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MHRB Dieta

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Hello! After an enlightenment to an idea recently, I thought I would try to get some feedback.

After spending some time in the jungle I gained an appreciation for a traditional dieta. This means the strict no-salt no-spice no-oil food intake (rice, plantains and plain fish) along with drinking a cold-infusion of medicine plants during the day in addition to doing Ayahuasca ceremonies at night.

I have been drawn toward MHRB as a teacher plant for some time now. Without Jurema's crystal extract I would not be near the level of light that I am now.

I wanted to create a big batch of weak cold extracted MHRB, kept in the fridge.
I also wanted to create a big batch of strong cold extracted MHRB, kept in the fridge.
I was thinking doing a 7-14 day hard detox followed by a few days of post-detox integration.

After the detox, I would follow strict Amazonian dieta while doing an afternoon healing ceremony where I ask the head medicine spirit of Jurema to enter and heal me while I drink the cold extract. The idea would be to drink enough to possibly barely feel something (providing good pre-ceremony introspection) or to not feel it at all, in which case, the intent would be to ingrain the spirit into my own.

From here nightly ceremonies would be conducted. A MUCH stronger cold extract would be consumed every night or every other night (or 2 nights on, 1 night off) in an attempt to achieve radical healing transformation and purging.

The "strong" night ceremonies may start off with a lower dose for the first few dietas as to work with the spirit of Jurema and become comfortable.

After becoming adequately acquainted with Jurema, I may experiment with large doses of cold extracts.

Then, only under instruction + approval from the head medicine spirit of Jurema, I will consider incorporating MAOIs into the mix (rue or caapi) but only after an equally as laborious dieta involving only the MAOI plant I wish to become acquainted with. Only then, after I have dieted and made allies with both both the Jurema and the MAOI plant, would I mix the two.

Anyone tried any similar setups of a dieta with success?
why not just make a strong batch and take less when less strenght is desired? makes matters more simple I guess

I guess the most important about all of your plan is your devotion/positive intentions. This can bring about very good experiences. If you wish so, then do it.

I personally dont know if the dieta has something 'physical' about its actions and if it 'detoxes', or if it's more like any sudden change in our habits, that by the contrast to our usual behaviour puts us in another perspective or temporary state of awareness (just like many ancient religions/groups used some kind of 'shock' to bring the person to the present moment, like the zen riddles or the fakhir self-mortification, etc etc).

Maybe one thing that the dieta means also is because in general people eat very bad, loads of oil sugar salt, and this indeed is not healthy. So by adhering to a more moderate diet, it also gives one more respect to the body or something of the kind. But personally I feel that one shouldnt make a 'dieta' for these experiences and then exagerating/eating bad after.. Its all about always eating good, fresh stuff. In this way I personally dont feel like a dieta is my way, but I do know that it might be for some people, so I have respect for that. So as I said do as you feel, with good intentions and respect to your body.
i agree with endlessness on the purity of your conviction and intent being the most impressive AND important aspects of your proposed program. SWIM has had many an ayahuasca journey both fasted and fed....he is a professional athlete and as such keeps himself in the best of health with only righteous whole foods, plenty of hi-quality water, rest and focussed training. his body is his temple and because of his respect and honor for it, he has found no difference whatsoever in the depth of his connection with the spirit world when imbibing Jurema in either state. it is his INTENTION that has made this so. don't get me wrong, i understand and respect those who choose to fast, etc., but i know that for me (and many i have observed) fasting is VERY challenging and shocking to the system. simply cleaning up one's diet and eating in moderation (ie: eating until you're no longer hungry....not until you're FULL) is a wonderful way to prepare AND nurture your temple at the same time. be careful with being too austere/severe with your sacred spacesuit brother....keep in mind that when you go into a "starvation" mode, it doens't necessarily equate to "going to absorb the spirit more completely"....when the body is running lean and efficient, it is "primed", if you will, to process and assimilate much more readily.

