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Maditation and the Dark Side

Migrated topic.

The Maxx

I Am the Jungle Queen!
I want to stress that I did not write this. Whitley Strieber of unknowncountry did. Whitley is a genius and I feel the need to share this with all who are interested in a new type of meditation.

Meditation and the Dark Side by Whitley Strieber

Over the next couple of years, two things will happen: first, the planetary environment is going to tank; second, a few of us are going to find our way toward the future by using an ancient tool in a very new way.

This tool is meditation, and the new use of it involves simultaneous meditation in groups. These groups do not need to be in the same room. Participants can be physically anywhere. At first, it is most useful for them to meditate together at the same time. Later, this will not matter, as we learn how to engage in meditation outside of time.

Even before beginning, though, it is essential to address the question: when I encounter another presence or presences during meditation, is something real happening or is it my imagination? This is a question of a very different kind from normal questions. The question itself is an essential part of the energy of this experience. It cannot be answered in an objective manner. We have to let it remain within us, and come to peace with it. I have been working with this question for many years, and it has become an inexhaustible source of energy for me. It is not there to be answered, but to be accepted, and living with it in this way is powerfully freeing and transformative.

It is of key importance to leave the question unanswered, because as long as we do, spiritual search can continue. The minute we decide we have the answer, search becomes its dark twin, belief. Better to respect the triad: search is the active state, belief the passive state. Spiritual intelligence enables us to keep the two in energetic balance.

Now, as our meditation group has started up, the most frequent questions I have gotten are two: what about the dark side, and what about the ugly stuff inside me that I don't want to share, or fear that I might hurt others by sharing?

First, the dark side. Let's talk about densities. Think of meditation as having a very light density. Let's imagine that it has the density of air. Evil, obviously, is much heavier. Let's say it has the density of stone. A stone can pass through air, but do nothing to it, and this is why, when you are
meditating, dire imagery or dark feelings may appear. But they have no vitality. When something like that appears, just return to your body. Take your attention away from the thought and replace it on sensation. The stone will fall to the ground. There is no point in lighting candles, doing prayers, incantations, whatever. All these things do is serve our fears, thus adding weight when what we want is to be free.

The dark side is not necessarily evil. Darkness contains secrets, including secret knowledge, and objective work with it is an enormous part of meditation.

The next question is, what about the dark stuff or the private stuff inside me, that I don't want to share?

We all have this, and group meditation can make one feel startlingly naked. However, even if you do not feel it, the only parts of yourself that you are sharing are the best parts. The reason is simple: as you raise the vibration of your consciousness, the heavier material simply stays behind. In fact, you cannot share it. It's unshareable. Group meditation is not, and never can be, group therapy. We can help and support others in this state, but not see into their densities. The level of being that touches others, and can be touched by them, does not contain any of our negative energy. It cannot.

So, how to engage in meditation in such a way that our vibration rises to a level that we will become able to participate in group work of this kind?

Sit in a quiet place at the appointed time. No music, incense, special postures or anything. Sit in a chair or on the floor in a position in which you are comfortable and your spine is straight. Don't lie down or use an easy chair. Shift your attention away from your thoughts and onto your physical sensation. Be aware of how your body feels, but don't think about it. Then imagine that you are smiling. Don't plaster a grin on your face. Just imagine your smile.

This will take you easily and simply to one of the levels in which group meditation is possible.

For the first time, we are beginning to join the great chorus of being that fills not only this universe, but many others as well. It is vast beyond imagining, and directed entirely toward ecstasy. You will find yourself accelerating into the joy that pervades the world, and coming very quickly to see it as your true home.

Later, from this place, we will carry out many actions on behalf of our world, in support of the human future and the welfare of our planet. But that is to come in due time. Right now, we have a task: find our own joy, and connect it to the joy of others and the greater joy that fills the heavens.

Our meditation group is free to join. If you wish to get email about it, you can give us your email address. Or you can just visit the meditation group page on Unknowncountry in order to find the latest material about the community and read the comments of participants.

If you wish a deeper relationship, you can subscribe to the site and post comments of your own and participate in live chats about meditation techniques and experiences.

Our world is at the beginning of a time of great change. There will be a lot of upheaval and suffering. But there will also be an end to suffering, and beyond this time of difficulty, a new life.

Read the original source: Here
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