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[quote:a02f07cc61="Garulfo"]...a low smoked dose everyday (~20 mg in two trips) seems having a very calming and relaxing effect for the long term. He wonder tough if it is affecting is overall energy, feeling himself less 'performant'...[/quote:a02f07cc61]    I have a friend who likes his dmt containing 'acacia potion' he makes up for oral dosing, he does say that the main day after type effect he feels is a little tiredness..    I feel that the potion has more of a lasting effect on the body than a smoked dose, so at this time of lower overall energy for you, could there have been another contributer?    when i first found out about spice, i as excited as you can imagine  when i first found out you could break through.. WHOA!!!  on average five nights a week i would break through at least once, sometimes as much as three or four time, this went on for months  i never noticed a tiredness as such, if anything the complete opposite; i was more motivated than ever in my life, and it had a lasting effect  the motivation however wasn't to go to work the next day and do my best at that engineering document, quite the contrary i struggled being at work, to the point of working five hour 'give-a-fuck' days (did my position reeeally become redundant or do you think they just didn't like me?)    my motivation was to show everyone what i'd found  every single person i could show i would, this has been my mission for quite some time now, i'm sure the little bit of dmt in all of us gets a warm cuddly feeling from what we're all doing here, i know mine does :D    mushrooms didn't help either (by the way, tiredness, every time i take either lsd, mushrooms, or that acacia potion i YAAWWN like never before, like i am massively overdue for ultra slumber time, so, tryptamines, sleep, linked to melatonin i'm sure..)    ...mushrooms didn't help either, when a shroom tells you that you should be spending your life running around the earth half naked eating apples off trees and smelling cannabis plants and flowers, perhaps playing with a beetle or chilling with a koala, well shit you just try going to work the next day and focusing YOUR fucking energy for a company's benefit .. rubbish rubbish      anyway, i've realised a few things recently    no job and sweet sweet lucy has given me the time and space to do the thinking i need, and a week in apollo bay was well overdue, fucking gorgeous place      these things, well i won't go into it here, but they're all good and all beneficial. in summary:  I think this panic bullshit is a warning bell for where i'm headed, and i've been pondering the 'where exactly am i going with all this?' thought for the better part of a year.. in the last month there have been at least three instances where i found myself in a place thinking 'why am i here, do i want to be here? if not (and yes that answer is no), then why am i here?' did i need to take thirteen tabs to figure it out? no, seventeen more did that for me.. it's real simple, it's all me, the person i used to be and where i wanted to direct my life was lost, all this time i've been thinking 'how can i get back to that point..', it's simple, i just need to make the decision to go back. There is a switch, and i *think* i may have found what i've been looking for.. not by some mass introspective psychedelic awakening, but just by really thinink about it    i was talking with a friend, he said they trialed lsd (not to mention ibogaine) to treat heroin addiction with great success.  "ohh a mass dose of lsd does wonders, it changes everything wrong inside of a person and when they come back they're reborn.." trash    all it does is (quote my friend):  'gives these people the mechanism to step back and take a good look at how fucked up they've become'    then they (maybe) make the decision to get their shit together      i'm rambling, but there's a point in there      who knows how it'll eventuate  perhaps i'll never smoke anoher cigarette  perhaps i'll incorporate a daily dose of lsd into my life for corrective-alignment purposes (i'm full of shit see)  perhaps i'll never take another psychedelic :roll: :lol:      eitherway, i will make the decision because it is something i want, and that's what i think i found how to do for myself      since i made the decision not to smoke when i don't want, i haven't  i'd wake up and within an hour have a cigarette, thinking the whole time 'why am i doing this, i don't like it, it makes me feel crap, it smells foul and is obviously bad for you.. why am i doing it?' -- that's as i smoke it... what a fucking dick, if you don't like it, then don't do it    and it's not easier said than done  just make the fucking decision not to do it and you won't even need to try to stick by your decision      ehhh perhaps?  makes sense, works so far    damn i love this shit        ps, re panic attacks  no more, no pot to be smoked for a while  pot is so far the only trigger, everything else is a-ok 😉

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