i share because i care. and as the old adage goes: "if you would be loved, love and be loveable." this applies toward ones' self as well! :D

love and gratitude!
Its a good idea... i would dieta with COLDwaterINFusion jurema... ask the jurema during your first session with it to guide you on the deita, ask how long it should be, and how it would like you to shape your relationship with it. the deita is sort of a time of communion with a plant teacher, a process of making room within your self for the spirit to reside. ask the tree to give you its songs, trees grant strength and protection.
you do not have to just eat rice platains and plain fish either... mediate on which foods would be good for you from your local food shed.
deita with local foods it really good.
According to the Peruvian healers I worked with electrolytes (salts) + oils generate more "electrical" "resistance" in ones energetic body. The idea is that abstaining increase flow potential and further facilities the "straightening of your energetic body" which is, in one way or another, the end goal to all shamanic healing.

Endlessness, so true about the detoxing. With the amount of bad foods most consume it seems like cleansing your body a little bit is a logical thing to do before ingesting consistent amounts of such a tannic brew. The idea of making one strong brew is a great one! The original idea had kept room for making a weaker cold extraction that contained other plants I wish to diet then a stronger batch for ceremonies. I don't plan on dieting anything else at first so the one batch sounds good.

Antrocles, your absolutely right about the body as a temple. I have taken what you said about being "primed" to heart. It makes sense that you would need at least a decent level of nutrients to sustain a long sequence of ceremonies. It seems like doing an actual detox would be good to get clean then integrate back into a semi-stable non-deficient diet for the course of the dieta. I typically fast before any ceremony but I have had mushroom ceremonies after fasting for a while and felt horrible for a couple of days....

LLB, awesome suggestions. I think asking the spirit of the Juerma to help plan the diet is essential. Local food is big here and fish in the US is mostly contaminated. I can see the benefit in dieting with local foods, I had never thought of that but will now definitely be dieting only local & organic foods.

Thanks for all the ideas! I will likely not be able to start a dieta until the summer but I hope to have some ceremonies before then to gain some clarity. :)
its so interesting because the deita is based on specific amazonian tribes ( which later turned into meztiso cultures that kept the deita) and not all tribes do the deita. but their dieta is mostly based on food taboos that have very little to do with what we think... it has nothing to do with MAOI for instance... but more with eating foods that are in relationship with a very complex cosmology of animist relationship dynamics. food is people to animists of the amazon, and food is powerful and has an effect on people beyond our concept of nurtitional ideas...

but the premise of having a diet that makes one feel cleansed and open may be just a very intuitive thing that we can gain inspiration from. a macro biotic diet for example may be what some one is guided too... with local foods who knows what that could look like.
the important thing i think is not to imitate the deita from the amazonian perspective but to find inspiration as to how the deita works in relationship to the central concepts of vegetalismo so that we can see how vegetalismo and curanderismo practices can be either adapted or a source of inspiration for our own ways of establishing relationships with the plant teachers.
In my experience vegetalistas and curanderos in peru are ill equiped to help with this, but they could lend some inspiration and insight... but it kinda like asking a catholic how one could be a catholic but not a catholic... " so how could i be a catholic with out the euchirist or maybe neverr getting baptised or having confesion?" my point being that the vegetalista practices of amazonian meztiso peoples are verry unique to them and their relationship with the amazon. we have to find our own way to have that relationship where we are with what we have to work with.
and that i think is the big work ahead...
LLB said:
In my experience vegetalistas and curanderos in peru are ill equiped to help with this, but they could lend some inspiration and insight... but it kinda like asking a catholic how one could be a catholic but not a catholic... " so how could i be a catholic with out the euchirist or maybe neverr getting baptised or having confesion?" my point being that the vegetalista practices of amazonian meztiso peoples are verry unique to them and their relationship with the amazon. we have to find our own way to have that relationship where we are with what we have to work with.
and that i think is the big work ahead...

for sure.

I've been wondering how.. but I guess it will happen the way it will happen.
IMO it has to happen for us to move forward.

People are obsessed with technology atm... but we have the most advanced technology imaginable all around us, within us. We are the technology. Life is the technology. Spice is one tool to connect us back to the matrix of existence, to show us what we are.
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