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MAOI/MAOI plant information

Migrated topic.

DMTea Nexian

my mind is the universe and I'm the traveler, on a
I have been learning a lot about DMT recently and the more I learn, the more I want to do it:thumb_up:. Unfortunately, I have a road block:MAOI's!:thumb_dow

If anyone could give me a list of plants(or anything really) that can be bought in shops that have MAOI's that would be great! Also if there is something that can be used instead of MAOI's by any chance that would also be fine, my ayahuasca is useless without them(BTW this is a great site!).

:!: DMTea Nexian signing off...
I have been learning a lot about DMT recently and the more I learn, the more I want to do it:thumb_up:. Unfortunately, I have a road block:MAOI's!:thumb_dow

If anyone could give me a list of plants(or anything really) that can be bought in shops that have MAOI's that would be great! Also if there is something that can be used instead of MAOI's by any chance that would also be fine, my ayahuasca is useless without them. The answers could be as helpful to me as it would a lot of others, so help us all(BTW this is a great site!).

:!: DMTea Nexian signing off...
Have you taken the time to read through the Nexus rules and guidelines? We encourage members to do their own research and perform a basic search for their answers before posting. This question has been covered an endless amount of times before. So, what plants contain MAOI/RIMA?

To get started, you'll need to do some reading on Banisteriopsis caapi and Syrian Rue, the two most commonly used plants.
Usually b. caapi or Syrian Rue are used for brewing Ayahuasca.
If those aren't available, this might interest you:

I'd try Passion Flower since it contains harmala alkaloids like b. caapi and rue.
Baelor said:
Usually b. caapi or Syrian Rue are used for brewing Ayahuasca.
If those aren't available, this might interest you:

I'd try Passion Flower since it contains harmala alkaloids like b. caapi and rue.

The Harmala Alkaloids in Passion Flower are too low for someone who appears to be just diving into this area to be able to extract a sufficient amount without a little experience.

My advice go for syrain rue 😁 it has never failed me since the start of this now 12 year journey with these compounds and is very cost effective and good for someone new to this area due to its high potency without need for extraction unless your afraid to get a little bit of bad taste left in your mouth and some nausea\ :)

Make sure to do your research tho no matter what route you take. An overdose on any MAOI containing substance is not a good time my friend
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