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Meditating using the DMT carrier wave as mantra

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I believe that the carrier wave might perhaps be the primordial AUM in nature's unadulterated form. When we say AUM, that doesn't always catch the entire true sound of AUM until we cultivate enough practice to resonate its whole auditory range.

Think about it. You go from low pitch, 0Hz to ultra high pitch, ∞Hz. At 0 and ∞, you are not actually breathing. Everywhere in between, there is breathing, movement of air. At those ends of pitch you maintain awareness. In that silence is the true AUM. Knowing this is knowing Samadhi, the breathless state. Breathing becomes just another not quite immediately essential function when in Samadhi, like eating and pooping.

The carrier wave literally sounds as "AUM", starts off truly low pitched and blasts off into the ultra high. Just like a radio tuner going from low freq to high!

Has anyone tried meditating by humming the carrier wave over and over again?

I remember using parts of the carrier wave, the higher frequencies. When I'd hit certain frequencies I'd feel parts of my brain resonating in tune. I had a headache and I hit it with the natural frequency of the headache and it dissolved as if I had blasted a kidney stone with ultrasound.

Another thing I have found is that smoked DMT basically has the effect whether direct or simulated, of blasting your body with oxygen/prana. Hyperventilating for 2 minutes with deep belly breaths is equivalent to smoking ~5mg spice, so I heard. Very trippy; there are pranayamas based on flooding the body with air: rebirth breathwork, holotropic breathwork. Powerful stuff!

So yeah... Carrier wave meditation

Infinity Hz is essentially the highest pitch, a perfect silence. It is perfectly still yet frantic beyond comprehension. Conversely 0Hz is the lowest pitch and again, a perfect silence. It is perfectly still yet frantic beyond comprehension.

It is commonly ommitted that the lower frequencies of the EM spectrum actually correspond 1:1 with phononic modes of vibration - SOUND! From 0Hz to 20KHz is the approximate range of human hearing and consequently we are privy to any photonic oscillations in that spectrum. So technically speaking, we can "see" across two ranges of the EM spectrum: {0Hz,20KHz} and also 400nm-700nm photons (red - blue) which correspond to between {4Hz,7.5Hz}x10^14.

So when you slow down light by making it take lots of little turns, it produces a resonant frequency in the medium it is being transmitted through.
This is experienced as the time evolution of the wavefunction; without 4+ dimensions there is no way to encapsulate the necessary information. As a result we experience the passing of time.

In the same way a cube projects into a cuboid by adding 1 dimension and performing the function that generates the cube (integration), a wavefunction projects into possibility space by integrating the entire universe. Possibility space aka imaginary time is as real as it gets. Simply "What could be" is possibility space while "What WILL be" is the wavefunction. This integration is itself the passage of time; further information can be sought by looking up the Feynmann Path Integral & Richard Feynmann and also David Bohm's work, which involves a "pilot wave".

Anyway, I have been practicing this mantra a little and it's very interesting. The deep bass lights up your inner body while the high frequency sounds may become nasal and focused in the brain - so for your feet you're looking at 0Hz while for your crown chakra (top of the head) you are looking at infinite oscillation. It's very healing to say the least.

Calms me right down. The other day I dropped into an intense Samadhi, the results are expounded in this thread - Instant methodology to directly control magnetism and see it with third eye (Coulomb's Law). There were profound results; namely the ability to detect gravity waves and magnetism.

Interestingly I discovered a probably ancient technique which seems to employ the Lense-Thirring effect (frame dragging), a specific kind of gravitomagnetic interaction which is ultra-fine and requires one to tune their mind to a very high frequency; gamma waves.

The technique is thus:
After practicing moving meditation for at least 2 hours with full attention, bring your hands up and together way above your head as if you are stretching just after you wake up. Stretch everything, I mean EVERYTHING - static, dynamic, whatever. I find for whatever reason this works best with a cigarette in hand.

Point the fingers right up, be as tall as concievable but keep weight centred on all core muscles from the glutes to the abs.

