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MAOI & Spice simultaneously - waste of spice?

Migrated topic.


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OG Pioneer
SWIM thinks that starting MAO inhibition takes time, i.e. if you ingest harmalas and spice simultaneously, spice will be decomposing by MAO before the inhibition starts.

So, why many people take the spice together with a MAOI?

Please correct her, if she is wrong.
I have found that if I take my MAOI along with my spice that the trip will be more intense but much shorter. Perhaps an hour or two with a powerful peak experience. When I take my MAOI and wait a half hour before eating the spice, the trip often lasts for five or six hours.
SWIM gets better results taking them at the same time dissolved in juice.

Harmala alkaloids are very short acting MAOIs. If you take the harmala MAOIs first and wait a little too long, the DMT won't work at all. I don’t know the maximum time frame, but for SWIM, taking the DMT 1 hour later is completely ineffective. Taking it 30 minutes later works, but barely. Taking it 15 minutes after, is ok, but somehow delays the trip.

It seem these digestive rules are different for each person though. So just because it works fine for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same for you. Each person has a unique digestive system. The digestive system is very complicated, and just a tiny variation can lead to very different absorption rates from person to person.
69ron said:
SWIM gets better results taking them at the same time dissolved in juice.

Harmala alkaloids are very short acting MAOIs. If you take the harmala MAOIs first and wait a little too long, the DMT won't work at all. I don’t know the maximum time frame, but for SWIM, taking the DMT 1 hour later is completely ineffective. Taking it 30 minutes later works, but barely. Taking it 15 minutes after, is ok, but somehow delays the trip.

It seem these digestive rules are different for each person though. So just because it works fine for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same for you. Each person has a unique digestive system. The digestive system is very complicated, and just a tiny variation can lead to very different absorption rates from person to person.

It's a pity, because SWIM hoped for a simple answer. Yesterday she took 200 mg of harmalas and 30 mg of spice at +25 min and the trip was barely +2. There was a sharp peak (nausea, weightlessness, a sense of flying) that lasted around 10 min. Next time she plans to narrow the window between MAOI and spice to 10 min.
Trickster said:
69ron said:
SWIM gets better results taking them at the same time dissolved in juice.

Harmala alkaloids are very short acting MAOIs. If you take the harmala MAOIs first and wait a little too long, the DMT won't work at all. I don’t know the maximum time frame, but for SWIM, taking the DMT 1 hour later is completely ineffective. Taking it 30 minutes later works, but barely. Taking it 15 minutes after, is ok, but somehow delays the trip.

It seem these digestive rules are different for each person though. So just because it works fine for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same for you. Each person has a unique digestive system. The digestive system is very complicated, and just a tiny variation can lead to very different absorption rates from person to person.

It's a pity, because SWIM hoped for a simple answer. Yesterday she took 200 mg of harmalas and 30 mg of spice at +25 min and the trip was barely +2. There was a sharp peak (nausea, weightlessness, a sense of flying) that lasted around 10 min. Next time she plans to narrow the window between MAOI and spice to 10 min.

Yes it can take some experimentation to find out what is right for you. If I only took 30mg of spice, I don't think I would feel much at all. In your case, I think you took a good and heavy dose of harmalas but didn't take enought DMT. I'd try 200mg of harmalas again and take 50mg or 60mg of spice. If that doesn't work, then try to narrow the time between MAOI and DMT. Like 69ron said, we all have different digestive systems and effects often vary.
69ron said:
SWIM gets better results taking them at the same time dissolved in juice.

Harmala alkaloids are very short acting MAOIs. If you take the harmala MAOIs first and wait a little too long, the DMT won't work at all. I don’t know the maximum time frame, but for SWIM, taking the DMT 1 hour later is completely ineffective. Taking it 30 minutes later works, but barely. Taking it 15 minutes after, is ok, but somehow delays the trip.

It seem these digestive rules are different for each person though. So just because it works fine for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same for you. Each person has a unique digestive system. The digestive system is very complicated, and just a tiny variation can lead to very different absorption rates from person to person.

Strange, I find mixing the two will cause a short but intense trip. Dosing around 30 mins apart guarantees in a decent length trip a while later. Redosing DMT around 3-4 hours in turns what would have been a 5 hour trip into an 8-16+ hour long rollercoaster. Adding more harmala, I can go for a day of straight tripping though it doesn't feel like a good idea to do more than once whatsoever.
Individual body chemistry has a lot to say on these matters. It is my understanding that individual differences are vast with the MAO-enzymes. Therefore, I do not believe one can say that what works for me will necessarily work for you. One should explore how his or her own body react, not observe how other react.
Trickster said:
SWIM thinks that starting MAO inhibition takes time, i.e. if you ingest harmalas and spice simultaneously, spice will be decomposing by MAO before the inhibition starts.

So, why many people take the spice together with a MAOI?

Please correct her, if she is wrong.

