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Mapping Bufotenine Effects

Migrated topic.


here is a guide to the effects and progression of bufotenine effect..

this guide is to document the way bufotenine feels from the first hit to the last..this may be incomplete because its hard to document this as it happens

first stage

after taking your first hit..you will feel a pin like tingly sensation at the back of your skull..which will spread to the rest of your skull..it then travels down your arms slighty..into your hands..which is a bit more pronounced than you arms..you will then feel it hit your thighs..and then a slight tingly in your feet..

after 30-40 seconds..this will level out to a nice euphoria..

then you will want to take another hit..always holding it in as long as possible..the same feeling will happen as above..but slightly less intense..

you will be able to get maybe three hits in...in the course of say three minutes..before you start getting real visual effects..

you will want to keep taking hits until your hit is gone..it may take 5 minutes or more..but SWIM has found that it doesnt really matter how long..the intensity continues to build even if you take 10 minutes(may just be SWIM but who knows)

after this point the visuals are fairly strong if you have taken a SMALL dose..if you have managed to get a nice solid dose..you may happen to close your eyes and start talking to close friend and whatnot...then open your eyes and realize you are alone..

this thread hopefully will be a place where other people can add to the list of effects as it progresses into infinity..and SWIM encourages anybody that has tried bufotenine to throw in there few words..
How much is SWIY ingesting? SWIM and others have not noticed such intense visual effects. Although they are present even at higher doses are mild and not of a true HA type but rather similaur to the classical tryptamine patterns (although different). Talking to freinds who are not there ?? Sounds like a muscarinic antagonist to me.... The one thing that many pple report about Bufotenine is it does not alter your thoughts as much as other compounds so thinking people are there that aren't? Maybe SWIY is hyper hyper sensitive or has strange effects or maybe the B extracted contains another compound. Is it pure?
SWIM finds Jorkest's descriptions to be completely accurate. SWIM has had fantastic visions with the eyes closed from as little at 10 mg of vaporized freebase bufotenine.

SWIM's bufotenine was crystallized several times and is about 98% pure bufotenine. One batch he has was separated using column chromatography and then recrystallized in MEK:heptane, and then recrystallized in xylene, and then in acetone. As seen under a microscope the crystals are 98% pure with a single crystal formation that is nearly crystal clear. Unless there are other crystals with the exact same crystal formation as seen under a microscope that are growing interwoven with the bufotenine, which is highly unlikely, then it has got to be 98% pure.
Although it has been a while SWIM has noticed an initial sensation of pressure in the head and body this subsides within 2-3 minutes and leads to a nice classic tryptamine buzz although with a clear mind. Visuals similar to low dose MT but of a more rapid nature, swirling patterns more phosphene like then complex geometric shapes like with MT. Vivid imagination day dreaming can be quite fascinating. Closed eyed can be rapidly changing shapes, colors and swirls, but for SWIM nothing to complex. On higher dose via insulation SWIM has been closed eyed daydreaming and then zoned out only to wake up an hour later, half sleep half awake with little memory of the event. This is not possible on other tryptamines. Insulfation is nice and lasts longer than freebasing and less head pressure (although still some initially). Very relaxing experience but for SWIM a nice experiment but nothing to make a habit out of. MAOI definitely enhance the effects.
SWIM has had true hallucinations and conversations with friends who are not present?

SWIM has seen your crystals they are very beautiful what SWIM had was also pure and definitely a single compound with RF equal to Bufo no other alkaloids were present. I do not mean to downplay the visuals as they are apparent however for SWIM and others who have tried they are nothing near those of a high dose of DMT or psilocin. They are different. SWIM wonders if other alkaloids are present in ones sample. There are seeds containing high levels of DMT have yo bufotenine u run TLC on your samples. Have you similar results from multiple seed sources?

it may be that different individuals have different susceptibility. This is certainly likely.
bufoman said:
SWIM has had true hallucinations and conversations with friends who are not present?