Now send a vibration from your hip to the fingertips. Imagine yourself as having the E.T. phone home type glow light on every fingertip; your body is coated in it. Correctly executed you should feel your hands naturally wish to rotate in a solid wave that makes you look like a human spinning top or gyroscope. Send breath from the core of the earth to the edge of space by progressively taking deeper and deeper breaths.

I was standing perfectly still yet my muscles contracted like they have never before. I put a single toe out of line once and it sent me flying 4ft or so. There is tremendous power in this technique!

Above all: BE the breath. Let the breathe guide you, if you try to move your body then the breath experiences turbulence. Rather, let YOU be the breather and let the body be pushed purely by breath.
thanks for sharing embracethevoid , i've read your other threads also , keep up good work

i'll try this , also can one achieve the same effect by focusing on tinnitus sound in the ear , it really gets loud if you keep focusing on it
embracethevoid said:
I believe that the carrier wave might perhaps be the primordial AUM in nature's unadulterated form.


What a fantastic interpretation! I have actually wondered myself whether or not the carrier wave is actually a technologically advanced manifestation of AUM being manipulated by the entities that inhabit these other realms.

We had both come to a similar conclusion; that the carrier wave is a manifestation of AUM. However, you seem to feel that it is a primordial organic occurrence and unadulterated... I very much agree that this seems plausible.

However, (dawn your tin-foils hats!) I feel that the AUM inspired carrier wave is a distinctly technological and futuristic variation that is being tangibly manipulated for utilitarian means. I have an odd feeling (and this is obviously all conjecture and speculation) that DMT, this carrier wave and the machine-vibes that many of us experience are distinctly related to our future potential to experience the technological singularity.
Can you tell me what the carrier wave is? I don't know this.

I have had profound auditory hallucinations at high dose levels, but they were like bells and whistles and strange noises, hard to explain...

I love mantra meditation! I practice Japa Yoga fairly often.
AlbertKLloyd said:
Can you tell me what the carrier wave is? I don't know this.

I have had profound auditory hallucinations at high dose levels, but they were like bells and whistles and strange noises, hard to explain...

I love mantra meditation! I practice Japa Yoga fairly often.

I've had boat loads of auditory hallucinations across numerous experiences, but I've only heard the carrier wave once or twice (once for sure). A lot of the times the sounds I hear are probably much more like those bells and whistles you talk about. To me, it sometimes sounds like computers talking to each other. There can be these automated-sounding sequences of high pitches like a MIDI sequencer or any number of cryptic sounds (and in the luckiest of rare cases bonafide musical hallucinations).

The one time I heard the carrier wave was in my first white light godhead experience. It was the sound of rocket ship (or a gigantic airplane) only much smoother coming from everywhere at once. It was this all-encompassing hum that was incredibly soothing/exhilerating. From my observations, not only are there commonly synesthetic interactions in hyperspace (such as sound affecting an entity's motions) but that these synesthetic interactions are the basis for all hyperspatial actions. That is to say that nothing takes place in hyperspace without the vibratory signals (coming from who knows where) and that in light of that notion, I speculate that the carrier wave might have something to do with "calibrating" or facilitating the experience though it also has a lot of symbolic meaning in terms of its creation/destruction archetypes that it carries in Buddhism for example. These vibratory signals (and perhaps the carrier wave as well) need not be audible sound either. They can be felt as buzzing or they can go by subtly undetected, but it has been shown to me rather overtly that it should seem that these vibratory signals really have a lot of control over exactly what goes on in those realms. That's how it's seemed to me anyway.
AlbertKLloyd said:
Can you tell me what the carrier wave is? I don't know this.

I have had profound auditory hallucinations at high dose levels, but they were like bells and whistles and strange noises, hard to explain...

I love mantra meditation! I practice Japa Yoga fairly often.

Well the carrier wave comes in different forms. There's one that goes wooommmwwwwwooooommmwwwooooommm, an undulating pulsating kinds thing, often very deep bassy rhythm.

