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mescaline, cannabis and EXTREME time distorions..

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Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
I am comming down from one of the most intense psychedelic experiences of my life..easily as reality shattering as anything DMT, mushrooms or ayahuasca has thrown at me..

I took about 7 grams of dried torch..I was all over the city while comming up, meeting up with some friends at my friends house etc on the way to the beach..

fast foreward about 4-5 hours after I took the mescaline, on the beach we all smoke a joint..up until this point I was feeling great, really relaxed and tripping mildly, nice euphoria..just really soo nice..I had also taken some bufotenine about 30 minutes before the mescaline and it seemed to boost the mescaline a bit and help it kick in faster..

So anyway, we smoke this joint and I start getting really far out there all of a sudden a few minutes later..I have been smoking only occasionally so have no tolerance..I basically had to get up and leave my circle of friends who were just stoned and one of them on mushrooms becasue I was hallucinating so damn hard and when I closed my eyes I was like in another world..

But the really crazy part was the time distortion..but it was even more than that..I swear to god i could see and feel time as it was moving through space...I got caught in a loop, experiencing the same 10 or so seconds over and over and over again like 50 times at least..and I could hear echos of that moment building up like waves lapping the shoreline of my mind creating fractals of the moment..god this is so hard to explain..but I really understand what they mean in all the old literature about time freezing and such things while on psychedelics..I was really freaking out..I wanted to cry..I crawled into the woods all alone and wandered around tormented by the fact that time existed, but I coulnt quite integrate with "my place in it"..

I experienced something similar once with ayahuasca brewed with chaliponga, but even that had nothing on this..this was so god damn real..at the time I was literally convinved that I was time traveling, thats how far gone I was..from only 7 grams torch!..the cannabis obviousily played a big role though..

I will never ever forget this day...what I went through shook me to the core of my being..left me ina mess laying in the woods drooling on myself not knowing weather to cry or laugh in amazment..previous experiments with 10 grams torch didnt bring me close to the place I got to today..it was frickin so amazing..the visuals were really intense as well, everything was shimmereing and swaying back and forth, leaves kicked up by my feet into the air would leave sparkling after images that stayed there floating for 30 senconds to a minute after the actaul event..I could see time as it was happening, but it was completely perceptual, I was imbedded in it..in all times..I sort of touched down on quantum levels of myslef or something, existing inthe past and present at the same time, and the residues from these time frames started to actaully speak back to me in the form of voices in my head for about 10 minutes..thats when I really started to loose it..

I was forgetting my name and where I was etc as well..it was fucked..complete mindfuck...all of these really strong effects only lasted an hour or so until it started to calm back down and feel ok again..but I was too shook up and by that time I had wandered so far in the woods that when I got to the highway I was too far from my freinds to want to go back..so I kept walking until I got back into the downtown area and the sunset stip of beaches and flopped down into the sand and lay there for a good 30 minutes looking up at the sky watching the clouds shift around and melt and form crazy geometric patterens..finally got on the bus and headed to a freinds house where I chilled with 2 friends for an hour and then went to his girlfreinds house for thankgiving dinner..

By that time I was comming down and ate a good dinner and met some cool people..her roommates BF was super cool, she told him I was on mescaline and he seemed really interested, said he was waiting to try it and he was really into psychedelics, and then he brought up DMT..he said he was reading about it alot and wanted to try an extraction soon, I told him I would help him..

I drank 2 beers and it helped take the stimulating edge off the comedown a bit, and then smoked some more pot..hopped on the skytrain and caught a bus and here I am!

But I feel drained an just so dman thankful to have made it through the crazy peak..god it was insane..Makes me think about how people talk about time loops and time freezing while on acid..and I am thinking that smoking cannabis may play a part..time distortion is a main effect of cannabis when one takes it occasionally..mix that with another strong psychedelic and it can be VERY intense..

Anyway..not something I would like to repeat in the next little while thats for sure! It was utterly facinating AFTER it took place..but freaky as hell while it was happening.
I seem to be sensitive to most psychedelics..always need a lower dose than people I take them with..this batch of torch chips though has put both me and a freind on a a preat good trip at only 10 grams..it becomes active with euphoria and stimulation at like 2 grams..

