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Microdosing 4 ho met or 4 ho mipt ?

Migrated topic.

Cosmic Dust

Shades of vapour

Has anyone tried macrodosing those Tryptamines 4-ho-met and 4-HO-MiPT? Sadly I have no access to shrooms nor 4 aco dmt at the moment so I acquired a few synthetic Tryptamines . I'm mostly concern about the health risk, the don't really know much about them and I'm not sure it would be a good idea to use them regularly though I see a tremendous potential for helping healing, I think I will try to do like the traditional protocol for shrooms but I'll do more pauses / not do it in the long run .

Also, I read that 4 ho met had particular serotoninergic effect like It also seems to act a bit like an ssri so I think it would be interesting also, I may prefer to use the 4 ho mipt in higher doses in other settings .

What do you think about the dose ? I think I'll try with 1mg first just to see but I may go up tp 3 . Also, will I have large pupils when microdosing ?

Thanks for your answers :)
I've got no experience with microdosing these tryptamines, but i've taken small quantities on top of LSD, and what i can say about it, is that in threshold, microdose quantities, they are quite shortlasting. Especially miprocin. Around something like two hours, and that's about it.

I was intimidated by the idea of growing anything. Some reading, $40 for supplies including two spore syringes, and a little patience, now 8 of my 10 jars are nearly colonised with mycelium. I didn't use pressure cooker either, steam sterilized in pot with lid twice waiting 24 hours between.

The above link will get you started, below is a more thorough book on the subject...

My favored "easy stealth tek" for growing mushrooms is using BRF bags from OutGrow and fruiting using shoebox tek.

The BRF bags are presterilized so no cookware or stove is needed. And shoebox containers from Target are $1 or $2 each. Contaminants are less likely to spread as we aren't combining intermediate substrates together (like in a bulk grow or with cakes sharing a fruiting chamber).
Shroombee, will you please elaborate on your shoeboxes? I want to make some with my jars. Are you mixing the colonised brf substrate with coir?
Tony6Strings said:
Shroombee, will you please elaborate on your shoeboxes? I want to make some with my jars. Are you mixing the colonised brf substrate with coir?
Yes, you can mix the colonized BRF with coir (or coir+vermiculite) and optionally add a thin layer of the mix on top. Use 1.5 or 2 colonized 1/2 pint jars per shoebox. Add an equal amount of bulk mix or up to a 1:2 ratio of BRF to bulk mix. Note you will not get 4 inches of substrate depth, which is the typical rule of thumb. Don't worry about it. :)

If you want to go super easy and you're in the US, you can get premixed and pasteurized coir+vermiculite from Midwest Grow Kits:

Or also as easy is to get a cheap bag of hydrated (not dried) coir from Home Depot or similar. You can probably skip pasteurization of coir, or use a microwave if desired.

The Midwest bulk casing has more moisture than the Vigoro coir. I've tried both and they both work. Mist the top of the shoebox until there are tiny droplets glistening on the surface. That ensures the humidity is high at the surface and the substrate won't dry out. You will end up dunking between flushes anyhow, so the initial water content is not critical as long as its not too dry or dripping wet. You might try the Midwest or Vigoro to get a feel for the moisture ranges. Or find one of the coir prep teks on Shroomery and start with dried coir.

Mist with this fine mist pressured spray bottle. It works great:

Shroomery.org has a lot of info on shoebox tek. Almost too much. So many experienced growers willing to share, it can be confusing figuring out what's the "best" way.

But the beauty of shoebox tek is you don't have to dial in the conditions so precisely with cubensis. It just works. (Other species are more fussy). And with the multiple small shoeboxes it's easy to experiment with ratios, amount of misting, different casing types, etc. And contaminants are isolated so you don't lose the entire grow like with a big monotub. I've found many variations work within reason. No need to overthink it. Just have fun!
Hello, sorry for the late substance . I would like a lot to grow my shrooms I read a lot about Pf Tek and all the issue is that I still live with family members that are really against all hat and hiding it would put to much stress on me .
As soon as I live on my own I'll grow shrooms it's overall safer .

