Just to clarify, I'm recommending those herbs to experiment with, not combine all together!
Also have this written down from somewhere as a guide to mixing:
Base (40-80%): Mullein, damiana, mj
Leading herbs:
Psychoactive: mj, damiana, sinichuchi, blue lotus
Dream enhancement: calea zacatechichi, blue lotus, mugwort
Cognitive: gotu kola, passion flower, ginko biloba
Stress: damiana, skullcap, chamomile, hibiscus
Mood/Depression: Lemon balm, motherwort, skullcap
Flavouring(5-10%): peppermint, chamomile, lavender, sage
You can infuse ipa with flavour herbs (or any herbs), especially those like lavender that can be harsh to smoke.
Skullcap, damiana and passionflower work well together.
Shouldn't forget Pau d'arco, but I'm not sure which category that would come in? Mood maybe?