But the cannabis really pulled the our the real deal mescaline effects..Last time I took the cactus I was smoking weed every day liek 10 times a day..so now I have been smoking like once or twice a week, usually only 1 hit..and I took 3 or 4 big hits from this joint and held them for so long so it took me away..

I definatily have a newfound respect for both mescaline and canabis..

Honestly I dotn know how people can take pedro in huge doses in peru with shamans and actaully stay the whole session!..If I was with some shaman or at some ceremony while that was happening, I cant say that i wouldnt have just got up and left, just like that..I NEEDED to be alone away from people in the woods or I would have fully lost it.
fractal enchantment said:
Honestly I dotn know how people can take pedro in huge doses in peru with shamans and actaully stay the whole session!..If I was with some shaman or at some ceremony while that was happening, I cant say that i wouldnt have just got up and left, just like that..I NEEDED to be alone away from people in the woods or I would have fully lost it.

I think that without the cannabis it would be different... from my limited experience and what I have heard high dose cactus ceremonies are about connecting with people and nature - going on a long walk through wilderness with a group. I think cannabis can make us want to be alone from people (it does for me sometimes anyway).
balaganist said:
fractal enchantment said:
Honestly I dotn know how people can take pedro in huge doses in peru with shamans and actaully stay the whole session!..If I was with some shaman or at some ceremony while that was happening, I cant say that i wouldnt have just got up and left, just like that..I NEEDED to be alone away from people in the woods or I would have fully lost it.

I think that without the cannabis it would be different... from my limited experience and what I have heard high dose cactus ceremonies are about connecting with people and nature - going on a long walk through wilderness with a group. I think cannabis can make us want to be alone from people (it does for me sometimes anyway).

yes I am thinking you are right..all I can say is next time I take mescaline I wont be smoking any pot unless I am sure I am done with my peak!...but i do want to attempt to recreate this experience eventually..just not that soon..I have so much to think about now..space-time and mind and simultaneous levels of existance..facinating stuff..

I kept thinking about polytrips reports from a while back on his experience that he had and his thoughts on scale..this experience kinda gave some new insight into that..

We are locking ito scale..comparing THIS moment to all other moments, but some how foccussing on the now and letting the past frames fall away into the background..making us experience ourselves in the "here and now"..for me it was like all that broke down and I coulnt tell the difference between past moments and the previous moments becasue they were like frames stacking up and blending into each other..space time seemed somehow "thicker" than usual, and I kept falling into any given frame of the collage of the last minute or 2..it was so weird because it started to happen while I was walking and I could still keep walking, moving my body through the present moment becasue one level of me was always present in the moment..but just as time was leaving residues so was my mind..so I felt like I was occupying more than one place in time..like 2 or 3 time slices at once, and I could think, but there were echoes of other slices manifesting as thoughts as well so it made me feel really disorientated..

Full on synesthesia I guess, blending of all the senses..

I would be interested in finding out if anyone has experienced this phenomenon with psychedelics, where cannabis was NOT a part of it, aside from salvia divinorum..I remember watching a vid with Shulgin and someone asked him about pot..and he said that him and Sasha dont use cannabis, but they did do an experiment with it and that they experienced time stopping.. I think cannabis has a big role in psychedlic freakouts..not all of them but a magority of them..it seems to have the ability to take ahold of the trip and allow the full spectrum of psychedelic effetcs to manifest..especially if it's only used on occasion..
I also want to add that durring the beginning of the trip the synergy between the yopo afterglow and mescaline onset was very nice..very warm and comforting..I think the Chavin sometimes added cebil to the san pedro brews if I am not mistaken..dont know what it would be like to smoke bufo in the middle of a mescaline trip, but I would imagine it could be nice..I also took some cocoa mixed into some coffe with the bufo so I am sure that had some synergy as well.

Also later that night at dinner, the mescaline blocked all the stupid effects I hate from the 2 beers I drank, and just took the edge off a bit, increased the euphoria and allowed me to sleep. I dont like alcohol but it seemed good in this case..was much easier to sleep than last time I took mescaline..and I took 2 digestive enzymes with the cactus and it seemed to help with the stomache also..no gut rot.
[quote='Coatl]Was that from pre-dried cacti you ordered or do you have the plant which you harvested it from?

it was pre-dried peruvian torch chips that I got in a shop in town, they have very strong stuff that seems consistant, but I only tired the torch..they have pachanoi and bridgessi as well but I have yet to try them....I do grow my own peruvianus as well, but it's not that big, maybe 3 feet..I dont want to harvest it yet though becasue I still have a bunch of these dreid chips left..I want to grow more cacti than i harvest..so in a few months I will harvest the middle section of my cactus, root the top foor or so in a new pot, and keep about a foot of the base to hopefull grow new arms..

