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Mantra for overcoming fear?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Anyone know of a good mantra for overcoming fear?

I want to return to the realm of the infinite, but can't get over the FEAR. Fear of what? Hell if i know, fear of it all i guess....:roll:
Anyways i know my mind is not right for journeying right now, and i know other nexians have been there before, so how did you level your head(s)?
So if anyone knows of a good mantra for FEAR i would be greatly appreciative!!:)
"I shall not fear
Fear is the mind killer
Fear is the little death that brings
total obliteration
Instead I shall face my fear
I shall allow it to pass over
and through me
Turning the inner eye to see it's path
where the fear has gone
there shall be nothing
only I shall remain"

-Frank Herbet
I posted up a bout this a while ago.

As you smoke, Imagine the highest feeling of love you can feel, and then focus only on that. Do not even do fear the justice of trying to ignore it, simply realise that everything is love slowed to a slow vibration. So, do not focus on fear, and do not ignore it either, only imagine the highest feeling of love you can and bring that with you into hyperspace. The DMT will resonate and amplify your feeling. You get back what you bring with you. Also, love everything you feel or experience, because it is all love.

With a bit of luck you'll end up in some sort of cosmic state of love; either white oneness or a state of being in eternal cosmic love, or in union with the godhead, again, in an eternal state of love, or somewhere like that.

Good luck.
I never planned to do this it just started out of necessity during some intence blast offs. When a blast off gets crazy I just keep repeating "this is nice, this is good" half my brain knows I'm lying to myself, and says so, but I just keep saying it in my head. Eventually it planes out and I'm in that place we all love.
Thanks for the guidance friends, i really enjoy that quote Kwisatz, as for the Fear i should have added that this was brought on by LSD, and not by spice; i have never had an issue with spice, but am worried that this fear brought on from LSD might carry over. Either way i know that this is my burden to bear, no one can save someone except themselves, but i appreciate you guys support and guidance, it means a lot! :)
At times, I have an overwhelming fear also.

I stick with a couple simple words,

YES and I Love You!

I continue to say yes to myself as I prepare and administer the dose. When I exhale and I can here the alarm bells ringing and the oevs begin, I close my eyes and say out loud, Yes! I Love You! I Love You!

its OK to fear, but, Do Not Run! Look straight into it and say to yourself, I love you, Yes, I love you!

There is nothing wrong with verbalizing out loud to assist in guiding yourself. Proclaim your love and devotion. Ask questions out loud. Verbally display your love and gratitude.

Love and Gratitude
Gayatri Mantra!!

When I started doing yoga, I was 13 or 14. I used to go to the studio with a girlfriend, and she was obsessed with Deva Premal. I've had this CD forever and it's my favorite yoga music. Deva Premal has an absolutely beautiful voice... (I've heard some terrifying musical renditions of this mantra that I would not recommend, as well ;) ).

I have sang this to myself many times while freaking out on Aya, and I think chants like this can really keep a changa experience sailing smoothly. :)

Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra

Now, when you get into the translation of the Gayatri Mantra, it's incredible. So profound. There is simply nothing more beautiful to say...

Gayatri translation/explanation

Finally, there are PROFOUNDLY OCCULT PROPERTIES to this mantra!! Every syllable targets a different place in the body, for example, and covers the entire body--a pretty big deal if you've ever experienced your own inner harmonics directly with Aya/DMT.

Occult properties of Gayatri Mantra

I can't recommend this one enough. It's beautiful, it's magic, it is most divine.

Although, experimenting with prayer in general can also be an interesting experience. Once, my mind was too far dissolved to think about Gayatri. I was raised Catholic, and the only thing at the time that popped into my head was the Hail Mary--a few moments later, I was crucified and speaking in tongues.
ms_manic_minxx said:
Gayatri Mantra!!

When I started doing yoga, I was 13 or 14. I used to go to the studio with a girlfriend, and she was obsessed with Deva Premal.

My wife is obsessed with Deva Premal :)
KwisatzHaderach said:
"I shall not fear
Fear is the mind killer
Fear is the little death that brings
total obliteration
Instead I shall face my fear
I shall allow it to pass over
and through me
Turning the inner eye to see it's path
where the fear has gone
there shall be nothing
only I shall remain"

-Frank Herbet
Litany Against Fear all the way. Always works for me. ;)
This one worked for me on a solo mission of 200+mcg LSD:

Nothing to prove ,nothing to fear
Feel the bliss that resides here.

Repeated often enough, the bliss certainly made itself apparent:d
DAMN Kwisatz Haderach, you beat me to it!

And even though it's untraditional, you can insert "horrible taste" in instead of fear, and then as you think it you will have no troubles downing large quantities of vinegar-acidified ayahuasca. It fits, in an odd way.

"I shall not fear the horrible taste
The horrible taste is the mind killer
Gag reactions are the little death that brings
total obliteration
Instead I shall face the horrible taste
I shall allow it to pass over
and through me
Turning the inner eye to see it's path
where the horrible taste has gone
there shall be nothing
only I shall remain"
BananaForeskin said:
"I shall not fear the horrible taste
The horrible taste is the mind killer
Gag reactions are the little death that brings
total obliteration
Instead I shall face the horrible taste
I shall allow it to pass over
and through me
Turning the inner eye to see it's path
where the horrible taste has gone
there shall be nothing
only I shall remain"

This one REALLY made by day! Can't stop laughing (and I'm working! - or should be... :lol: )
Yeah the Gayatri is so powerful, thanks for the links! Also if you want to use a shorter mantra, try "Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti." Translates as peace.
Awesome suggestions i think the nexus should have a sticky devoted to calming methods, quotes, and mantras.
Om Mani Pedme Hum is my favourite
and this song helps with clearing away the bad vibes if it becomes to much.

Now, SWIM doesn't want to stray to far from the OP question, but personally from SWIM's experience with mushrooms (haven't had DMT, so can't relate to that fear) but with mushroom fear, SWI've come to realize that the reason I have this fear is because something subconsciously is bothering SWIM. So instead of pushing it away, SWIM has learned to embrace the fear and focus on the question WHY!?! WHY DOES SWIM FEEL THIS! this questioning and embracing of the fear ultimately eliminates it once SWIM realizes the cause of the fear and "rises" into a state of bliss. SWI've learned that to get to bliss and "happy thoughts", SWIY cannot cheat SWIYself and hide from the fear, cause it will only manifest and grow for not dealing with it.

Sorry for gettin off topic but just SWIM's 2 cents :)
The Centre said:
shoe said:


Lol, I don't even smoke anymore, but it sure helps.
I don't smoke anymore as I found it makes me fucking lazy. Plus it became a habit.

I've found for calming the nerves pre-flight, MJ is the worst for me. Instead of calming me down, it does the exact opposite and makes me super anxious. But to each his own.
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