Not exactly. SWIM has talked to beings (within his mind, not out loud) that were seen in the visions several times. It can look pretty real while there. But for SWIM it is obviously an effect of the bufotenine and not really there.
its been a strange relationship for SWIM..when he first started working with this material..he was extremely unimpressed..vomiting..body ache..passing out..with no visual effect to speak of..but the more he worked with it..the more he stared to notice...and granted the visual effects for SWIM are not DMT powerful..but rather psilocin powerful..its more closely related to psilocin then anything..psilocin is 4-ho-dmt...bufotenine is 5-ho-dmt..

what SWIM has found is that its like a strange combo between psilocin and dmt..it has effects that are in between the two..its effects come on in about 5 minutes..dmt being about 20 seconds..and the quickest for psilocin is about 15 minutes...bufotenine is right in the middle..

when SWIM experienced the 'talking to brother and friends' while on a low dose of bufotenine..it felt like a dream...and when he 'awoke' from it was rather confused about being alone because it felt so real..

SWIM has the feeling that the longer you work with this substance the more it starts to effect you..for SWIM the greatest and most awesome effect that it has on him...is the feeling of excitement he feels the next day..its soooo strong..almost uncontainable..he feels that people are starting to get annoyed with him because hes sooo excited to be alive...its wonderful..

so while the visuals are not nearly as powerful as DMT visuals..they are still powerful none the less..and perhaps..he still needs some work on his smoking technique..but so far..he is extremely happy with this wonderful molecule
On high doses, with the eyes opened, SWIM has seen objects appear floating in front of him. As though you can reach out and grab them. But they look imaginative and not real.
Interesting. SWIM knows what you mean about the dreamy nature of the experience as he has zoned out and had "confusing" memories of the visuals. So it was sort of like a half dream effect that I can see. The visuals are definelty apparent but not DMT intense. DMT is by far the most visual compound in SWIMs opinion. SWIM has seen incredible insane visuals.

SWIM has not had much luck with freebasing B? Insulfation has worked best. Although Freebasing works the pressure seems to slow down further ingestion.

SWIM has also seen the objects with eyes open, swirling patterns and strange objects shapes. But still nothing like DMT beings. But never the less fascinating and interesting effects.

B is a unique compound which has effects all its own. Anyone seriously interested in the subjective effects of these compounds would want to check it out. It is one of the essential 3; DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-OH-DMT all naturally occurring in the human brain.
seven away from 2000 ron..

but anyway..

when he was having visions of talking with other people it was just the oddest thing to come out of...he felt like he should grab something..i know that sounds strange..but he felt like he should reach out an grab onto anything close...he doesnt know what that means..but bufotenine has done something interesting to his dreams..

last night he witnessed about 6 people being murdered..it wasnt scary at all..it wasnt bothersome..he watched one person get hit by a bus..and then he thinks he remembers the rest of them getting shot in the back of the head...normally this sort of dream would make him nervous and 'scared' but zombie movies have stopped bothering him(he use to hate them)

hes been having dreams that just keep continuing..even after all those murder dreams(they were but a small part of the whole story) he had all sorts of AWESOME dreams..that really seemed real..

SWIM has noticed that his tryptamine intake really effects the sort of dreams that he has..and the bufotenine dreams seem to be the ones that make everything seem very REAL..even when wacky things happen in them
Interesting. SWIM has not noticed this consistently with tryptamines, but certainly with beta-carbolines. It would be wonderful to discover a substance capable of reproducibly altering dreams vivdness and content. SWIM knows that nicotine does this (although he does not want to slap on a nicotine patch before bed) other acetylcholine altering drugs also may alter dream content. It would be great to look into this more as many people would likely find this interesting and desirable.
SWIM has been enjoying his 1mg doses lately..he smokes at least 15 of them over the course of however long..but it seems like the most wonderful thing he has ever come across..perhaps the d-limonene makes it more wonderful to smoke..but..we will just have to see as more people work with the d-limonene tek
Since this thread started, SWIM has been able to get oral bufotenine to work quite well without all the nausea. You take 3 Datura stramonium seeds with 100 mg or more freebase bufotenine. This completely blocks the nausea of oral bufotenine and very slighlty increases the visual effects.