I plan on eventually getting more and more cacti going..I love mescaline so much..I think I have you and 69ron to thank for that!..all of your old cactus threads inspired me to grow some..got my cutting about 6 months ago.

Im going to grow lots of cactus..I also have access to live peyote at 2 differnt shops in town so I am going to get some peyote growing as well(not to eat though), but it's $$..need to get some other pedros though first.

so Coatl.. If I take out the middle section of my torch, and leave the base where it is..will new arms start to pop up from where I slice it?? should I add some sulphur to the exposed area to help it heal over?
Cacti can realy surprise you by their strength or weakness. There's no way of predicting how potent a torch is going to be.

I see that you have the same experience with this extreme synesthesia induced by cactus.

it seems to me that this synesthesia is realy very much a cactus thing.
It's incredible how it blends all the senses. It realy goes much further in this than any other psychedelic i know.

I think all the negative things must have come from the cannabis, because cactus has a real positive spirit. I can imagine that smoking marihuana at a cactus trip totally disconnects you from your surroundings.
Cacti have strange ways of interacting with other substances.

Maybe it also potentiates cannabinoids.

A strong cannabis-trip is a psychedelic experience on it's own, so it could be that you have had a more then double psychedelic journey.
Cannabis has these extreme mental and time distorting effects, when it hit's you hard.
Yes cacti is so amazing..
I think the negativity was really just me not thinking I could handle it, I wouldnt call it negative, just difficult..but thats where the best trips come from anyway:wink: ..the experience was really quite enlightening..

Interesting that you expereinced similar synesthesia with mescaline..I am looking foreward to learning more with the cactus.
polytrip said:
I see that you have the same experience with this extreme synesthesia induced by cactus.

it seems to me that this synesthesia is realy very much a cactus thing.
It's incredible how it blends all the senses. It realy goes much further in this than any other psychedelic i know.

Yeah I got that. It's the only substance that's made me experience a double sense. Hard to describe, ehm. I felt my elbow moving forward, but at the same time I could feel the sun shining on my elbow where it was a few seconds before. Like having an extra arms.

I got passed off some crazy RC as LSD once and it seemed all good, then I had a joint to myself and it went fucking crazy. A friend had to give me some serious counciling to get me to calm down. Not realising it was the weed that gave me a bad jolt, I had another one a couple of hours later and... you guessed it. More counciling. My friend swears he was so close to getting with this girl... he never let me live it down to this day.

I much prefer smoking hash with psychedelics than weed, especially at high doses.
swim loves smoking weed in combination with psychedelic with mescaline weed is a great combination but with a high dose swim smokes one joint then forgets that he has weed hes just so deep that he does not feel that it is neccesary, but when the climax has passed thats a perfect timing for a joint to burst again in the realm of mescalito
^yes I like to smoke when tripping as well..but it's not even comparable if you smoke pot every day to what it's like if you only smoke say 2 times a week..completely differnt..when I was smoking every day and had a huge tolerancy I dont think it was possible for it to take me to the level it can now while on muchrooms or cacti..I can barely believe it.

Yes smoking on the come down is nice..I smoked a joint between 5 people later on right before we ate dinner and drank a beer and it complimented the mescaline nicely but nothing like when I was peaking..
fractal enchantment said:
Yes cacti is so amazing..
I think the negativity was really just me not thinking I could handle it, I wouldnt call it negative, just difficult..but thats where the best trips come from anyway:wink: ..the experience was really quite enlightening..

Interesting that you expereinced similar synesthesia with mescaline..I am looking foreward to learning more with the cactus.
With cactus i always feel when i look at things or with closed-eye-visuals, as if i touch the surface of it at the same time. A blending of sight and touch. I have that always with cactus.

With cannabis i always have such time...things.

I can imagine a combination of the two things are realy weird.

I once had that thing two, that i walked somewhere but part of me was still sitting somewhere else. So at one moment i had to say two myself "wait a minute, i'm still there". That was realy freaky.
And that was with cannabis alone.
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