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Many Questions about BULK

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Bulk as in 3 kilo batches.

Questions about acid soaks:

1. Does SWIM need to boil the MHRB for a long time (2hrs?) over heat? Or is it sufficent to use * multiple soaks * of HOT tap water and allow it to soak for a day or so per soak.

2. If SWIM is set up to use large volumes of liquid is it appropriate to do so? rather than attempt to reduce the volume of the aqueous solution. SWIM is using about 2 gal per kilo in each soak; then. filtering into 5 gal carbouy. (so 3 kg is done with 5 gal first soak, 3 gal second soak, 3 gal 3rd soak) all that has been done is 3 soaks.

3. Is 2 gal per kilo enough? the PH used is 2 and the MHRB solution is deep purple and the soaks tend to "pale out" in the 3rd soak. ( a 3 kilo final pull from spent batches with an over night soak produced a translucent juice that looked like sun tea or something, i could see through it)

None of these soaks are being reduced over heat, they are each being treated with Naptha "as is"

Questions about Naptha and Aggitation:

1. How long is needed to repeatedly up-end the vessel and swirl it about to mix the P and NP solutions together?

2.an observation of slow spice dissolving in reasonably hot heptane got SWIM thinking.. is it this difficult to dissolve spice in its freebase form on the initial naptha pulls in the first place? Or as a freebase in a polar solution is it "eager* to join up with the naptha molecules.

3. The size of SWIMs pulls are big. too big? 1-2 L at a time.. so you figure 3 kg x 300 ml is 900ml why not make it 1000?. SWIM has done only 2L (2 pulls) on Soak 1 and 1 pull on soak 2 and 3.

4. Is it enough to use only a boiling solvent and not a boiling aqeuous solution? will the heat from the naptha be enough to improve soluability of spice? this goes ack to the "is spice eager to dissolve" idea.

SWIM knows this all has a lot to do with yeilds, and SWIM is thinking they could do better than .45 % All bark is still saved. all but 2 kg of solution has been discarded after a final Xylene pull on the previous kg's

So thats A LOT of naptha!!

Questions about Evaporation.

1. WIll using a crockpot to reduce the volume of naptha cause a loss is yeilds? will SWIM vaporize the spice while evaporation naptha on the "high setting" of the crock pot, it does not boil water, but it only very *slightly* boils the naptha... little bubbles

an observation of highly concentrated (all total pulls from 2kg so from 3L down to 900ml) naptha... while observing it evaporate (watching grass grow) i noticed small hair like crystals had formed into the air on the very tip top rim of the glass (a 1000ml beaker) is the spice being vaporized and crystalizing on the glass?

SWIM thinks yes! especially with highly concentrated solvent, perhaps the spice isnt so eager to stay in solution after all...

But isnt this what everyone has been doing to freeze precipitate? reduce to even 10% of the volume. so a much longer exposure to heat and oxygen.

2. SWIM has piss yellow naptha sometimes, is this just super concentrated or is it DMT N oxide forming from the use of a fan? SWIM is using a pwerfull Uni directional flow system.

3. How long will naptha take to evap? SWIM thinks it takes longer the more concentrated it is for these reasons: Correct SWIM if SWIM is wrong.

- crystalizing spice (less volatile?

- heavier solution

- SWIM has seen naptha dissapear in 8 hours with smaller batches and has waited almost a day now for a batch that is supposed to be 3 kg of spice to crystalize at room temp, even after putting it in front of a fan last night the beaker is covered in small CUBIC CLEAR crystals, like 3 grams at least. and the naptha has only reduced about 100 ml at most... like from 900ml to 800ml and its still SO SO yellow.

- The same thing is happening with a batch that is supposed to be the first two pulls from soak one of 2 kg and is equally as yellow. The biggest Crystals SWIM has seen yet but the slowest evaporation time and the yellowest Naptha.

*** a word about these soaks... in the most recent 3 kg the hot Acid soaks have been done for only an hour each and were only hot tap water and have so far yeilded such... just a note for those of you thinking about answering that question regarding the boiling of MHRB.

all in all SWIM knows it could just be the bark. 4.5 g'kilo isnt bad, but...

You got a nice nickname!

As for your questions, there is a noob questions topic for such questions plus, most of them can be answered by common logic (like taking a tek and scaling up volumes) and some extra reading. SWIM thinks that processing 3 kilos is TOO much, why don't SWIY try in smaller amounts, like 500g? SWIM does not know who would ever need to consume that much dmt, which should be around 20-60 grams.

I hope SWIY is not planning to market it!
SWIM uses common logic, but half the fun is reinventing the wheel.

noob question thread didnt seem to have all of the answers. plus SWIM had A LOT of questions + observations. SWIM hasnt made a first post yet :)

SWIM uses what is available and has attempted phalaris extractions in the past, so proccessing large volumes was inherent in the design.

Many hands. many minds.

no plans to market, SWIM thinks most SWIM's would like to stock up

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