The one I'm talking about here, it goes mmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--*; its basically the frequency range, in the same way you go "do re mi fa so la" but humming continuously. You simply hum, scanning from low pitch belly rumbling to high pitch nasal resonance. The actual carrier wave is like that but its like a robot is making the noise, or like a fighter jet or UFO is powering up and taking off.
I have yet to experience the carrier wave, but have heard the computer like music like noises that some others report.

It is very interesting to me. I have heard others report this noise first hand as I saw them tripping but did not know it was the carrier wave, thank you for clarifying that. I also looked it up in the wiki-page here, which is great.
embracethevoid said:
I believe that the carrier wave might perhaps be the primordial AUM in nature's unadulterated form. When we say AUM, that doesn't always catch the entire true sound of AUM until we cultivate enough practice to resonate its whole auditory range.

Wow, what a great thread! I have to rush off to work now... but I'd like to quickly touch upon a few of my personal insights about this Sacred tone. I first heard it full throttle when I was 19 years old, under the mesmerism of LSD. It changed me completely and forevermore, which set me upon a path which I am still enthusiastically moving along upon.

Decades later, during my very first experience with vaporized DMT re-awakened me to this magnificent, highly scintillating frequency in tonality. I was wholly absorbed by the sheer power and complexity of this auditory vibration. These sounds were what first awakened me to alternate planes of conscious-awareness, through the vehicles of LSD and psilocybin. I wholly agree with your hypothesis, the Carrier Wave that DMT sometimes attunes our attention towards, is indeed, the Sacred Word we name AUM. Thanks for starting such a fascinating thread, embracethevoid! I've come to expect extraordinary ideas from your mind. :thumb_up:

I too, feel that the Carrier Wave is the sonic vibration of AUM. We name it in many ways: "AUM, OM, OMNI, ATEN, AMEN, AMIN, AHUM, HUM, HU, AUM", the Holy emanation of the Word of Divine Mind humming along. That being said, all frequencies of sound are emanating from this same sonic current, so too, all sound is an echo of this powerful force of expression. As you so lucidly describe, this sound is key to the manifestation and causality of all being, thus immanent within all ranges of the spectrum we perceive through our mortal sense of hearing. It can be said to morph and oscillate in an infinite variety of sympathetic tones, while remaining unadulterated by any changes in pitch or frequency.

I believe that what many of us hear, under the enigmatic rush of psychedelics, is what exists always, without our conscious minds even knowing it or hearing it. Our mental fixations and conceptual dialog are largely the reasons that our awareness of this phenomenon, is being drowned out by denser and more relative experiences. I used to call this sound The Overtone. It is the origin and the full-blown expression of all other corresponding tones and endlessly echoing augmentations.

embracethevoid said:
Has anyone tried meditating by humming the carrier wave over and over again?

Yes, for the last 36+ years I have been internally chanting (OM), ever since the late 1970s. Partially as with a mantra, internally chanting this japa behind the surface activity of my daily life... and partly listening intently to the actual sound as an observer, which is naturally perceivable if one quiets the mind. I have, as a direct result of my psychedelic journeys, gotten actively involved with Nada Yoga, Kriya Yoga and later on, with Surat Shabd Yoga and Sufism.

All of these mystical lineages of meditation are connected at one source, that being the initiating, causative force of the Cosmic Logos being made manifest as light emission and sonic vibration, pulsingly issuing forth from the Bindu (that singular point of unmoving, stillness & quiescence, deep within the vacuum of the Insubstantial Void).

At it's most useful level, the meditation on internal light and the sound current, lift one's focus into the point where absolute quietude reigns supreme. What has been labeled before as, "The Roaring Silence". This expansive emptiness itself, indivisibly inherent, Omniversally/Universally, within the ineffable quietude of the Supreme Godhead in full bloom. 😁

embracethevoid said:
I remember using parts of the carrier wave, the higher frequencies. When I'd hit certain frequencies I'd feel parts of my brain resonating in tune. I had a headache and I hit it with the natural frequency of the headache and it dissolved as if I had blasted a kidney stone with ultrasound.

