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Microdosing aya, pointless or a good decision?

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Esteemed member
I started microdosing aya daily in the past weak or so, and I'm not really sure what to think about it.

I feel as if it isn't doing much to my mood levels and general well being.

I drink it with my coffee in the morning, and there is a definite difference to what would be if I only drank coffee. I find a hightened sense of imagination, and slight trippy feelings, perhaps very subtle visuals but I contribute that to HPPD.

This feeling also fades really fast, just one walk or bike ride and I'm completely back to baseline.

Other than that I don't feel like it is improving my health at all really. One would expect it to at least help out a bit with cleaning out phlegm, perhaps stabilize energy levels but no.

Since there are MAOIs involved which are in the class of drugs called anti-depressants, I really don't feel like it has improved my mood even by little and this is with daily use. It had time to build up in my system.

Of coarse I did do the mistake and drank too much which ended in me tripping, sometimes two days in a row.

Something strange is going with this too.

Even after a flood dose, I don't seem to get an afterglow which I used to feel very pronounced back in my early days of experimentation with aya.

There are probably more of you which can share some insight on what it really is about and am I doing something wrong.

Do I really have nothing much to expect from microdoses, is that really it?

Do I by any chance dose too low, and not get the full spectrum of benefits associated with microdozing aya?

Looking at solely using aya for balancing out brain chemistry, are microdoses often more benefitial than a flood dose less often and vica versa?

I need some clarity guys, I went into this without any prior research, and decided just to wing it. I've had lots of experience with flood doses before this experiment and I'm not sure if I'm wasting aya, or am I actually building blocks for a balanced brain chemistry in the long run (but it takes time to achieve it) instead of feeling good for a night.
Infundibulum microdosed harmalas for a year and felt nothing...

It's just an anecdote so take that as you will... AFAIK there is no research on this.

I'd think a propper dose of ayahuasca weekly or every couple of weeks, like Santo Daime people do, would have more lasting (hopefully positive) impact, but of course that is a different thing and you'd need to take more care of set and setting and the integration part. Ive done this for 6 months once and it seemed to work great for me, but YMMV. Not all experiences are easy and positive at face value, but I feel that hard introspection is an essential part to get the benefits of psychedelics
Have you noticed a change in dream content or duration after microdosing a while with an maoi..?

Are you dreaming more at night and recalling them better? just curious..
Imo/ime, it's better to just go for a light, to moderate to high dosage of Harmalas rather than microdose them, i haven't tried microdosing Harmalas (or DMT, for that matter) but i don't think microdosing the Harmalas would be of much benefit. If you wanna microdose DMT though, you'd need full on MAO-A inhibition using either a good dose of Harmalas or a good dose of Moclobemide, and then consume the DMT after about 30 minutes to an hour (when gut MAO-A is fully inhibited) and a micro or low dose of DMT should be similar to a micro/low dose of Psilocin, i would think. Microdosing oral DMT can certainly be done but technically microdoses aren't supposed to cause any perceivable effects (as they are sub-perceptual) but low doses (which most are actually taking rather than micro doses, from what i've read) may offer some benefits, i'm not sure though. One time i took one capsule of Mimosa root powder on top of Moclobemide and it felt a bit like a sort of psychostimulant in a way, and 3 capsules of Mimosa root powder on top of Moclobemide was really intense for such a low dose, i think there could be some benefits there, especially if it's stacked alongside some other herbs and such.
In all honesty, the impact that the MAOI has on my sleep is far too profound to warrant any positive benefits from micro dosing more than a day or two at most. Therefore, psilocybin is a far more beneficial solution.

Constant Maoi use in other primates have caused them to become more aggressive and lead in to anti-social behavior. I noticed when i take it for prolonged periods i feel very restless and irritable, this could be attributed to the excess of catecholamines caused by the inhibition but i think also due to the abolishing of REM sleep :|
I ought to concede, this is a post from the shroomery

The longest I have been able to microdose has been eight days, taking 0.2g once daily. By the end of the week I was beginning to feel tired, restless, and irritated. Microdosing mushrooms does not appear to be sustainable with frequent use. It is exhausting, and in my experience it can lead to dysphoria. I don't do it often, and when I do it is only a couple of times in a week to prevent burnout.

I think that is part of the reason why these microdosing threads don't ever go anywhere. Also, a lot of the people starting these threads are experimenting threshold doses, or extremely low doses -- not microdoses proper. Burnout and dysphoria happens much more quickly at these doses. For me a threshold dose is around 0.4g. If I take a 0.4g dose once daily for three days I end up feeling pretty shitty by the end of the third day.

Sleep is incredibly important for all aspects and qualities of life. Often we think we can easily sacrifice just a little bit and wake up the next morning somehow with a sense of regret. I also know serotonin plays a major role in the regulation of sleep. Anecdotally, I can feel the changes in my sleep quality on the days i even smoke dmt!
I personally never had an issue with sleep when using Harmalas, though if you drink Caffeine it's best not to consume it alongside the Harmalas because of the Harmalas CYP1A2 inhibition which can potentiate the Caffeine and cause more Caffeine to be consumed than one would otherwise.

Also, MAO-A inhibition for me doesn't seem to be much about Dopamine, MAO-A inhibition seems to be more Serotonergic and Noradrenergic, not Dopaminergic. Dopamine is more MAO-B rather than MAO-A imo/ime. I've also taken Mucuna/L-Dopa on top of Harmalas, and Moclobemide, before and haven't noticed any negative interactions or really any potentiation of the Dopamine from the L-Dopa, so i'm pretty sure MAO-A inhibition isn't all that Dopaminergic.

Also Harmalas prolong REM sleep due the their Acetylcholinesterase inhibiting properties, they can even make dreams more vivid ime.

Also i never felt extra aggressive and anti-social from consuming Harmalas, even daily for 8 months in strong dosages or when i took it daily/near daily with the DMT for 4 years during my main Aya experimentation. I have Austim, and have my own issues with aggression and being "anti-social", if the Harmalas did contribute, it was most likely due to the increase in Serotonin, as i've been taking Mucuna/L-Dopa (750mgs of L-Dopa) a day for 9 months now and my aggression and such has actually gotten a lot better with the Dopamine, so the Dopamine doesn't seem to contribute to any extra aggression. But back when i was taking the Rue/Harmalas daily, only side-effect i noticed was that i felt lazy and unmotivated, but that's about the only side-effect i've noticed, though i always went for high to strong Harmala/Rue dosages, not micro or low dosages.
AwesomeUsername said:
I started microdosing aya daily in the past weak or so...
What is it actually that you drank?

endlessness said:
I'd think a propper dose of ayahuasca weekly or every couple of weeks, like Santo Daime people do, would have more lasting (hopefully positive) impact...
Drinking in a social context is a whole thing to endeavor. The gathering in good spirit, a whole worked out practice for betterment of ones selves and the world, something that triggers a lot of switches that are otherwise untouched when compared to just gulping your minidose privately and commence your daily routine and wait out until the medicine "fixes" you. The contrast is huge, I also think the elaborated version has the better chances for those that find the private works unsuccessful. That said not all circles are fitted for everyone, I would avoid some of them all together while it's a ticket for others.
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