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making Pharma liquid doses

Migrated topic.


Bill Nye
I've been wondering if it was a good idea to make tincture like doses, not necessarily for sublingual but more for adding to juice or something, by gettin ascorbic saturated water and dissolveng caapi alks + spice in some at a known ratio. Then one could pour a cup of juice and mix in the appropriate sized pharma shot into it and take it down. plus the ascorbic acid will help the concoction keep of time. Has anybody tried this? Is it a half-decent idea?
Yeah, shake well before using. Store somewhere dark and cold to avoid it going bad, check for rancid smell before each use which might indicate consequences of upset stomach etc.
DiMiTriX said:
why not? hydrosalcholic solution would work,why don't do gel caps?
tincture is nice yea ;)

I've never done pharma with gelcaps. Have heard of too many misses. I know someone on here, amor fati i think, uses vinegar for his tinctures, but with the antioxidant effects of vitamin c i figured it would keep for longer. Just thinking out loud.
Ive been interested in exploring this possibility as well,

I believe that 69ron stated the pH of acetic acid solution must be 4 or below to ensure no rancidity in the future, however this cannot be achieved by vinegar i believe.

An easy and effective way to have a solution you can store long term is a glycerite tincture. Vegetable glycerin can easily be found at health food stores for a reasonable price.

a solution of 50/50 glycerin/water is said to be effective, it converts the alkaloids to their glycerite salts i believe, and effectively prevents bacteria growth.

Good Luck, let us know how it works out! :p
Iv' made glycerate caapi alcaloids tincture in the past which worked a charm.
As for logn term storage don't ask me it didn't last long, Caapi tincture is so damn easy to microdose or Pharmadose on a regular base.
fraterS.O.L. said:
I've never done pharma with gelcaps. Have heard of too many misses. I know someone on here, amor fati i think, uses vinegar for his tinctures, but with the antioxidant effects of vitamin c i figured it would keep for longer. Just thinking out loud.

Oxidization isn't much of an issue for pharma, in SWIM's experience. The vinegar is a preservative and is used for the preference of using the acetate form of spice. However, fumarates will work just fine. Glycerine is about the best preservative one could use for tinctures, and SWIM would use it for either an acetate or fumarate tincture.
amor, does the glycerin convert the compounds to their glycerite form? Or just act as a preservative?

I still dont really understand the chemistry behind how a compound behaves when exposed to different acids in different salt forms. Does it convert according to which acid is stronger? i.e glycerite overpowering acetate which is apparently a weak bond? Or how tannates can become citrates, acetates, etc.
SpiralNeuroEclipse said:
amor, does the glycerin convert the compounds to their glycerite form? Or just act as a preservative?

Well glycerine acts as a solvent, not a reactant, so we're talking glycerite solutions of alkaloids in acetate form, just like with alcohol (think of how rubbing alcohol or soap are used to disinfect). So it acts as a preservative in the same manner as alcohol, whereas acetic acid (vinegar) provides an environment with too harsh of a pH for microbes to take hold.
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