Hmmmm.....could be something to that....
i'm a professional cyclist myself and i have, over the course of the past 4 years, forced myself to change my diet despite my 30+ hours a week of training. my carbs all come from vegetables (very little fruit) and quality protein sources (eggs, fish and ocassionally lamb). no gluten-containing grains (just rice and corn for me) and a conscious avoidance of sugar.
over the last 4 years, i have weaned myself almost completely off of sugar.
for a year prior to this change and all throughout it, i was on lexapro. five years in total. when i decided to come off it a year ago, i did so gradually and carefully. i am now completely off and will never go back.
the diet, i believe, was a HUGE part of my success in breaking free from the shackles of SSRIs. now, with the additon of my daily caapi brews, it's not so much that they are my new anti-depressants....i am stable now. i still have hard days...but i was well and truly immobilized by depression after my dad died 5 years ago.....but now i am good...and able to function. i have been in therapy consistently this whole time as well. anyone who is not truly "using" their anti-depressant to allow them to activiely WORK on themselves is really just in for a life-long addiciton and no change to their real problem...
i truly believe caapi is a wonderful medicine and that, over time working with it, i will not only undo any damage...but IMPROVE my brain. that being said, i still think it's important to have a "wholistic" approach to helping yourself if you suffer from depression. diet, exercise, talking to someone who can help you work through those things that "bring you down"....and all the while using caapi to solidify this progress....that's how i envision it's use.
or at least, that's how i have been using it....
much love and gratitude!!