I is the obstacle.
Ok.... so here recently I’ve been noticing that new members keep referring to full membership as “made men”. . I’ve noticed some make this reference as if we’re mafiosi hit men while others pretty much make it out as if we’re straight up new world order Illuminati members. Lmao... I personally have really been getting a kick out of being made out as some sort of psychedelic Robert dinero. Just for fun I wanted to hear what some of my fellow “made men’s” thoughts were on being made out as straight up trip gangstas? Anyone enjoy being given this hilarious persona or does it offend people more than make them chuckle? All I know is recently it’s been making me imagine that the travelers voice sounds like the voice of the boss in The Godfather. I read his occasional post and laugh when I put this voice on them lmao.. anyways, any thoughts on this guys. It’s in the humor and fun section so please, have some fun with it