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Magic Mushroom with intence DMT like experiences

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, :) . On the 4th of May 2012 i happened to stumble upon a patch of Psilocybe Cubenis mushrooms. Gathering about 40 or so I took them home cleaned them, cut them up and simmered a broth for and hour or so (making sure only to bring to boil then simmer). Within a 5 minutes of putting the mushrooms in the pot the water has turned a dark blue purple(very interesting as i have not seen anything like that before from my 16 years of use).

While waiting for for the broth to finish, I was surprised to find that the wooden chopping board was also cover in bright blue :surprised .........Anyway, once the broth had boiled and i added soup mixture, I drank it down as quickly as i could. This is were things changed within minutes. Instead of all the past experiences I've had on Mushrooms (sence of awkwardness, colurful rainbow like visuals, laughter and confusion etc), this "event" became as intence as the pure crytal DMT I was smoking not long ago (very scary stuff).:shock:

It seemed as though my body and mind were being torn through these geometrical patterns, and this may sound crazy, but at one point It's as though i saw the mathematical equation of each individual fuzzy yet precise fractal like designs. The information was so intence I was almost crying for it to stop. (This intensity lasted about 4 hours)

Also while this was happenning I was getting strong emotional responses from my enviroment, for instance.... when a cliche, mainstream, sales pitch like program was on tv the emotion of the room would be a hazy black like darkmatter trying to swallow me up, and then everything turning a whitish haze when I felt positive about the 'in' moment experience or life thoughts i was having. Not to metion the beatiful feeling when your learning a unpretentious and assertive vision of oneself and find a grace about things you were judging unnecessarily.

Just a few questions..

1. Why did I experience these things without adding any Syrian Rue or other psychadelic substance?

2. Why do animals respond on strange levels when I (or somebody else if its the case)have igested psylocybin? (at one point my dog made a horrible cry out like he didint understandwhat was going on..... I am not sure if he was watching me and freaking out or if he licked up the samll amount of juice i spilt on the floor).

I truly cant fully explain what i experienced but I think i was close to overdoseing (if thats possible lol) hope to hear some responses.

Peace and awareness.

I've entered hyperspace before from just mushrooms. The dose was high and the setting quiet.

About the animal response...idk, but they just do. I've seen a cat just straight up bug out, in a manner that she never had before nor since, merely from being in the same room with me when I was shrooming hard. Animals just get a strong contact high from mushrooms. Psychic stuff, there is no spoon, circle square triangle wave, our minds are all connected.
Hey Exp,

Nice story!

Welcome to the Nexus.

Hope you find the community as vastly useful as I have.

Ever hear of anyone else having a hyperspace(esque) trip on Mushies ? Maybe an idea for your first forum,

share your story and try an extract similar ones from the community:thumb_up:
Yes, this year I went straight past the ego death/"thought I'd died" type experiences and had a major breakthrough on two very large cubensis. I saw all manner of incredible things and have made three artworks to date documenting things I saw/encountered. I encountered things like robotic/alien entities tht were teaching me with geometrical languages and impossible landscapes made of the entire contents of the universe morphing with every type of 3d fractal and incredible crystal beings and tornados made of eyes. I wrote down a lot of what I saw and might make a comprehensive report on that experience at some point. The next experience on Cubensis was horrible, they were in the fridge for about three-four weeks and lost the euphoric/visual quality and I had to use valium for the first time in hundreds of experiences to calm down as my BP and pulse were through the roof and I was feeling very edgy and psychotic(?)

Here is a picture I made to represent one small section of the breakthrough experience.

I dunno, for me mushrooms are like oral DMT-they have always had that DMT like visionary quality to them.

I find it weird how some people talk of only seeing shimmery rainbow auras and melting walls with mushrooms..like what is up with that? Mushrooms for me have taken me to hyperspace tons of times..the first time I smoked DMT I recognized it as the place I would get to with high doses of mushrooms.
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