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May I join the enlightened?

Migrated topic.

wHite hoRn

Rising Star
I apologize for the length, if your not feeling dedicated to a lengthy read, skip over this one for now ;D

I guess now that I look back it seems so simple, all the factors that made the equation of me, and my religious philosophies.

I was always dreaming always imagining of things impossible, I wore a cape around my neck until I was 5. I told my mom hundreds of times, even I remember staring up at the sky asking the heavens to grant me the "power of the universe" when I was still only so young. I chased kids around with mulch playing Candyland and imagining that this simple piece of mulch could hold the answers to the universe. I guess we all did though...

In fifth grade a city building game of Greek mythology came out ZEUS, I became entranced by Greek mythology of spirits of the universe, devouring the Odyssey, of Ithaca and a desperate mans return home. And began searching the web reading everything I could of the myths and the spirits that enchanted them.

At this point, I was also studying meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection, at which this point was informational and taught me a lot, but it seemed all stayed quiet until my full spiritual awakening. I am only now in 6th grade at this time.

The teen phase hit me and culture swept me up in the tide of pubulesence I rode along its tides untill about sophmore year. This entire time I joined in the typical rowdiness and stupidity of society and found my nitch with quick wits and a love to socialize as the class clown. All the while I still took in as much information as I could and making enough friends and breaking social structure I learned alot about people the way they work and the way they tick.

Sophmore year I smoked marijuana for the first time. And eventually after breaking into it I became capable of smoking it every day, and again started doing research. I began to find my balance I feel spiritually. I found most of my feelings in eastern religion but i never hit the spot I just settled for saying "were all connected". Then I ate mushrooms for the first time, this was a very powerful time for me, I felt the connection to the earth and could see the power it held, it was beautiful. Again I met a friend who had moved away and was visiting, he told me about DMT and Terrence Mckenna, being the reader I am I delved into research into both and lightning bolts of spiritual awakening shot down upon me finally connecting my flaying string into a tightly bound web and I feel I know.

The spirit which connects us all is in us, it is the power of life and it is willed. We are dante traveling through hell, through purgatory, to learn and observe to watch the suffering and take from it the lessons of life so that upon returning to the spirit one is enlightened. I feel like from reading that DMT may be the connector I've always been looking for. I've been fascinated by dreams my whole life if one is deprived them he may go crazy. The pieces for me fell into place the beginning and the end, life is the ride of learning don't forget to take from it as much as you can for your return, and do not become to disconnected from the spirit.

I hope that I can find this spirit more, through those who have traveled to its depths, and seen its core. I too want to find peace within its walls, and know what to search for in my short trip. I wish to be shown and I feel the people hear are worthy guides, poets of the quest. I feel as dante on the hill, but I am not afraid, I am ready.
This was really cool, thanks.

I was also captivated by Greek mythology in childhood. :)

Asking the heavens to grant me the "power of the universe" also rings a bell. I unfortunately added a second clause to that prayer: "... but don't grant me those powers while there is a possibility of me making any harm with it" - which pretty much closed down the whole thing. :)

I also have this feeling that DMT may be a key to the end of time.
you ask
May I join the enlightened?

I hope you can and if you do please let me know how you arrived so I can tailor my path accordingly:) . It would seem we may share a common goal.

Haha the cape thing rings a bell here. I swear I had about 20 dreams i was superman by the time i was 11. So frustrating being able to fly then waking up. Atleast we have the spice.. Wilder than any of my dreams so far!

Anyway welcome to the forum fellow noob!
So a friend of mine extracted a half pound of some MHRB that we ordered offline, the scale we had didn't even register it, so we loaded some dimes and threw them on some ash and layered. My first time I tried a bic lighter using a water bong, nothing. After this I removed the water grabbed a torch and tried again. The smoke wasn't harsh and the only real taste is just because of the smell. The ash did make it a little hard to suck through next time I'll use MJ probally.

I took 2 long hits and held both for about 15-20 seconds the thick head feeling hit me fast and my body began to buzz a little, mild salvia like color waves were flowing on the ceiling and walls. Then I closed my eyes and laid back.

The only way I can describe what I first saw is a flat piece of circle paper folded and creased like a human brain but still holding a spherical shape, pulsing with color on every fold and spinning. Is this the chrysantheum? There was no plastic ripping no tunnel no mental rip, but I did see the spirits and they did know I was there. They reminded me of tribal drawings stick figures with square heads and large round eyes, glowing bright red.

It felt like they were mad at me, not furious but wanting badly trying almost so hard to tell me something that they were spiritually yelling at me. Multiples of them were crashing in on me their faces in mine, trying to convey this urgent message and almost ripping at me with their hands to show their urgency. I then on the right side of my mental screen a had an old like film playing of a baby, but I was this baby, but this baby was not me, at least not who I am now. I was in the bathroom, I peed on the floor, my mother was upset, not mad, I at first thought maybe this is why the spirits were mad at me. Ive thought about it since and even talked to my mother, and she says we never lived in a house like that, I told her it was a dream.

The second time I smoked it, about 45 minutes after the first It was much more intense no chrysantheum this time but I was back at the house from my first trip, in the kitchen with my mother, or this childs mother, she had forgotten about the bathroom incident and was standing with me there, the child was upset and crying clinging on to his mothers leg. The spirits were there still urgently imploring but for what I was still unsure. My body began to tingle like it was falling asleep and then getting stronger and stronger it began to hurt like paperclips were being shoved into my skin from all around.

In the midst of this chaos I remembered Terrnce Mckenna once talking about singing and creating his own toys. So I began to sing what came to mind because concentrating on anything was difficult in the commotion I was experiencing. I began to chant. Instantly the tingling melted away the vibrating comotion wellowed out to waves the baby stopped crying and the spirits turned from reds and oranges to blues and greens, they stopped bothering me and sat back, four of them sitting watching intrigued. then they melted away as I kept singing.

Even though I feel I did not break through, nor did I have a very positive trip, It was deeply moving and I am still so intrigued by what more this spirit molecule has to show me. I will continue on my journeys, but now with much more respect for Dimitri.
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