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Medium pharma experience for meditative purposes

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have been interested in the idea of taking a mild dose of LSD for a meditation session for a couple of years, but I've been apprehensive because I would be tripping for at least six hours, which might be more than I have the mental stamina for.

I've been wondering if a medium pharma experience could be a possible substitute for this. I've had fairly limited experience with DMT, and from what I can gather, it doesn't necessarily invoke altered states of consciousness, altered perceptions. From my experience, it seems DMT shows you things, instead of altering the way you perceive what is already there.

I haven't meditated for quite some time, but of course I would thoroughly prepare myself for any psychedelic experience of this magnitude. Has anyone had experience with this sort of thing? Should I have more experience with breakthrough doses of smoked DMT before I commit to a pharma trip? My main aim with this meditation is to let the distracting thoughts that cloud my mind dissipate, and explore my inner realms. Is DMT even suited to this, or should it be used more for divining purposes?
Yeah, medium doses can be good for meditation. In fact, using just harmalas would probably be even better. A good cappi brew, or some THH on their own I have found very good for meditation.

Smoked DMT and Pharma are two totally different beasts, the smoking won't prepare you for pharma and vice versa in my opinion. With Pharma it can take a while to find the sweet spot, but once you do, you can easily adjust the amout to facilitate the particular healing/wrok you wish to do.

Meditating going into a pharma trip can be very beneficial, and don't worry about exploring your inner realms...that is going to happen regardless 😉
I would say it both alters your perception as well as showing you things. When I'm on DMT, I not only see things that aren't there (at least empirically provably speaking), but I see distortions of every day reality similarly to how reality may seem distorted on shrooms or acid.
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