Rising Star
Hello forumers,
Well i think i'd better post my own introduction.
First, my name, it's pretty simple, and its basicly just 'me'. I don't have any cool name for myself like most of the people on here, i guess i'll make do
I will say that i have never taken DMT before, and i hope to learn a lot more about it. I hope it's all it's cracked up to be. I have watched videos about it, learned the science and a little bit of the history, but it's the effect that intrigues me (and undoubtably most others) the most. I even have my own theories about it already, something i hope to discuss later.
Im quite an artistic individual. I gave up on it at university level (actually, i told them to stick it where the sun don't shine) for quite a bunch of reasons, not because i was lazy (covered my back there
). I keep on painting and creating for myself, because it makes me happy, not because it's a sellable skill. I have been through a few jobs and quite a hard few years, thrown in with the more usual mix of life experiences, but i would say im quite experienced compared to most people my age, I think the experience only gave me pause for thought. At one point I didn't even like the idea of smoking weed, now my attitude is radically different. I like to think outside the box, especially with my artwork and maybe entheogens can be a source of inspiration in this diluted world. I try to surround myself with like-minded people and i do get aggravated by stubbornness in those who won't open their mind... Im convinced I have came to the right place.
So after all that... well.... Hello!
Well i think i'd better post my own introduction.
First, my name, it's pretty simple, and its basicly just 'me'. I don't have any cool name for myself like most of the people on here, i guess i'll make do
I will say that i have never taken DMT before, and i hope to learn a lot more about it. I hope it's all it's cracked up to be. I have watched videos about it, learned the science and a little bit of the history, but it's the effect that intrigues me (and undoubtably most others) the most. I even have my own theories about it already, something i hope to discuss later.
Im quite an artistic individual. I gave up on it at university level (actually, i told them to stick it where the sun don't shine) for quite a bunch of reasons, not because i was lazy (covered my back there
So after all that... well.... Hello!