Rising Star
A few months ago, SWIM experienced a spontaneous out of body experience. She was lying in bed, dozing off to sleep when she started feeling these surges of energy pulsating through her body. After what felt like forever experiencing these surges, she felt as if someone had cradled her in "their" arms, and was rocking her back and forth, up into the sky. After flying around in the sky with the stars and the moon for a while, something pulled her back into this world... After awakening, SWIM woke her boyfriend to say "I think I just had a lucid dream" and then just fell back asleep. Well after looking back on the experience, and researching some, SWIM concluded that she had in fact experienced a Spontaneous Out of Body Experience...
A few times since then, SWIM has felt the body surges, but has never been able to go into a lucid dream/OBE, because she always seems to fall straight into a deep dream state.
Well, today, during a mid-afternoon nap, she started to feel those all so familiar surges, and in her dreamlike state, she told herself that she was going to see this through, that she was going to go into a lucid dream. While feeling these surges, she was rocketed into the "heavens" for lack of a better word... Anyway, SWIM knew she was dreaming, but could not control the dream like maybe a lucid dream should be. She could only look around. To her left was this HUGE cherub like child, and all in front of her were white doves flying towards her. Beautiful blue sky and many white clouds. She was not scared. SWIM could not hold onto this vision for long, because she slipped back into the surge stage. After a few minutes she was able to send herself back into the lucid dream, back to the doves and the cherub child. But only for a glimpse.
Does anybody else have any OBE/Lucid Dream experiences? SWIM is curious if this is normal. She would love to expand her understanding of what is happening, because from what she has read, it takes a lot of people many years of practice before they experience something like this... And since her "God Mode" DMT experience, she feels as if she has tuned into a part of her "soul" that was previously blocked. Since becoming "one with the universe", for that short period of not time, SWIM has had many changes for the better in her life. The more she changes, the more in tune with herself she becomes, the more it seems her body is trying to rocket her into these "Lucid" dream-like states... The thing SWIM is having a problem with, is actually going all the way. Getting from the surge state to an actual Lucid Dream, or OBE...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. SWIM doesn't post much on here, but sometimes lurks, and knows that you guys are very knowledgeable and very in tune with your higher conscious. As SWIM is also trying to be...
Thank You All in advance!
A few times since then, SWIM has felt the body surges, but has never been able to go into a lucid dream/OBE, because she always seems to fall straight into a deep dream state.
Well, today, during a mid-afternoon nap, she started to feel those all so familiar surges, and in her dreamlike state, she told herself that she was going to see this through, that she was going to go into a lucid dream. While feeling these surges, she was rocketed into the "heavens" for lack of a better word... Anyway, SWIM knew she was dreaming, but could not control the dream like maybe a lucid dream should be. She could only look around. To her left was this HUGE cherub like child, and all in front of her were white doves flying towards her. Beautiful blue sky and many white clouds. She was not scared. SWIM could not hold onto this vision for long, because she slipped back into the surge stage. After a few minutes she was able to send herself back into the lucid dream, back to the doves and the cherub child. But only for a glimpse.
Does anybody else have any OBE/Lucid Dream experiences? SWIM is curious if this is normal. She would love to expand her understanding of what is happening, because from what she has read, it takes a lot of people many years of practice before they experience something like this... And since her "God Mode" DMT experience, she feels as if she has tuned into a part of her "soul" that was previously blocked. Since becoming "one with the universe", for that short period of not time, SWIM has had many changes for the better in her life. The more she changes, the more in tune with herself she becomes, the more it seems her body is trying to rocket her into these "Lucid" dream-like states... The thing SWIM is having a problem with, is actually going all the way. Getting from the surge state to an actual Lucid Dream, or OBE...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. SWIM doesn't post much on here, but sometimes lurks, and knows that you guys are very knowledgeable and very in tune with your higher conscious. As SWIM is also trying to be...
Thank You All in advance!