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Making my first Changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I have DMT FB, Harmala FB (1:1 harmine/harmaline) and passion flowers.

As I understand from the (very different!) old posts here, in order to make a weak Changa I should use:
- 0.70 grams of harmala
- 0.30 grams DMT
- 1 gram passion flowers, well chopped

I should heat a little bit the iso alchol and mix the two freebase in a glass jar, then add the herbs and mix. then wait until the alchol has evaporated, then put the mix in a pan and let it evaporate even more.

Is that it?

How I should calculate the quantity to put in the pipe??

In case this hasn't already been shared with you :)

A few notes. You may want to use a more absorbent leaf for your blend aside from passionflower.

You can also lower the harmalas a little since you have passionflower which also has MAOI. I typically use 30% harmalas of the DMT amount.

Idk if you will need to heat your iso. Just stir until it dissolves. 99% evaporates quickly.

As for dosing, it's easier to control how far you go with this method so weighing your dose doesn't matter much imo. Pack a bowl, smaolk it to your liking, anything left over can just be kept in the bowl until your next journey.


One love
No apology needed my friend. I like doing what I can to help those that choose to to reach hyperspace in a manner that suits and interests them.

Some of those herbs I'm not certain about smoking simply because I haven't looked that up about them. The lavender sounds like it could be really nice though. I like using mullein leaf or marshmallow leaf for my absorbent base. I almost always use some amount of blue lotus and psssionflower.

As an example, I usually have a gram of herbs, a gram of DMT, and 300mg of harmalas. Ymmv

One love
Voidmatrix said:
No apology needed my friend. I like doing what I can to help those that choose to to reach hyperspace in a manner that suits and interests them.One love
Thank you mate you are extremely kind to answer all my questions![/quote]

Voidmatrix said:
I like using mullein leaf or marshmallow leaf for my absorbent base. I almost always use some amount of blue lotus and psssionflower.
As an example, I usually have a gram of herbs, a gram of DMT, and 300mg of harmalas. Ymmv
One love
Just to be clear, the absorbent base could be any herb that could be smoked/vaporized correct? so when you say 1+1+300mg you mean a gram of mixed herbs that you like the taste?
For me, effect takes precedence over taste (that is if you meant taste literally).

And yes, very correct with respect to absorbent herbs.

For more clarity, 1,000mg DMT, 1,000mg of herbs, and 300mg of harmalas.

I'm excited for you to try it. I needed a mood balance so just smoalked some myself :)

One love
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