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Magic9's Succulent Garden (Const. Updated)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I love my new succulent and cacti hobby and figured some of you might be interested in seeing my garden and whats in it as it progresses. Ill try to keep posting pics of my new plants as I get them. Im hoping this will also help with positive ID'ing of some of the plants.


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T. Bridgesii "Achuma" Plants i got from EBAY.


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T. Macrogonus I got from a local nursery.


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T. Peruvianus Var. Wild Andes - This cacti is pretty nice. I got it from EBAY. It is supposed to be grown from seed that was wild harvested from the Andes Mtn's. Some legit Peru Torch here :)


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T. Cuzcoensis OR T. Peruvianus Still up for debate HEH. I got this from a local nursery.


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Cows Tongue Prickly Pear. Got this from a local nursery. I saw this growing up north and thought it looked like a prehistoric flintstones prickly pear. Turned out its called "Cows tongue" for obvious reasons. This particular clone I obtained looks like a shark fin heh. I didnt notice that when I first got it.


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Tiger Aloe Cross. Got this from a local nursery. Its supposed to be crossed with some other frost hardy Aloe making this particular cross very Frost hardy. The grower said it was a great all year round aloe.


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Echeveria I got from EBAY. These looks slick and colorful. My cat likes to chew on them so theres always little teeth marks on the tips of the leaves. Such a dork. I got them for tripping since they look so neet as is, i figured they would look insane while tripping.


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This is a Juuls Giant clone i got from EBAY. I cannot WAIT to root this puppy. I might buy a few more. I just like the big fatness of it.

i did buy more! 2 more!


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Picture below are 3 T. Pachanoi cuttings i got from EBAY along with my Echeveria and T. Bridgesii. They are supposed to be from a cutting that was imported back in the 1960's to california where it grew for decades. The origin is from apparently a well known cactus person back in the day "Cactus Kate". I cant wait to root these cuttings as well. woo

The small T. Bridgesii on the right is what i got my brother for Xmas.


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A new edition to my garden is here! I got this from EBAY.

Trichocereus Bridgesii


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I received a new cactus 2 days ago from World Seed Supply. Very fast shipping i might add.

T. Bridgesii var. Monstrose (clone A)


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You're a wiener.. I mean winner.. No I'm not jealous. No, I don't get jealous.

:oops: :sick: :!: :? :roll: 😉 :thumb_up: :d 8)
Got a new Trichereus Bridgesii var. Monstrose (Clone A) from EBAY. Very nice and healthy. I may buy another one or 5.


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Great start!
The so called cactus kate plant is good for grafting but isn't worth growing fyi, it is the PC clone and the grower you bought from often drop ships and just misrepresents.
AlbertKLloyd said:
Great start!
The so called cactus kate plant is good for grafting but isn't worth growing fyi, it is the PC clone and the grower you bought from often drop ships and just misrepresents.

Well I hope that not the case.. i just bought 15lbs of cuttings in the hopes of growing legit pachanoi from peru (as the current seller of "Cactus Kate" cactus claims) along with my first mescaline trip..............

If you have any info you could link me to i would very much appreciate it.
It is not legit pachanoi or representative of pachanoi from peru at all. The guy is very dishonest.

I know people who have sold that guy (hundreds of cuttings of) PC they grew and he resold it for a hefty profit, no links, nobody has published about it, the guy threatens to sue anyone who even has a domain name he doesn't like and he doesn't have a clue about ID. He is just about the money.

He is not trustworthy, he is just out for a buck.

As far as mesc values for that clone, they range from 0 to about 0.04%, sometimes a bit more but not much.

You do have some awesome plants there, just not that PC clone. I would avoid anything from that dishonest bloke though, he has no passion for the plants.

I will add, the so called Cactus Kate material is worthless and the guys peruvianus are not impressive, his bridgesii is the only decent thing he has but his prices are insanely high for the quality. He is selling worthless plants for nearly $50 for 5 lbs (PC)! I would avoid him and stick with companies or people who have decent reputations and sell proven clones or seed. That guy does not post his negative responses or feedback, he just misrepresents so much it is ridiculous.

On one of his cactus kate pages he has a sentence about how the trace alkaloids in the plant do not worry lawmakers, this is true, the PC clone he is trying to trademark as the Cactus Kate clone is very weak. Likewise eveb he claims that clone does not come from Kate, he says a botanist collected it in Peru in the 60s, but does not have any real information, by using the name Kate he is trying to employ a scheme to trademark the PC clone as something he alone has rights to! Do not trust that man.
AlbertKLloyd said:
It is not legit pachanoi or representative of pachanoi from peru at all. The guy is very dishonest.

I know people who have sold that guy (hundreds of cuttings of) PC they grew and he resold it for a hefty profit, no links, nobody has published about it, the guy threatens to sue anyone who even has a domain name he doesn't like and he doesn't have a clue about ID. He is just about the money.

He is not trustworthy, he is just out for a buck.

As far as mesc values for that clone, they range from 0 to about 0.04%, sometimes a bit more but not much.

You do have some awesome plants there, just not that PC clone. I would avoid anything from that dishonest bloke though, he has no passion for the plants.

Hmm and just to clarify you are referring to this vendor right? Security Measure

What doesnt make sense is that if this is this guy, and he really is just out for a buck and not in it for the plants.. he has quite the extensive website all about the cactus he sells and he even had a lot of authentic cactus. At least supposidly its authentic. My Peruvian Torch var. Wild Andes and my latest Bridgesii is from the same guy.
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