Legends says, that when you don´t take MAOI, DMT won´t work.
If I dose dmt 20 minutes after the maoi, I find the experience to be relatively short, from 60-90 minutes. But If I take dmt orally 90 minutes into it, the experience lasts for many hours. I think it may depend on the amount of maoi you take. This was with relatively low amounts of dmt. I believe if you dose higher amounts of maoi, your experience will be much longer if taken at the same time. This may be because with relatively low amounts of maoi in your system, the dmt is broken down quickly. But after an hour, there should be more maoi in the bloodstream, causing the dmt to last longer.

For instance, if I take 100 mg of harmine, then if the dmt is taken at the same time, the experience should be relatively short, 1-2 hours. If I wait 60-90 minutes, the experience would be more like 4-6 hours. With 300 mg of harmine, the length of the experience would probably be very different.

Basically, the lower amounts of maoi you take, the shorter the duration of the trip. If you adjust the amount of dmt upward in combination with low amounts of maoi, you can get a strong and relatively short trip.
Dagger said:
If I dose dmt 20 minutes after the maoi, I find the experience to be relatively short, from 60-90 minutes. But If I take dmt orally 90 minutes into it, the experience lasts for many hours. I think it may depend on the amount of maoi you take. This was with relatively low amounts of dmt. I believe if you dose higher amounts of maoi, your experience will be much longer if taken at the same time. This may be because with relatively low amounts of maoi in your system, the dmt is broken down quickly. But after an hour, there should be more maoi in the bloodstream, causing the dmt to last longer.

For instance, if I take 100 mg of harmine, then if the dmt is taken at the same time, the experience should be relatively short, 1-2 hours. If I wait 60-90 minutes, the experience would be more like 4-6 hours. With 300 mg of harmine, the length of the experience would probably be very different.

Basically, the lower amounts of maoi you take, the shorter the duration of the trip. If you adjust the amount of dmt upward in combination with low amounts of maoi, you can get a strong and relatively short trip.

How strange! Could human digestion vary so greatly?

SWIM did the following experiment.

220 mg of harmalas were taken with fresh orange juice. In 5 min 50 mg of spice were taken with fresh orange juice. In 10-15 min she started to feel rising anxiety and slight nausea. Nothing much happened for the next hour. SWIM ate some fish, vegetables and cottage cheese. In 15 min she redosed with 200 mg of harmalas and 30 mg of spice. Again, for 2-3 hours she felt only some dizziness and nausea.

Looks like taking spice at +60-90 min does not work for her. The other conclusion she arrived at is that next time she should try 100 mg of spice simltaneously with at least 200 mg of harmalas.
420mg of harmalas is way too much and not at all necessary
try taking 200mg harmalas with 50mg dmt fumarate salted out of limonene with fasi
take them together in a gel cap with a small hole pricked in it
if that doesnt do anything then there is something wrong with you
psychosisdoses said:
420mg of harmalas is way too much and not at all necessary

200 mg of that 420 mg were taken in about 1h30min of the first 220mg

psychosisdoses said:
try taking 200mg harmalas with 50mg dmt fumarate salted out of limonene with fasi
take them together in a gel cap with a small hole pricked in it

SWIM thinks that 50 mg of freebase converted to citrate in OJ is more than 50 mg of fumarate, so it probably would not work. She will try 100 mg of freebase diluted in OJ.

psychosisdoses said:
if that doesnt do anything then there is something wrong with you

There probably is. SWIM's first real caapi only journey happened with 600 g of vine. All the previous attempts, starting from 50 g to 300 g failed. The trip was terrifyingly powerful. Later the necessary dosage dropped down to 300 g.
SWIM took 250 mg of harmalas and in 5 min 120 mg of spice. Nausea, dizziness, slight CEV for an hour.

She is still much interested in pharma, but something needs to be changed. Otherwise it is just a waste of spice.

She already tried different spice and harmalas dosges.

Spice - from 20 mg to 120 mg, taken at +5 min, at +30 min. and at +80 min.
Harmalas - from 100 to 250 mg.

There is still some suspicion that harmalas may have had a noticeable trace of Calcium Bicarbonate. They formed white foam when dissolved in OJ.

What are clear and unmistakable indications that there is enough MAOI in the system?
Trickster said:
There is still some suspicion that harmalas may have had a noticeable trace of Calcium Bicarbonate. They formed white foam when dissolved in OJ.

Thats not good, The harmalas should just slowly dissolve in the OJ without any foam or bubbling. Make sure your harmalas are prepped well.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Since I suspect SWIY's supply of harmaloid is greater than her supply of DMT, I'd recommend checking to see what level of harmaloids is psychoactive for SWIM on its own. At what I consider the correct dose, about forty five minutes to an hour after dosing the harmaloids I feel slightly mentally confused, have noticeably less desire to move, and experience a slight body load, like a hint of warmth underneath my skin (SWIM enjoys a slightly higher dose than this for its own sake, as the body load and mental state become rather pleasant at the right dose).

Calcium bicarbonate isn't worrying at all in that it's totally harmless. However, it does make titrating the correct dose more difficult.
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