100 mg of freebase bufotenine is a very small dose orally unless you let it soak under your tongue for about 10 minute before swallowing (allowing sublingual absorption).

When taken orally, it's much more psilocybin like. Almost like a cross between psilocybin and LSA and ayahuasca. It's quite nice, but there’s also sort of a coffee like edge to it.

Recently SWIM has not been able to smoke anything so he’s been experimenting with the oral route quite a bit. For the best results, grind the bufotenine crystals and 3 Datura stramonium seeds together using a mortar and pestle, and then let the mix sit under your tongue for about 10 minutes before swallowing it. The effects begin after about 10 minutes this way and peak after about 50-90 minute and last a total of about 3 hours.

I imagine that this combination could be used with raw Vilca seeds. SWIM has not tried it with raw seeds though. He’s currently out of seeds.
can someone please just clarify - swims never tried bufo but it sounds as if its the best - when one is experiencing the fx - can the participant like look over to a friend in the same room(a real one) and have a conversation if they pleased - not that swim would do that - just wana get an idea on how little it actually effects your mind besides the visuals and pins and needles feelings in the head and arms etc...
Yes, you can easily carry on a conversation while under it's effects.

Many others on this forum have not ever experienced the full effects of bufotenine or Yopo/Vilca snuff. Either they've not done a large enough dose or they're just not able to experience such effects from bufotenine. I'm not sure. I think it's most likely inadequate dosing. People feel the side effects of the strong tingling at low doses and I think they are afraid to go deeper into the experience and so they never try more than a weak dose. A small dose will produce mild psilocybin like visuals, but that's it. For full effects you need a much larger dose, at least 5 times the dose needed for psilocybin like visuals. I think most people are just afraid to take that much because the tingling sensations scare them. Before you reach the true visionary threshold, the tingling becomes very strong. It's almost a prickling sensation for the first minute. I think that's alarming to many so they don't try a higher dose. SWIM went far above that dose and was pleasantly surprised. You break through to a whole new level of effects and the whole experience changes. I think on this forum SWIM is the only person with guts enough to enter the visionary dose of bufotenine. Others stop as soon as the tingling gets uncomfortable and don't go higher. They have no idea what they are missing!
swims new mission is bufo - its decided
lots of ppl have been buying seeds from various places, one person mentioned the seeds smoked as is causes fx - please could someone pm me the absoulute best vendor.
69ron said:
Yes, you can easily carry on a conversation while under it's effects.

Many others on this forum have not ever experienced the full effects of bufotenine or Yopo/Vilca snuff. Either they've not done a large enough dose or they're just not able to experience such effects from bufotenine. I'm not sure. I think it's most likely inadequate dosing. People feel the side effects of the strong tingling at low doses and I think they are afraid to go deeper into the experience and so they never try more than a weak dose. A small dose will produce mild psilocybin like visuals, but that's it. For full effects you need a much larger dose, at least 5 times the dose needed for psilocybin like visuals. I think most people are just afraid to take that much because the tingling sensations scare them. Before you reach the true visionary threshold, the tingling becomes very strong. It's almost a prickling sensation for the first minute. I think that's alarming to many so they don't try a higher dose. SWIM went far above that dose and was pleasantly surprised. You break through to a whole new level of effects and the whole experience changes. I think on this forum SWIM is the only person with guts enough to enter the visionary dose of bufotenine. Others stop as soon as the tingling gets uncomfortable and don't go higher. They have no idea what they are missing!
Unfortunately you are right, on the top of it many of parrots having they bufo a bit dirty so you can count nausea as well. ILPT noticed some vision but nothing like your swimmer talking about :(
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