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Maria pastora vision

Migrated topic.
On most of the trips in my life i was feeling that so called female entity even before reading about it and like someone pushing/directing you feeling so i was always thinking this plant acts like a living thing. Ok heres one of the best salvia trips of my life. I had it on the second time of my salvia use, on 20x, smokin my 3rd hit that day. I smoked the hit put the bong down and stand up to get that pushing feeling coz as a beginner for salvia i used to like that feeling too much (btw i was mostly smoking alone since the first time of my life untill finished ~0.7 grams myself in 3 days) coz it used to make me laugh a lot. Then that day i feel being push so hard that i fell down on the bed and that made me laugh even 2 times more. Suddenly a woman face appeared, as a normal reaction i thought its just a vision of mine. but it was lookin so real and i learned to not expect any meaningfull shapes or visions on salvia. I started callin her with a name i just found for her at that second and i was laughin at the same time. so imagine a stupid layin down on the bed and yelling "mother flower bwaahahahaha" :). Was a funny trip at that time.

The next day went to see a friend of mine and told him about the trip and the woman and that i called her mother flower, and he told me "you stupid dont you know any stories about her" i said no he repplied "she is the common woman figure everyone is seing on salvia and actually thats why the plants name is salvia". I was like wow and asked for him to show me some pictures of her if he had any. He had some by chance. But when i saw them they were nothing related to my vision :?. Just some random drawn colorfull faces, one of them was even looking like an owl. My vision was a thin faced voman, her eyes closed, having circles and lines between those circles on her head and 2 spikey vines were passing through her both sides. Then i thought this story is bullshit as i was thinking (coz i normally dont believe in such kinda stories). How come people can get the same vision with me on trip while they are not even trippin at the same time same place with me.

Then i thought i should make some investigation and ended up with the name Ska Maria Pastora, and ppl even became cults using salvia and believing its her spirit, and suddenly came accross a picture that scared the shit out of me :shock: :shock:. I had goose bumps or wutever you call it. It was my exact vision just the one on the net was looking a bit more innocent but mine had no expressions on her face. But the circles and lines on her head was even there. just the vines didnt fit the picture coz it was "shepherdess Marry's spirit shining upon ppl" kinda picture and i cant expect to see them there ofcourse :).

I didnt know what to say for about few hours until i posted it a drug forum i was a member of to see what would be the reactions of the people. They had no reaction. They were just like "wow nice trip duuude" :) I was like wtf am i blessed or something why didnt anyone else had such a vision while i can find it on the map. Here i added you a picture, some of you probably seen the full picture of this on the net. But i couldnt find it on my computer just as an avatar picture i cut from the real pic.


By the way i noticed the similarity of my vision also to Infected Mushroom's I'm the Supervisor album cover. This one actually gives the same face expression as my vision and have kinda vines or roots whatever around her but instead of circles you see mushrooms :p here u go im postin that one too

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