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Marijuana Alkaloid Content....

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So as i work in the garden i get the reminicent scent of The Light. It got me to wondering if anyone has done any experiments on the leaves, buds, roots or stalk of the cannabis plant to see what the possible content of DMT is or if the standard AB extraction of the plant pulls other alkaloids as well. I havent seen any disscussion on this topic on the net or in any of my walks of life. Ill check back soon thanx for stopin in on my post!
cannabisativine (pharmacologically inactive), hordenine, and piperidine are the only alkaloids I know of being present in cannabis.
I actually get whiffs of it when I am working in my vegetable garden, but I swear I can smell and taste it just by thinking about it (or certain kinds of thoughts), so I usually dismiss it as that. But sometimes, I'm not too sure. It would seem unlikely to be able to detect that smell in a living plant, but I don't know. Is the scent apparent in the mimosa root bark?
dropthemillstone said:
I actually get whiffs of it when I am working in my vegetable garden, but I swear I can smell and taste it just by thinking about it (or certain kinds of thoughts), so I usually dismiss it as that.

I used to smell dmt distinctively when it wasn't around at the time
Thank you all for your feedback!! Havent done anything with it further and i probablly wont as im sure there would be info somewhere about it. Live, Laugh and Love!
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