Rising Star
Hello Nexus
First of all 'I' is not me. 'I' is only my hallucinary character in this forum. I myself would never do something illegal.
I think I found out about this forum via Deoxy but I can't really remember. All I know is I can't stop reading all the intresting reports and teks here. The first thing I do when I turn on the computer is check here for new interesting topics.
My interest for entheogens started with the interest for LSD, I think its was at age 12, haha. I read all about it for a project in school. And troughout the years I've been reading on and off about psychedelic compunds. But it weren't until the last year in school I got to try cannabis. This was at age 18. And after a couple of months a smokefriend of mine told me he could get me and two of my closest friends LSD. And of course we said 'Yes' (cannabis! The gate-way drug!
). Later that we we got four blotters of Hoffman. One for me, two for my friends and one for my girlfriend. It all took place in me and my girlfriends apartment. This changed our lives. It was really succesfull for all of us to say the least.
Since then I've had many successfull trips with and without my friends and GF. On LSD and Psilosybe Cubensis. And recently I've started experimenting with LSA, LSH and maybe my favorite entheogen to date Yopo. Which I will go into a little bit further below.
And for DMT I'm still planning what tek to use. These non-toxic teks seems to be the go, thinking about the enivironment and economical part. But at the moment I don't have the money to invest in the equipment. But this is a goal in life, hopefully it will happen in the near future
I ordered a 25g of Anadenanthera Colubrina. After reading about Fractal Enchantments, 69Ron and Jorkest experiences. At first was mainly interested in doing extractions. But also smoking them unextracted and to make snuffs. I don't recall what I tried first. But now I've tried smoking prepared seeds in my glass bubbler, only minor OEV's and headaches. And once trying this I got feverish symptoms, really unpleasant
So I have given that up for now.
I have tried extracting with FE's tek but something went wrong. I think there was something else in the sodium carbonate, becouse when toasting the freebased seeds this wierd hard synthetic smelling stuff poured out of the freebase.
Now I'm doing a tek Noman posted. And so far everything seems to do just fine. The ISO is evaporating as we write. I think I will try to make mint enchanted bufo.
And now to the snuff part. This has gone really well and I absolutely love this method. But it took some time to learn how to dose and toast the seeds. Many burning noses and body load only experiances before the fullblown yopo experience.
Snuffing Yopo(ap. 2.5 seeds)
The first time worth writing about I think I snuffed about 2.5-3 seeds. Snuffed the seeds, jumped up from the sofa, waved my arms in pain, red face, runny eyes and nose. I had decided to keep the yopo in until I got some real visuals and if not take another sniff of 2.5ish seeds.
I got in to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror I was really red in my face and looked swollen. Then suddently this LSD-like visuals came flashing in my face, I looked lika an monkey with purple electric facepaint. At this point my nose was really runny with brown yopo snot. So I got rid of it in the toilet and when doing this closed my eyes and this amazingly detailed fractal flashed before my eyes and were then gone. I opened my eyes and for about 15 minutes everything was pixeled. Very much like the type of visuals i get from LSD.
This was quite an unique experience, though the OEV were much like LSD the fractal I saw with eyes closed were really special, so detailed and courful. Nothing like something you'll se on shrooms or acid. And the after the trip I felt full of new energy so refreshed
Snuffing Yopo(ap. 5 seeds)
The next time doing the snuff I wanted to have an real fullblown yopo experience. And oh was I in for a real kick in the face.
Did the same preparation as before but this time I snuffed ap. 5 seeds. This time some the comfort I snuffed it from a nice looking plate, I've used since for snuffing. Made two lines and quickly took a line in each nostril. The pain is so intense! I got up waving my arms again. It feels like your head is full of yopo. But the pain quickly subsides into a nice bodyload. After about 7mins the first visuals started stood right up with eyes closed and what I saw was this giant green jewel. Kind of like the ones in Diablo II for those who are into that sort of stuff
Now I had to blow my nose but when i opened my eyes it was really hard to concetrate. Every object was doing the cups and balls trick, you know this thing Cups and balls - Wikipedia. Waving, jumping and tilting. But after a while I succeeded and blew my nose. Blowing your nose feels really, really nice, as you blow your nose everything bursts in fractals and colours and you are free to lie down or do whatever you please without having yopo snot all over
I got into the livingroom and here everything was jumping bending and tiliting too, and my incense sticks were like a laser show. I sat down in the sofa legs crossed in half lotus with dimmed light and looked at the amazing visuals playing with me. They looked like pretty typical visuals from Electric Sheep screensaver, except much more alive and everchaning of course. Then suddenly I got to this landscape a really dark one and right before my eyes this shadowy fractal creature stood looking right at me. I mean right in my face. This was not something I was expecting. But there it was. It wasn't threatening or something but this was something I was not ready for at this moment so I opened my eyes.
The rest of the trip was spent mostly with eyes opened and occassionally closing my eyes to new amazing landscapes of everforming fractals. Trough the whole trip there was the typical ringing tone and towards the end I could hear drumming and singing from the depths of my mind.
This trip was really awesome to say the least
After the trip I went to bed slept a good nights sleep.
How I prepare the Yopo:
-Usually take around 40 seeds
-Toast on frying pan at medium heat for 30min (they come out popped and dark red/orange is the meat of the bean)
-Grind them up real good in mortel and pestle (yes, I use the skin)
-Pour the grinded Yopo on my ritual plate
-Eyeball about 1/4-1/5 of the Yopo in Sodium Carbonate
-Mix this up and add some drops of water and make a buttery paste
-Even this out on the plate
-Put the plate on top of a bowl of hot water until dry
-Weight or eyeball your dose and snuff it
First of all 'I' is not me. 'I' is only my hallucinary character in this forum. I myself would never do something illegal.
