the idea of taking some Harmine before vaping the DMT and think on this for a while.
I weigh out 15mg of Harmine, just a little bit to help push me over the edge, plus it is pretty pure. The time is now 05:00am, I place the pure fibreglass Harmine crystals under my tongue and hold them there for 5 minutes. I then swish it all around my mouth for another 5 minutes for good measure, rinse my mouth out, load my GVG and get ready. I put the Indian flute music with the kaleidoscope visualizer on again, but turned the volume down and the TV brightness down.

I melt the DMT and warm the pipe up just as before, take a breath and start inhaling the DMT. As I hold my breath everything starts fading and energy starts to fill the room, moving forward down the tunnel towards the orange light again. The energy is moving forward in waves to the light, but the waves are rolling sideways at the same time. The world is melting away before my eyes. I put the pipe down, I can't remember if I took a second hit and close my eyes. I feel the presence of the substance roll over me, a pressure rising through me. I got what I was looking for with this DMT trip and a lot more, I don't even remember letting the breath out.
I was blasting through so many dimensions at a incredible speed, at the same time it felt like the harmine slowed it down that I could see through hyperspace more clearly. I was forever moving forward through the ever unfolding dimensions, each one becoming more and more impossible. It is getting absolutely crazy, still going through so many dimensions, I felt like I have never been this far before and it just keeps going on and on. I'm seeing giant impossibly powerful god like creatures and I keep pushing further past there dimensions/space/universe, because it never ends, even gods have more powerful spaces beyond there worlds. It just went on forever, never reaching an end, the universe is completely infinite. This took me further than I had ever gone before and I thought becoming god at the end of time on a DMT trip a couple of years ago was as far as I might go. Now I know it is infinite and the universe never stops growing, there is always more.

I open my eyes 10+ minutes later, just absolutely astonished at what I just experienced. I was so shocked and awed by the trip that it made me think have I truly broken through before, which of course I have, but this experience was just so much more. The harmine is a beautiful chemical.
Being back in the room I am surround by this web of psychedelic energy and it feels powerful, it is so many bright colours, blue, red, green, all moving. This feels like the web between the worlds/dimensions, it feels like the web the shamans know how to navigate and weave through during ayahuasca ceremonies. I feel like a shaman, sat up waving my arms around, weaving and working with the web between worlds. The 'Shamans Web', I feel so powerful.

I sit forward more and the web is starting to break down, the games room is coming back a bit more now. The web turns in to a electric oil covering me, it seems thick but is just flowing over me. I feel again that I have bought other creatures or entities back with me and are seeing our world through my eyes. They feel through my body again, licking at my back teeth noticing that they feel different than how they should (I've had some dental work done). Again along the same lines as before a entity says something about 'they can look and feel, but don't touch or tamper with', as to not make there presence obvious?

I'm still covered in this blue/black oil, hanging from me, I'm sitting forward face in hands just think and saying "wow wow wow wow". I again think about calling out for my wife so I can tell her about my breakthrough, the shamans web and what I was still experiencing. Then I really think on that and know if I call out for her she'll come in here quick in a panic thinking I'm having a rough time and will probably freak me out and just will cause lots of un-needed commotion. Plus I was already forgetting it and by the time she'd get in here, it'd just be all 'gosh, wow, I can't believe.... I'm sorry I forgot what I was saying'.

The next hour or so I just thought about that trip and how amazing the harming is. I just lay down and relax, feeling tired, but not sleepy. The wife comes in around 7am to say goodbye and see how I am as she heads out for work, we kiss goodbye. The dog comes in too and lays down with me, I give him lots of cuddles and say hi. Dogs are awesome to cuddle, so warm and soft. I lay there for another hour or two and just reflect on the nights trip(s), until around 9am when I decide to take the dog for a walk.

The rest of day consisted of relaxing on the couch outside (I was quite tired from being up all night), smoking some weed, eating and starting on this, my first documented trip report.

Thank you so much for reading through all this, I know it is quite long. I wanted to give as much detail of my LSD trip as I could, I hope it is a good read. You can criticize my writing, it is my first piece and I really am no writer.

I love LSD, it is a drug filled with so many different 'moments', good, bad, blissful, painful, euphoric, scary, ect. It truly is a trip and one I like to repeat, because in the end it is always good.

Beautiful trip report! I feel a warm heartfelt kinship with you, brother. Experiences like these are inspiring.
Rising Spirit said:
Beautiful trip report! I feel a warm heartfelt kinship with you, brother. Experiences like these are inspiring.

Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate your kind words, it put a smile on my face when I read your response. I'm happy to be in a place where there are people I can connect with.

I'm starting to get inspired to write more of my trip reports, this was my of my latest and now I look forward to writing more of my past trips and trips to come.
Northerner said:
Thanks for sharing PE, I really enjoyed reading your experience. :love:

I'm glad you took your time to read it, I can see a lot of people being a little put off by the long story. I really wanted to try to get every aspect of the trip, so others can see and understand all different stages and mind states one goes through.

Thanks again, I'm so happy you enjoyed it :)
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