Thanks for the tips
Cosmic Dust said:
Hello, sorry for the late substance . I would like a lot to grow my shrooms I read a lot about Pf Tek and all the issue is that I still live with family members that are really against all hat and hiding it would put to much stress on me .
As soon as I live on my own I'll grow shrooms it's overall safer .

Thanks for the tips
Maybe you can find a friend interested in growing.

In any case, when you're ready, consider BRF cakes with shoebox tek. PF Tek is a 30 year old growing tek. People's understanding of the process necessary to grow cubensis has changed over the years, and thus the teks have evolved. PF Tek is fruiting cakes directly in a fruiting chamber, which is fairly low yielding, a bit fussy to dial in humidity and air exchange, and takes up too much space for the fruiting chamber. Shoebox tek takes less room, is more forgiving, and is higher yielding. Just my experience playing with these teks off and on since about 2003.

Good luck!
Tony6Strings said:
Thanks so much Shroombee!!! How much dry cubes do you usually yield from one shoebox?
With oat spawn and cloning, I can get about 1.3 oz dry per quart of spawn, and 1.0 oz per quart of rye. I use pre-sterilized oat bags from OutGrow. Oats are cheaper than rye and seem to perform well for me. I haven't tried too hard to boost yield. I have way too many dried shrooms to consume myself, so yield is not important at this time.

According to this post by bodhisatta, expect 1.0-1.5 oz per quart if cloning or 0.75-1.0 oz with multispore inoculation. Note the target numbers in his post are based on 2 quarts of spawn.

BRF is not as nutritious as oats or rye, so I'd expect less yield. I don't have exact numbers because my shaman friend does the BRF+shoebox and she doesn't weigh her yields. :? But she's very happy with the yields and ease of the tek. And BRF is more resistant to contaminants so it's a fair tradeoff if you don't have the fancy equipment and sterile techniques and you're inoculating from syringes.
Cosmic Dust said:

Has anyone tried macrodosing those Tryptamines ?

What do you think about the dose ? I think I'll try with 1mg first just to see but I may go up tp 3 . Also, will I have large pupils when microdosing ?

Thanks for your answers :)
I've used both 4-ho-mipt and 5-meo-mipt microdosed, and my gf has used 4-ho-mipt (once) microdosed. When I MD the 5-meo-mipt it was with something like from 2 to 5-6 mg. I'm quite a hard-head for tryptamines so for me 5-7 mg of moxy feels like microdosing, but for most people is not. With 4-ho-mipt me and my gf have used 4-7 mg, I'm not completely sure cause my mg scale doesn't work as it should... But I'm sure it was less than 10.
I didn't MD the substances very often, just a couple times each, so I would not say anything about the long term risk (it would be stupid to say it's safe even if I have done cause they're RCs but...).
I had no problems anytime but my gf had some slight nausea for a couple hours when having 4-ho-mipt. She took it to kill a migraine and it worked.. also, she got pretty "horny", in the sense of having much less inhibitions and she had more intense and longer orgasms. I don't know if you have that experience but 4-ho-mipt is quite odd in that sense, sometimes it's very erotic, some others is not erotic at all.
Both the mipt chemicals seem very centering and very good to be calm and focused, with a sense of emotional serenity that feels zen-like, the senses specially hearing seems quite enhanced even when microdosing. I think 5-meo-mipt in MDoses feels a bit like an antidepressant, like kratom we could say, but more emotional, it doesn't dull emotions (but didn't enhance them either IME) with very low doses.
Didn't try 4-ho-met microdoses but probably it works quite right, I also feel that it has something to do with serotonin reuptake, but can't be sure.
There's a recent study with rats regarding 5-meo-mipt, it could be quite bad for your cells in "large" doses (for humans would be even in average doses like 9-15mg) but didn't cause any harm in terms of apoptosis in little doses.

My 2cents
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