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Microwave Assisted Drytek (MAD Tek)

Migrated topic.
OK guys, this is a work in progress, and will be updated as I experiment more.... pics will be coming when I do my next extraction (which probably won't be for a while). But, here it is:

Microwave Assisted Drytek for Acacia confusa bark.

With mimosa being increasingly hard to come across, many people have turned to other materials for DMT extractions. One of the most popular barks is Acacia confusa bark. It grows indigenously in Indonesia and Hawaii. Some people call it the “Rainbow Tree.” Acacia confusa is an excellent source for DMT, but it has a higher fat content than mimosa, and much more NMT in the root bark than mimosa. This often results with gooey yields when using a basic STB(straight to base) or basic A/B (Acid/Base) extraction. This tek has repeatedly produced primarily crystals, for me, rather than a goo-heavy final result.

There are other teks out there that involve a back salting step, which have been effective for many people, however this method is designed to avoid the additional back salt process (Unless you decide to use d-limo) for the initial pulls. There are a variety of ways to approach this procedure, and a lot of variation can be implemented with different solvents, acids and bases. In order to keep on track, I will only offer one of the many variations of this tek - which itself is a variation of another member's tek: q21q21's drytek.

Safety- goggles, rubber gloves, mask, vinegar (to neutralize a base if spilled), distilled water to rinse eyes if anything gets in them.

Bark- 50grams of Acacia confusa bark. If it is not pre-powdered, then it will need to be ground up in a coffee grinder or blender. It does not have to be ground till a powder – fine shreds/fibers will work.

Acid- anhydrous citric acid
Base- Pickling Lime (Calcium Hydroxide)

Solvent- Naphtha

Other materials- scales, measuring cups, paper towels, MICROWAVE, plastic tubberware with lid
, stirring spoon, precipitation dish, and Distilled water

1. Begin by weighing out 50g of either powdered or finely shredded Acacia confusa root bark. Place the bark in one of the plastic tubs. Add enough distilled H2O to the tub so that the bark is completely hydrated, and then add just a tad more water so that it is slightly soupy. Stir in about 1/8 teaspoon (just a pinch) of anhydrous citric acid.

2. (optional) After mixing the H2O, acid, and the bark, you can then do a series of freeze thaws if you would like. This helps break up the cell walls of the bark so that the DMT can be more easily extracted. To do this, put the entire tub in the freezer, let freeze completely, and once frozen, then remove it and let it thaw. Do this process as many times as you would like, but 2-3 times should be fine. ***this is optional, the tek will still work if you don’t do this, but yields will probably be slightly decreased***

3. You should now have a soupy mixture containing 50g of bark, water, and citric acid in the plastic tub. NOW, it’s time for the microwave. This is what makes this tek special/convenient. Make sure the lid is loosely secured on the tub (so that steam can escape), and microwave on high for 5 minutes. Pull it out, stir it up, and then microwave it for an additional 5 minutes. Pull it out, stir it up, and then microwave again. At this point, the consistency of the mix should be drier, and less soupy. If too much water was initially added to the mix, then continue microwaving until desired consistency has been reached. Check periodically and stir the mix. If you accidentally steam out too much water, and it gets too dry, add some more water. Congratulations…. Your acid soak has now been reduced to 15 minutes, rather than a few hours. ****ALLOW THE TUB TO COMPLETELY COOL TO ROOM TEMP!****

4. After cooling, the next step is adding the base. Add between 50-75 grams of CaOH to the mix. The value may need to change depending on what acid you use, and how much you use. Generally, 50-75g should be sufficient. Stir it in very well, making sure that the consistency is even, and there are no pockets of unmixed CaOH. After thorough mixing, it’s time to let the bark sit and allow the base to convert the DMT citrate into DMT freebase. So, go hang out on the nexus chat for an hour or 5. The longer that the mix sits, the more likely that initial pulls will contain a high saturation of DMT.

5. After allowing the based mix to sit for a little while, it is time to start pulling. It’s advised that the Naphtha is either room temp, or slightly heated. More heat allows for increase solubility of DMT. To heat Naphtha, it is best to use the double boiler method, keeping flames FAR away from the non-polar solvent. Another tip – use a microwave safe bowl or plastic tub that is about ¼- ½ full of water. Microwave it until it starts to boil. Remove the bowl, and set the NPS containing jar down in the hot water. The heat will transfer over to the NPS, warm it up, and no flames needed. The amount of Naphtha used per pull can vary, but I generally find that 3-4 100ml pulls can exhaust the bark to my satisfaction. There may still be a little DMT left in there, and if you want to do more pulls, then you can.

6. To pull, thoroughly mix the NPS in the bark/base mix for about one hour….. stiring every 10-15 minutess. Then pour the naphtha off the mix, into a jar that will be used to collect all the pulls.

7. After the pulls are collected, transfer the naphtha into a shallow glass dish. Evaporate the Naphtha until it begins to turn cloudy.

8. Securely cover the remaining Naphtha and place in the freezer for 18-24 hours. I use a glass dish that has a fitted lid, but if that is not available, use plastic wrap.

9. Once the precipitation is complete, pour off the remaining Naphtha into a jar - for reuse; and place the precipitation tray against a wall, with a fan blowing at it. This will help evaporate the remaining solvent, and dry any water. After about 30-40 minutes, the crystals should be ready to scrape from the dish. There should be very pure, white crystals that have grown in the dish, and possibly a little bit of goo on the bottom of the dish – but likely not much.

