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mescalito mind blowing exp....

Migrated topic.

fractal rider

Rising Star
hello guys swim had his most incrieble experince of his life with san pedro swim is very experience with san pedro has take it so many times and in big doses too but this time whas so diffrent he took a massive dose and the experience was so beatiful it begun with some friends in the beach just wathcing the waves wating for mescalito to kick in and show him self when this finnaly happend the waves just stated to play music it was so amazing like the ocean was playing music like it was a orchestra so beaituful and then we
took a walk when the experience was getting to the climax my friends just jump waking throuhg a hill but swim had a hard time to get up he could not understand the hill because it was so transfromed in to some thing else the it was not a hill it was like it took life and had some big waves of energy i could not get to the top so i just stay put for a while just watching everthing and enjoying the experience then when it got so hard to go down the hill when i got down swim needed a friends help beacuse he thought that he was falling down into a void it got very intense from that moment swim was listing to i big horn sound it was so mysticil with some flutes too it whas ten when mescalito was showing us the path of knowledge and wisdom a sacred infromation that was reveling to our eyes, swim had visuals in that moment of dreams that where so alive is like subconscious
and his Conscience was united in his vision learning so much in that moment of the meaning of life then the place was full with energy currents passing through,
then swim got so much euforia that he started to run and let himself absorb energy from the place , then swim saw a bad energy coming throug dirctly to us swim stood up and shouted "now you will not" took his top clothes away a sign of challeing this energy and it left for but it did get in the body of a friend that had a very sad expereince he was crying and suffering then after that the experrience whas a a breaktorugh my soul just got out of the body and was traveling thoprugh space where i was going to the past and future very much like a salvia state wwas so weird never had this type of expereince with san pedro i could see things in the future and told my friends what will happen, just with our minds we where communicate through telepathy then swim was in space in some kind of Customs of hypserspace where there where so many traveleres from the universe some alien type and some like deity with a spiritual body all off them was with a state of Conscience far beyond us felt so humble and wanted to learn so much then when i got pass the custom i whas traveling through space got in contact with very inteligent beings they shwoed me the meaning of life and so many sacred information that it whas to much to handle at some point when i got back to the beach with my friends i was trying to share this info i thought that after this i would never go back and stay like this forever, then he smoke some mj at the watching the sunrise and it whas then when a massive ball of energy whas coming too me and got absored in this energy ball when i was inside it felt so much peace and love i was traveling through space with this energy ball full of love and peace it whas so blissful ,
then i whas back at the beach and it started to get normal it lasted very long but the most intense effects past away, it gets so hard to remember somethings i wish i could remember so many details that swim had but it gets hard it is complicated to explain the experinece in words sorry for my english haha trying to do my best sharing my experience...
bless and peace
damn, SWIM has tried loads of pure white mesc and only ever gets mdma glow and then body twitching... maybe SWIM needs to neck a bunch but make sure he has some valium on hand in case it all goes wrong again.... SWIM really wants the experience he keeps on reading about... maybe it doesn't agree with him, he had the same effects on 2cb, despite everyone else tripping their faces off.
Nice experience man. I can't wait till I get to try the mescalito. I've been waiting for a while and I have tried a few times with little sucess. Like lbeing789 said I don't get anything more than a very euphoric feeling with some slight visuals. But then again that was only with 75mg of pure white mescaline. It was all that I had gotten out of my extraction.

I will be doing an extraction again soon this time using 69ron's tek hopefully things go better.
that sounds like an amazing experience.
makes me want to travel with mescalito too.
did you drink brewed cactus? or was this from an extraction?

congrats! :)
hope you are able to integrate the teachings you recieved into your daily life.
mescaline was very visual for me..much more so than I had expected, like swirling vortex's shimmering off of my friends wall and another friends morphing into a greek looking god and back again, and a grid that superimposed over everything for about 20 minutes...from only 10 grams of torch chips eaten..it seems that some have strong visions from it and others dont..I know that 69ron said that mesaline, bufo and ayahuasca were the only things that gave him true visions..so I will be looking foreward to a 20 gram dose.
for swim tyhe best experience of mescaline or ath nighttime there is some thing that swim thinks that in night time gives more visions swim has heard that shamans say its better that way
I must congratulate you, that experience was so deep. I never had that kind of breakthrough with san pedro. But my best experience with it was beatiful too.
fractal rider said:
it was brewed cactus that a cooked with love and singed some mantras to give a a special touch
FR - That was a spectacular report. SWIM has not yet ventured into the world of the cacti, but he is very eager to! Your report has renewed the urgency for him to venture into that unknown.

Can you give some specifics of SWIY's brew? i.e. qty. of dried or fresh San Pedro, tea preparation method (or link there to), where you purchased the SP? Amount of food ingested prior (if at all), and time to climax / back to baseline? You can PM me if you'd prefer.

Again, absolutely amazing report, and very well detailed! Thanks for sharing!

swim used 4 metres of san pedro fresh cacti got them myself from a friends house and swim cooked them for 7 hours he cooked only the inner green part , the spines ,skin and core whas discarted then after the cooking time swim filter the pieces and had his green pulp
the rest of the water that was left he swim reduced it with low fire then mixed the 2 liquids , swim took half of the tea , i forgot that i used lots of lemon juice for the cooking

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