Another thing I have found is that smoked DMT basically has the effect whether direct or simulated, of blasting your body with oxygen/prana. Hyperventilating for 2 minutes with deep belly breaths is equivalent to smoking ~5mg spice, so I heard. Very trippy; there are pranayamas based on flooding the body with air: rebirth breathwork, holotropic breathwork. Powerful stuff!

So yeah... Carrier wave meditation


The only subtle difference between your well expressed impressions and mine own, are based on semantics and some effects of personal specificity. And our understandings are not by any degree or quantification, incompatible. Namaste, brother. I make a particular distinction in my own mind between the whole spectral tonal range, as being AUM, the opening and closing of the wholly Omnipotent Logos and the HU, being the subtlest tonal extreme of the spectrum. I have a special love for "The Overtone" of this all-encompassing, vibratory issuance. I am drawn towards the highest-ringing scintillation at the top of the our perceivable auditory range, that being the HU vibration. Yogis, Sufis and Eckists worship this word as the awakening note.

The scintillating, shimmering, radiating HU tone, bonds our attention to the realms of our higher being, above/within/beyond all of this physical and intellectually-based one. The higher, singing-ringing-zinging tone that literally "carries" us transcendentally, to a place without the lines of definition and membranes of isolated subjective perception. Such a sound pulls our core essence away form the gross material awareness, towards that of the living presence of raw, undifferentiated spiritual current.

Anyone digging into Eastern metaphysics will be familiar with the Indian Vedantic belief system, which attributes various sounds heard in deep meditation, in resonance with distinct planes of consciousness. So we put special descriptives upon: the sound of rumbling thunder, the roar of the cosmic ocean, the chipping of celestial birds or hyperspace crickets, the buzzing of ethereal bees, the hissing of the formless breeze... or the sound steam makes when boiling water and creating evaporation, the concentric ripples of sound from high-pitched bells... or the even the higher register of the flute.

These earthly descriptions are but symbolic representations and not quite the actual sounds... but we do try to make sense of this stuff (because of our need to communicate). These sounds all correlate to a specificity in finite manifestation and are interlinked to the various ranges of corresponding psychic centers, or chakras, if you will.

Tibetan Buddhism also goes into minute detail about just what these internally-heard tones are, as direct echoes and reflections of the realm of the Supreme Light, which shines like a zillion suns inside of every sub-atomic particle within creation. AUM is the source of all of these auditorialy-perceivable sound waves and is symbiotically interrelated with all other sonic variations.

In quintessentially Zen terms, it has been described by shakuhachi master, Watazumi Doso Roshi, as the "One Sound". I really, really, really like that phrase! One universal note vibrating with primordial power, so much so that it elicits the effulgence of Divine Light, so to, giving substance to all realities and potential realities. As I attempted to differentiate earlier, the higher frequency of this totality of AUM is the HU tone. One can detect, even with the ringing in the material ears, as with the phenomenon of tinnitus, it's pulsation and enigmatic pull on our sentient awareness.

Gotta go off now to join the work force... but I am most intrigued to hear more from our other members. I feel that I did not clearly express myself, in the above post. sigh... it's surely not an easy subject to casually discuss on the way to earning a buck.

One last thought... I have found in my own sadhana, that any serious study I embark upon, regarding the nature of consciousness, includes the direct perception of this spectrum of internally heard tonalities. A friend of mine once called this ability we all innately possess, to perceive the sound current in altered states, as our listening through our opened-up "Third Ear" (also, the result of an activation of one's Ajna ).