10. Take all crystals and then throw them away, because DMT is illegal!
Nice tek! :thumb_up: It reminds me of q21q21's tek 2 but with microwaving instead of stirring the rootbark/hot acid water mix over an hour. I wonder how they compare as I got a goo that kept melting and disappearing when taken out of the freezer/letting solvent evaporate. I'm unable to do any tek work for a while but I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if other members try it out too! Glad it's working out for you.
What made you decide to experiment with microwaving the acidified bark?
Hey LSDvibes! Yes, this tek is nothing new, and very similar to the other dryteks out there. Main inspiration being the q21q21.

I got on this kick of microwaving my eggs. it was super easy, and I had a prepared egg in like 27seconds. (crack the egg into a microwave safe bowl, add a tad of butter, nuke for 27seconds, and viola! nice buttery poached egg.)

So, curiosity got the better of me, and I just started playing around with it. It worked, and was easy, so I stuck with it. This bark i have is exceptionally fatty, and i was having a lot of trouble with the other extraction methods.... even after back salting.

So, i just decided to see what would happen. :) It's easy and pretty quick, with minimal mess - compared to a liquid a/b or a long acid boil and reduction. And, i like being able to pour off the Naphtha vs. decanting with a glass turkey baster or pipette. It's still only a mediocre tek, but it gets the job done.

I'm sure that Cyb's tek or Earthwalker's will have a higher yeild (including possible goo), but the main benefit of this tek, that i found, was that the fats seem to get trapped in the mix. Liquid extractions pull more fats.
This is 'technically' a hybrid tek and doesn't belong in the A/B section so I will move it to STB as this is how it is skewed 😉

(A/B discards the material after acidifying and continues with just liquid)
Would that mean that the dry tek (like this one) that keeps the plant material is considered an STB? I see the difference between it and a standard AB tek but I don't see why it would be STB if it has an acidification stage?
LSDvibes said:
Would that mean that the dry tek (like this one) that keeps the plant material is considered an STB? I see the difference between it and a standard AB tek but I don't see why it would be STB if it has an acidification stage?
It's a Hybrid ATB Dry Tek ... (we just don't have a section for that so STB is the closet alternative)
cyb said:
LSDvibes said:
Would that mean that the dry tek (like this one) that keeps the plant material is considered an STB? I see the difference between it and a standard AB tek but I don't see why it would be STB if it has an acidification stage?
It's a Hybrid ATB Dry Tek ... (we just don't have a section for that so STB is the closet alternative)
Thanks, makes more sense now!
It's lacking yellow :p

Those are great pics Acy, really cool celestial space ships.
Sorry to revive this thread, but I was looking for some clarification...

1) When you nuke the base soup, how dry should it get?

2) When you add the naphtha, how do you pour it off without using a baster / pipette?

eastlancsguy said:
Sorry to revive this thread, but I was looking for some clarification...

1) When you nuke the base soup, how dry should it get?

2) When you add the naphtha, how do you pour it off without using a baster / pipette?


Don't nuke the base soup. Only cook when using acid.... the FreeBased DMT will vaporize in the microwave, but DMT Salts will not.

I use a NPS safe spoon to assist in pouring off the Naphtha - use the spoon as a barrier, and then pipette any remaining.
Those are some pretty looking crystals! :thumb_up:

Just a few questions. Mostly, can leaving the mixture in the microwave too long ruin it? I am assuming it would. This leads to my next question, did you put the vessel in the middle of the microwave or on the edge. The middle is an apparent "dead zone" so things don't get nearly as hot.

Thanks for posting. I think I may give this a go here in a few days.
Have you tried this tek with vinegar Acaciaconfusedyah?

I remember the old "freebasing acetates with heat" thread & it makes me wonder if some DMT salts are more stable under high heat than others.
concombres said:
Have you tried this tek with vinegar Acaciaconfusedyah?

I remember the old "freebasing acetates with heat" thread & it makes me wonder if some DMT salts are more stable under high heat than others.

I have not, as I tend to prefer an acid that does not smell. HOWEVER, I do think that the "evap the acetates" could work. I've never tried it, but the principle makes sense. It would not work with fumaric/citric as they are crystalline at room temp. You would not get a 100% conversion rate from acetates to freebase. Though you could probably work with it and get a pretty decent end result.

Those are some pretty looking crystals! Thumbs up

Just a few questions. Mostly, can leaving the mixture in the microwave too long ruin it? I am assuming it would. This leads to my next question, did you put the vessel in the middle of the microwave or on the edge. The middle is an apparent "dead zone" so things don't get nearly as hot.

Thanks for posting. I think I may give this a go here in a few days.

Hey thanks! About the microwaving, yes - the DMT can be ruined if over cooked and most of the water cooks out. It's important to make sure that the mix stays properly hydrated while cooking in the microwave. The water will steam off, and while you are cooking, periodically stop, stir, and add more water if needed. This is incredibly important otherwise you might wreck the DMT. Also why it is important to make sure that the DMT is in salt form while doing the cooks rather than FB. DMT salts have a higher boiling point.

And yes, I do put the extraction vessel in the center. My microwave has a spinny-thing in the center, so it rotates while cooking.

thanks for sharing this; it is, indeed, a very intriguing method to try. in your opinion, do you think this is a good path to follow as a first tek, or would you suggest trying one of the other, more tried and tested teks? Q21's tek is appealing as a first go, but yours seems even more appealing.

looking forward to your answers!

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