I think I found out about this forum via Deoxy but I can't really remember. All I know is I can't stop reading all the intresting reports and teks here. The first thing I do when I turn on the computer is check here for new interesting topics.
My interest for entheogens started with the interest for LSD, I think its was at age 12, haha. I read all about it for a project in school. And troughout the years I've been reading on and off about psychedelic compunds. But it weren't until the last year in school I got to try cannabis. This was at age 18. And after a couple of months a smokefriend of mine told me he could get me and two of my closest friends LSD. And of course we said 'Yes' (cannabis! The gate-way drug!
Since then I've had many successfull trips with and without my friends and GF. On LSD and Psilosybe Cubensis. And recently I've started experimenting with LSA, LSH and maybe my favorite entheogen to date Yopo. Which I will go into a little bit further below.
And for DMT I'm still planning what tek to use. These non-toxic teks seems to be the go, thinking about the enivironment and economical part. But at the moment I don't have the money to invest in the equipment. But this is a goal in life, hopefully it will happen in the near future
I ordered a 25g of Anadenanthera Colubrina. After reading about Fractal Enchantments, 69Ron and Jorkest experiences. At first was mainly interested in doing extractions. But also smoking them unextracted and to make snuffs. I don't recall what I tried first. But now I've tried smoking prepared seeds in my glass bubbler, only minor OEV's and headaches. And once trying this I got feverish symptoms, really unpleasant
I have tried extracting with FE's tek but something went wrong. I think there was something else in the sodium carbonate, becouse when toasting the freebased seeds this wierd hard synthetic smelling stuff poured out of the freebase.
Now I'm doing a tek Noman posted. And so far everything seems to do just fine. The ISO is evaporating as we write. I think I will try to make mint enchanted bufo.
And now to the snuff part. This has gone really well and I absolutely love this method. But it took some time to learn how to dose and toast the seeds. Many burning noses and body load only experiances before the fullblown yopo experience.
Snuffing Yopo(ap. 2.5 seeds)
The first time worth writing about I think I snuffed about 2.5-3 seeds. Snuffed the seeds, jumped up from the sofa, waved my arms in pain, red face, runny eyes and nose. I had decided to keep the yopo in until I got some real visuals and if not take another sniff of 2.5ish seeds.
I got in to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror I was really red in my face and looked swollen. Then suddently this LSD-like visuals came flashing in my face, I looked lika an monkey with purple electric facepaint. At this point my nose was really runny with brown yopo snot. So I got rid of it in the toilet and when doing this closed my eyes and this amazingly detailed fractal flashed before my eyes and were then gone. I opened my eyes and for about 15 minutes everything was pixeled. Very much like the type of visuals i get from LSD.
This was quite an unique experience, though the OEV were much like LSD the fractal I saw with eyes closed were really special, so detailed and courful. Nothing like something you'll se on shrooms or acid. And the after the trip I felt full of new energy so refreshed
Snuffing Yopo(ap. 5 seeds)
The next time doing the snuff I wanted to have an real fullblown yopo experience. And oh was I in for a real kick in the face.
Did the same preparation as before but this time I snuffed ap. 5 seeds. This time some the comfort I snuffed it from a nice looking plate, I've used since for snuffing. Made two lines and quickly took a line in each nostril. The pain is so intense! I got up waving my arms again. It feels like your head is full of yopo. But the pain quickly subsides into a nice bodyload. After about 7mins the first visuals started stood right up with eyes closed and what I saw was this giant green jewel. Kind of like the ones in Diablo II for those who are into that sort of stuff
Now I had to blow my nose but when i opened my eyes it was really hard to concetrate. Every object was doing the cups and balls trick, you know this thing Cups and balls - Wikipedia. Waving, jumping and tilting. But after a while I succeeded and blew my nose. Blowing your nose feels really, really nice, as you blow your nose everything bursts in fractals and colours and you are free to lie down or do whatever you please without having yopo snot all over

I got into the livingroom and here everything was jumping bending and tiliting too, and my incense sticks were like a laser show. I sat down in the sofa legs crossed in half lotus with dimmed light and looked at the amazing visuals playing with me. They looked like pretty typical visuals from Electric Sheep screensaver, except much more alive and everchaning of course. Then suddenly I got to this landscape a really dark one and right before my eyes this shadowy fractal creature stood looking right at me. I mean right in my face. This was not something I was expecting. But there it was. It wasn't threatening or something but this was something I was not ready for at this moment so I opened my eyes.
The rest of the trip was spent mostly with eyes opened and occassionally closing my eyes to new amazing landscapes of everforming fractals. Trough the whole trip there was the typical ringing tone and towards the end I could hear drumming and singing from the depths of my mind.
This trip was really awesome to say the least
How I prepare the Yopo:
-Usually take around 40 seeds
-Toast on frying pan at medium heat for 30min (they come out popped and dark red/orange is the meat of the bean)
-Grind them up real good in mortel and pestle (yes, I use the skin)
-Pour the grinded Yopo on my ritual plate
-Eyeball about 1/4-1/5 of the Yopo in Sodium Carbonate
-Mix this up and add some drops of water and make a buttery paste
-Even this out on the plate
-Put the plate on top of a bowl of hot water until dry
-Weight or eyeball your dose and snuff it