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

(And the Logos sounds immensely enchanting!) 8)
..to perceive it within ordinarily recallable consciousness is well below ∞ hz .. ∞ hz is beyond any form of egoic consciousness..as you suggest embracethevoid..
the 'standing wave' of reality as Terence called it..
i'm still not sure how different 0hz and ∞ hz are, though..
embracethevoid said:
Infinity Hz is essentially the highest pitch, a perfect silence. It is perfectly still yet frantic beyond comprehension. Conversely 0Hz is the lowest pitch and again, a perfect silence. It is perfectly still yet frantic beyond comprehension.

It is commonly ommitted that the lower frequencies of the EM spectrum actually correspond 1:1 with phononic modes of vibration - SOUND! From 0Hz to 20KHz is the approximate range of human hearing and consequently we are privy to any photonic oscillations in that spectrum. So technically speaking, we can "see" across two ranges of the EM spectrum: {0Hz,20KHz} and also 400nm-700nm photons (red - blue) which correspond to between {4Hz,7.5Hz}x10^14.

So when you slow down light by making it take lots of little turns, it produces a resonant frequency in the medium it is being transmitted through.
This is experienced as the time evolution of the wavefunction; without 4+ dimensions there is no way to encapsulate the necessary information. As a result we experience the passing of time.

In the same way a cube projects into a cuboid by adding 1 dimension and performing the function that generates the cube (integration), a wavefunction projects into possibility space by integrating the entire universe. Possibility space aka imaginary time is as real as it gets. Simply "What could be" is possibility space while "What WILL be" is the wavefunction. This integration is itself the passage of time; further information can be sought by looking up the Feynmann Path Integral & Richard Feynmann and also David Bohm's work, which involves a "pilot wave".

Anyway, I have been practicing this mantra a little and it's very interesting. The deep bass lights up your inner body while the high frequency sounds may become nasal and focused in the brain - so for your feet you're looking at 0Hz while for your crown chakra (top of the head) you are looking at infinite oscillation. It's very healing to say the least.

Calms me right down. The other day I dropped into an intense Samadhi, the results are expounded in this thread - Instant methodology to directly control magnetism and see it with third eye (Coulomb's Law). There were profound results; namely the ability to detect gravity waves and magnetism.

Interestingly I discovered a probably ancient technique which seems to employ the Lense-Thirring effect (frame dragging), a specific kind of gravitomagnetic interaction which is ultra-fine and requires one to tune their mind to a very high frequency; gamma waves.

The technique is thus:
After practicing moving meditation for at least 2 hours with full attention, bring your hands up and together way above your head as if you are stretching just after you wake up. Stretch everything, I mean EVERYTHING - static, dynamic, whatever. I find for whatever reason this works best with a cigarette in hand.

Point the fingers right up, be as tall as concievable but keep weight centred on all core muscles from the glutes to the abs.

Now send a vibration from your hip to the fingertips. Imagine yourself as having the E.T. phone home type glow light on every fingertip; your body is coated in it. Correctly executed you should feel your hands naturally wish to rotate in a solid wave that makes you look like a human spinning top or gyroscope. Send breath from the core of the earth to the edge of space by progressively taking deeper and deeper breaths.

I was standing perfectly still yet my muscles contracted like they have never before. I put a single toe out of line once and it sent me flying 4ft or so. There is tremendous power in this technique!

Above all: BE the breath. Let the breathe guide you, if you try to move your body then the breath experiences turbulence. Rather, let YOU be the breather and let the body be pushed purely by breath.

Mind blown. You're the type of people I rarely get to hold a conversation with. Thinking outside of the quadilateral parallelogram is what brings the future to the present.
SoulCrushingBass said:
Mind blown. You're the type of people I rarely get to hold a conversation with. Thinking outside of the quadilateral parallelogram is what brings the future to the present.

It's too bad EmbraceTheVoid was banned :( . I definitely wanted to ask him some questions.
I've been trying to explain the sounds for ever! Thank you so much for making some sense finally to me! All I could say to explain it was they were not like any noises on earth and I finally understand what ancient people meant by saying the angels were playing trumpets for them!

Again thanks for your wisdom
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